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Dulcis with my 510 and a vanilla latte. :thumbsup:

Took off a little early today to hit the post office. So I'm in unwind mode at home now. That means some Dulcis and a little incense for atmosphere. :)

Posted (edited)

Ive been vaping the VT 24 Grape Soda again all day and it is the best vape I have ever had so far. I'm using a Silver Bullet at 3.7 volts primarily and just put in 2 CR123 3 volts for a total of 6 volts for the 1st time and its just freakin fantastic!! I should be getting in some more VT flavors today and cant wait for them to arrive cause is their other flavors vape as good as the Grape I dont believe I'll ever need another brand juice EVER!!!

Derek :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Edited by VapnRealtor

My own mix of 1/3 strawberry, 1/3 watermelon, 1/3 VG, and a few drops of Lorann's watermelon flavoring to give the VG some flavor. Which works out to about 18mg nic........ YUM!!!!!


It's Friday, which means celebrating another week gone by and the weekend coming up. So I packed a few special flavors today for work. I started this morning on my peach mix and now I'm over to French Toast by Juicy Liquids. Amazingly close to the real thing!


It's Friday, which means celebrating another week gone by and the weekend coming up. So I packed a few special flavors today for work. I started this morning on my peach mix and now I'm over to French Toast by Juicy Liquids. Amazingly close to the real thing!

Mmmmmm - French Toast, now THAT sounds good. Im a diabetic, so, I can now have my cake and eat it too !


Mmmmmm - French Toast, now THAT sounds good. Im a diabetic, so, I can now have my cake and eat it too !

It is definitely a good vape. Its very rich though, not something I can vape all day. Moobyghost did a review of it that turned me on to it, and he was right on the money.

They sell their flavors in 3ml trial sizes if you are interested in testing some. They are all pretty excellent so far.


It is definitely a good vape. Its very rich though, not something I can vape all day. Moobyghost did a review of it that turned me on to it, and he was right on the money.

They sell their flavors in 3ml trial sizes if you are interested in testing some. They are all pretty excellent so far.

Yeah, I saw his review on the choco-fudge juice. I might try that with a french toast sample.


O.K. My tastebuds must be coming back. Today I decided to try some "Virginia" that I got from Arno about a month and a half ago. When it first arrived, I tried it, and wasnt really impressed with it. Just a little weak with not a lot of flavor. Mind you, I had JUST come off a 30 year 2-1/2 pack a day Camel habit. Since then, I pretty much vape Camel or Camel Wide from wordup, every once in a while going to Arno's 555 ( GREAT flavor) for a change of pace. Well, the Virginia just exploded with flavor in my mouth today. (Probably coulda worded THAT a little better ). It is SOOO cool how I can taste things differently since I dont have burnt leaves on my tounge anymore. I admit, I still cheat and hit an analog or 2 first thing in the morning, but thats WAY better than 40-60, and Im working on it. So, has anyone else had the same experience?


O.K. My tastebuds must be coming back. Today I decided to try some "Virginia" that I got from Arno about a month and a half ago. When it first arrived, I tried it, and wasnt really impressed with it. Just a little weak with not a lot of flavor. Mind you, I had JUST come off a 30 year 2-1/2 pack a day Camel habit. Since then, I pretty much vape Camel or Camel Wide from wordup, every once in a while going to Arno's 555 ( GREAT flavor) for a change of pace. Well, the Virginia just exploded with flavor in my mouth today. (Probably coulda worded THAT a little better ). It is SOOO cool how I can taste things differently since I dont have burnt leaves on my tounge anymore. I admit, I still cheat and hit an analog or 2 first thing in the morning, but thats WAY better than 40-60, and Im working on it. So, has anyone else had the same experience?

My taste has definitely returned from the grave as well. I have tried flavors a second time and found them more agreeable as well. Always circle back later on something you didn't like, you might be suprised.

Tonight the better half and I are watching some Dexter and I am vaping my special Carmel Hazelnut Coffee blend. Just the right thing for a nice relaxing Friday night.


My taste has definitely returned from the grave as well. I have tried flavors a second time and found them more agreeable as well. Always circle back later on something you didn't like, you might be suprised.

Tonight the better half and I are watching some Dexter and I am vaping my special Carmel Hazelnut Coffee blend. Just the right thing for a nice relaxing Friday night.

