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Curious, is all


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Good luck at Brick and Mortar shops giving good advice lol. I came here to learn how to undo the dumb things they had told me.

No biggie though, forum discussions are not for everyone. One has to have an open mind and be ready for differing opinions to get much out of it. Not sensing a lot of that here.

This is true. The one brick and mortar place where were started out, a couple of the associates were really, really good and knowledgeable. And another one we dealt with, well, it seemed like he was just trying to get the deal done, and didn't really explain things (our first time in, trying to get things set up) like the other models they have, except a little bit about the MVP - I pointed out one APV, and he said, "Oh, no, that's really advanced, rebuildable," etc. (although I bet hubby would have learned that thing like a duck takes to water, he's mechanically inclined, and a genius with stuff like that), he hurried us through picking a flavor, wanted us to agree on a flavor rather than me picking one and hubby picking one, and then, he filled both of the clearos that came with my starter set with the fluid that came with the starter set! I would have liked to have saved one of those clearos for a different flavor, TYVM. I've not dealt with either one of the owners yet, and I'm not really sure HOW MUCH about stuff they know - they opened the business to give people in our area the ability to get the stuff without going online or driving across the river and deep into St. Louis County. But one guy that we dealt with there was GREAT. Couldn't be the owner, he was younger than me, and I don't recall the picture in the paper looking like him.

The other brick and mortar shop is better, but again, it depends on who you get. One girl only REALLY knows about certain stuff, generally, I think stuff she's used, while the other two people I've dealt with know about just about anything. But at that shop, they bend over backwards pleasing their customers. But they DO have an online store, so they already have some name recognition and some respect, I guess.

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