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Ego c5 problems...


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I am new to vaping and basically all of my knowledge (which isn't much) comes from YouTube. I ended up getting the ego c5 and the problem I've been noticing is ill get a ton of vapor but when I inhale it's very very harsh on my throat, I've gotten to the point where I can inhale without coughing but still get the rough feeling in my throat. Then When I exhale there is no vapor at all, if inhale and keep all the vapor in my mouth there is a ton but only when I inhale there's none on the exhale. I'm using the slow draw method and all the right steps, what I was wondering could it be my liquid is bad? Is this a bad model to start off with? Any responses would be much appreciated! Thank you.

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Okay, you may want to mouth inhale. Because of your mucous membranes, especially if you exhale through your nose, you still absorb the same amount of nicotine. I've seen sites that advise mouth inhale, nose exhale only, no lung inhales because the water vapor droplets are bigger than the smoke particles, and the lungs aren't used to that, but I know some people on these forums do lung inhale.

If you are getting a raw throat, it could be because the PG is higher than you can tolerate, or maybe your nicotine level is too high - especially if you are trying to lung inhale. What is your PG/VG ratio, and what nicotine rating are you vaping?

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Okay, you may want to mouth inhale. Because of your mucous membranes, especially if you exhale through your nose, you still absorb the same amount of nicotine. I've seen sites that advise mouth inhale, nose exhale only, no lung inhales because the water vapor droplets are bigger than the smoke particles, and the lungs aren't used to that, but I know some people on these forums do lung inhale.

If you are getting a raw throat, it could be because the PG is higher than you can tolerate, or maybe your nicotine level is too high - especially if you are trying to lung inhale. What is your PG/VG ratio, and what nicotine rating are you vaping?

I personally do not know of anyone that doesn't lung inhale, at least that I know of. Everyone I know does it exactly like smoking, take a draw, inhale, exhale repeat. Now if you are sucking on it like a "insert word for hand rolled cigarette like thing" it is gonna burn. It takes some time to get used to vaping over smoking, stick with it and you will be pleased I think.

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Alright so usually what I have been doing is mouth inhale, breathe into my lungs, then exhale because if I lung inhale just like a cigarette it's way too overwhelming with the rough throat burn and caugh. What I have found that helps and is actually helping me get more comfortable and isn't so rough on the throat is French inhaling. But no matter what way I do it when I inhale to the lungs I get no vapor. I don't know exactly what percent the mixture is, when I ordered it I just chose PG. I went back and looked and there are more options for different mixtures with the percentages. So maybe i just chose straight PG? What would be a good mixture? As for the nicotine content I chose the lowest dosage which was either 6mg or 10mg.

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I THINK if you had 100% PG you would have to have a glass bottle/tank, or do I have that backwards? Six or 10 mg wouldn't be causing a throat burn, that I know of. But I HAVE noticed if it sits in my mouth before I bring it into my lungs, I exhale less vapor - maybe because the lungs and mouth are retaining more water vapor? I'm not sure.

Does it say on the bottle what the PG/VG is? It should. Same with the nic level.

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What? No I have some 100% pg I use when I want to ultra stealth vape. Airplanes, places it is not acceptable to do in the open, stadiums, arenas, theaters etc... It has good hit but no vapor. Virtually invisible unless you really blow it out fast. It is in a regular bottle like everything else. I find 70-30 at 24 mg is where I get the best hit and clouds of vapor.

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All PG or all VG, neither one "requires" you to have glass bottles. My preference is glass bottles but it's not necessary no matter the PG/VG ratio. More PG = better flavor delivery, more throat hit, thinner juice. More VG = a little sweeter taste, more vapor, thicker juice. If you chose the "PG" option, you probably got all PG, which would give you a pretty good throat hit. I'd suggest going with a 50/50 or a 60 PG/40 VG ratio to start.

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Jacob- are you holding the vapor in your lungs for any length of time? That will kill off your vapor pretty quick on the exhale, especially if there is more PG than VG in your juice. Also, different environments will kill off vapor on the exhale especially low humidity cool or air conditioned.

You should try ordering some juice in a 50/50 mix and start there and see if that softens the throat hit. If your juice isn't labeled then I would suspect you have 70/30 mix or higher from your description.

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Nope it doesn't say on the bottle what the ratio is, it just is marked that its PG. and for the nic. It is actually 10. I think what I might do is just get a good size order of the different PG/VG ratios and see what works best for me. Ill keep in mind the 70-30 24mg because I like the good sized vapor clouds. I've also looked into dripping, has anyone tried the mod for the ego ce5 that allows you to use the drip tip. It's very cheap and from what I've heard it's a pretty nice buy? Also are there any favorite site you guys really recommend getting our liquids from?

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Bebop-12- no I'm not holding the vapor in for any significant amount of time usually I will just inhale and exhale with no vapor coming out. I've notice if I exhale really quickly I get a little tiny bit but you can barely see it. And I'm usually at home which isn't cold or extremely air conditioned or at work and I'm always outside at work. I'm thinking buying a few different mixtures is the road to take, experiment a little and see what happens. If less PG will calm the throat hit then I want to go for that because with what I have now it's pretty rough! Thanks for the feedback everyone.

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Yeah, if you're vaping PG you are not going to get much vapor if any on the exhale. I would try a 50/50 and work back up from there.

Popular juices with good reputation:

Vape dudes


EC Blends

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You know, there's a simple method to fix this that I completely overlooked.

Jacob, go to Walmart, Target, Hobby Lobby, any pharmacy and get a bottle of food grade -- vegetable glycerine. :D

Add just a little bit to your juice, shave vigorously and vape to see if that helps. If you have too much PG in your juice, this should help. Adding too much VG will weaken the taste of your flavor so add just a tiny bit at a time. Use a separate bottle to mix just a little bit of juice and VG so you don't ruin the full bottle of juice. Also, it's easier to add more juice in a different bottle should you get waaay too much VG in the mixing one. :)

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Yeah, if you're vaping PG you are not going to get much vapor if any on the exhale. I would try a 50/50 and work back up from there.

Popular juices with good reputation:

Vape dudes


EC Blends

Those are my top 3, in that order.

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