I think thats the HARDEST part. Deciding WHAT to get next. I mean, with analogs, when you found a brand you like, that was it. When I first started vaping, I HAD to have Camel or Marlboro, it HAD to be something I knew. NOW, while Camel Wides from wordup will be my staple, I CANT DECIDE what to get next. Ice Cream. Chocolate Fudge. Caramel ( I love caramel), Cheesecake, theres SO FRIGGIN many. Then of course, RY 2, 3, and 4 ! Dulci. Chris is workin on something called "Midnight". Its crazy I tell ya, Crazy ! :icecream:


My heavy rotation is VT Mentha, or VaporKings Menthol (depends on my cash flow at the moment)- VaporKings Mad Cow. All 24mg on a DSE 801 atty.

When I just need something different it's VaporKings Tobacco with some Menthol Drops from JuicyLiquids. Also 24mg on a Joye 510 atty.

Still need to try that dang VT Grape Soda though. :)


My heavy rotation is VT Mentha, or VaporKings Menthol (depends on my cash flow at the moment)- VaporKings Mad Cow. All 24mg on a DSE 801 atty.

When I just need something different it's VaporKings Tobacco with some Menthol Drops from JuicyLiquids. Also 24mg on a Joye 510 atty.

Still need to try that dang VT Grape Soda though. :)

Forgot about that one. Grape soda gets great reviews from everyone


Forgot about that one. Grape soda gets great reviews from everyone

Sunday morning. Cup of hot coffee and an atty loaded with Dulcis. It's gonna be a good day :)


Trying out a mix of virginia with menthol 50/50 ..great mix on a crisp cold morning........


I am smoking analogs. :thumbsdown::(

I ran out of liquid last week and have to wait till I get my disabiliy $.

Thats Tuesday, and I hate menthols which I grubbed from the mrs. Sucks without the juice. :angry:


I am smoking analogs. :thumbsdown::(

I ran out of liquid last week and have to wait till I get my disabiliy $.

Thats Tuesday, and I hate menthols which I grubbed from the mrs. Sucks without the juice. :angry:

DUDE !! I know your pain. Do you order from Arno @ awesomevapor.com ? He always gives a free sample with every purchase, so you get a little more for your money. I have a BUNCH of those little bottles Im saving for when I run out, as a backup. :dribble:


I am smoking analogs. :thumbsdown::(

I ran out of liquid last week and have to wait till I get my disabiliy $.

Thats Tuesday, and I hate menthols which I grubbed from the mrs. Sucks without the juice. :angry:

Arg! I can send ya some home brew juice man! Don't let the analogs get ya.


Feels like I get screwed here twice.

First, have to wait to get my $ once a month

second, that I might have to buy juice on the black market if the FDA gets thier way.

Damn, they screw me and don't even ask me to pull down my pants. sheesh.


Feels like I get screwed here twice.

First, have to wait to get my $ once a month

second, that I might have to buy juice on the black market if the FDA gets thier way.

Damn, they screw me and don't even ask me to pull down my pants. sheesh.

I know what you mean bro. My wife is on disability, and it seems like FOREVER between $. Since I lost my job, Unemployment was a HUGE drop in the income. Thats one reason I turned to vaping, costs WAY less. Go with Arno, or ANYbody thatll give you more for your buck. Its like shopping with coupons.


I emailed Arno yesterday about the 801 atty's, to possibly have him hold 2 so I can get them on Tuesday.

Also asked him about some Banana liquid to see if he had any left so I could get some on tuesday also.

He hasn'e emailed me back and that was in the morning.

Last time I got anything from him, it took 3 emails over 2 days b4 he got back to me. Thats not good.


I emailed Arno yesterday about the 801 atty's, to possibly have him hold 2 so I can get them on Tuesday.

Also asked him about some Banana liquid to see if he had any left so I could get some on tuesday also.

He hasn'e emailed me back and that was in the morning.

Last time I got anything from him, it took 3 emails over 2 days b4 he got back to me. Thats not good.

If you need some juice at a really low price, check www.mist-stix.com. I buy some of my base liquid from them for mixing and the price is unbeatable. $9.00 per 30ml with the other board's discount code. It's a chinese juice, but it is still good in a pinch and very affordable. And they only charge $2.95 for shipping.

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