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Hello all! My name is Michelle and I was a pack a day smoker for the last 20 years. Have tried everything (except the Chantix cuz I am not real big on pharms) and always went back to analogs. Then I heard of the awesomely wonderful world of vaping and I love it! I am still very new so I have been trying every flavor I can get my hands on. I love that my teeth are now much whiter (huge coffee drinker too) and that I get to enjoy the smell of my shampoo, perfume, lotion, etc. I cannot believe how gross I must have smelled before. I never smoked in my house and rarely in the car but I now know what others had to endure when I would walk into a room or give someone a hug (much less a kiss...ugh, nasty). So with all that said, hello and I want to thank whomever created ths forum and all of the great advice, news and expertise everyone has shared! Looking forward to many many years of vaping, learning and chatting! :)


Welcome. You've definitely come to the right place...collectively, we know everything. :yes

And if you don't believe that, just ask us and we'll tell you more than you wanted to know. :lol:


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