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Okay, not saying they are broken....but this is worrisome.

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Okay, at or around July 21st, we purchased our dual starter ego 900 mah kits at a new local shop. We believe them to be knock offs, but we don't think the owner knows, as HE purchases them from St. Louis. THEY (husband/wife) were just a vaping couple that noticed a hole in market where there were no shops on this side of the river, and opened up their own storefront, so people didn't have to drive to St. Louis County to get their supplies (they didn't realize that their main juice supplier, Better Vapes, was planning on opening a storefront in Jerseyville just like a month after them, but while they sell mostly the same juices, they sell different hardware). Anyway, luckily, the staff are all vapers, and some are extremely knowledgeable, since the owners both have full time jobs, and like I said, just fell into this job.

So about my knock off eGo stick batteries. A week ago Friday, I pulled a freshly fully charged battery, made sure it was turned OFF, and put it in my case, as well as all my tanks, and carried the current battery and clearomizer I was using. Went to a graduation/going away party. I knew the stick battery I was using wasn't going to last the whole party, and it DID surprise me, as I stepped outside quite a bit (a couple asthmatics at the party, didn't want to cause a problem, plus the party was at a banquet hall, hadn't previously asked the person the hall was rented from if we could vape in there). Anyway, I guess about 7:30 or 8, it just up and died. No blue flashing light when I pushed the button, just nothing. But, no big deal, went, switched out the batteries, and went back to vaping occasionally at the party, but not as much, and some at home, but I was having trouble with the power on that stick, so I asked hubby to take a look at it, and he said it wasn't firing because the center pin had dropped. He raised it up, so to speak, and it worked fine. Not sure how long we were up that night, but certainly not the 12 hours I was used to these batteries lasting. Just as I got up to go to bed, that "fresh" battery died. Wasn't a MASSIVE issue, because once we go up, we are usually awake about an hour, talking, watching TV, screwing around on our phones (it's our down time, as one doctor put it) before we go to sleep. So I would just occasionally hit from my husband's. He had his inferno with him that night, yum. Since, yay, I slept through the night (that has been known to be an issue in the past), I didn't have any issues with waking up and wanting a hit while I do whatever it is I need to do (pain killers, powder room, sudafed, whatever). Woke up early the next morning, the one that died with no warning worked fine, then plugged the one that died just as I was about to go to bed in.

THIS morning, slept in, got downstairs about 10:30, switched out last night's battery for the freshly charged battery that had charged for a good 9 hours overnight (regular, eGo charger for that model). This was 10:30. At 3:30, it flashed 5 times every time I pushed the button and wouldn't vape, signalling it was dead. So I switched battery sticks. No difference in vaping time, amount, or style of vaping, and that not yet fully charged battery is still going strong, seemingly, after only 5 hours of charging.

Also, how long are these supposed to take to charge? It's been 7 hours since I put that last one on to charge, and it's still not showing fully charged yet.

Anyway, I'm hoping for some input, what you guys think. I've now NUMBERED the battery sticks, to see if there are any trends on short cycles, When we first got these (close to a month ago), with the amount I was vaping, one of these batteries would last me about 18 hours. But I've started vaping more, so I'm hitting both batteries every day, so I guess that's why I've noticed it.

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well you could have gotten some bad batteries. Make sure you are cleaning the connections on the batteries and the charger before you screw them together. I have tried to charge batteries with dirty connections and they wont charge so your best bet is to use a q-tip and clean the battery with a little rubbing alcohol put on the q-tip and then clean the battery charger the same way. :)

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Well, by the time I saw this message, Battery 1 was on the charger, and had been for several hours...but not fully charged yet, so I thought there might be something to the contacts thing. Pulled if off the charger this morning after the not fully charged battery 2 lasted me from 3:30 yesterday afternoon to 9:30 this morning. So put battery 2 on the charger, and started using battery 1. Battery 1 lasted from 9:30 to 3:30 today. So, I got out the rubbing alcohol and q tips, and cleaned the contact real quick and plugged it into the charger. I'm betting this partially charged Battery 2 will still last me through tomorrow morning, and we'll see how long Battery 1 lasts tomorrow before I decide if I'm going to have to take the kit back and have at least the one stick replaced next week.

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Ha! Told hubby what was going on, and since he got his Provari, he rarely uses his ego stick batteries. He gave me one of his.

Edit: Of course, that means if I win that contest which would give me a back up VV once my ZMax comes in, if I give my starter kit to my sister or my Aunt, I will have to specify that battery 1 only lasts 5 hours....then again, maybe as I test it out, cleaning the contacts will have done the trick.

Edited by spydre
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