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Posted (edited)

I just resurrected three dead, cold DSE-901 atomizers. 3 of my original 4 died. No vapor...in fact they wouldn't even warm up. Dead as dead can be. I tried everything...blowing them out, rinsing them, dropping them in boiling vinegar, dropping them in coca-cola baths....nothing. Then I did this.

1) Blew them out from the battery end to get as much liquid out as I could.

2) Dropped them in a pan of water and brought it slowly to a boil, and stirred the attys around a bit.

3) Brought it to a full boil, and let it boil hard for one minute.

4) Took them out, careful not to burn myself...they were hot, obviously, and let them cool off on a paper towel.

5) When they were cool I blew the water out, blowing from the battery end of course. Made sure they were dry inside and out.

6) Dropped two drops of e-liquid on each atty bridge

7) Popped in a fresh juicy cart and attached a fresh battery.

and.....voila...like magic...all 3 vaped like crazy. Very happy. Still have four fresh ones coming, since this may not last long, but panic mode is OVER.

Edited by nycityjeff

I don't think it really matters to be honest. I didn't use bottled water when I boiled my attys just straight from the tap. We have pretty hard water in our area.


I have hard water. Is is okay to boil in that or better to used distilled? Congrats on your attys by the way.

I too have hard water and the problem with that is it has alot of minerals in it. So when its boiled it leaves a powdery film on your pots and pans, and if your attys are in there, it will leave that mineral dust on there as well. Good thing with distilled is its stripped of all minerals so i would recommend distilled :thumbsup:


I bought distilled just in case. But I only plan on using it as a last resort. They've done some experiments with Nutone* but it was so iffy sounding I thought I'd better not.


I figure'd I'd add to this but start with a question. I'm going to try boiling. I have two problems. I got two lowbridge and two regular attys from Awesome. Also two from wordup. The one lowbridge I was using was great, but now after a week or so, starting to get a little funky unless it's freshly wet. The other two regular attys don't seem to be very productive so I'm going to boil those with the lowbridge. Is this normal, am I going to hurt them at all or should I just try to break them in more. The two from wordup seem fine and the other lowbridge is pretty good and I think just needs another few minutes of break-in. I also have everclear so was thinking of trying that first...thoughts?


I figure'd I'd add to this but start with a question. I'm going to try boiling. I have two problems. I got two lowbridge and two regular attys from Awesome. Also two from wordup. The one lowbridge I was using was great, but now after a week or so, starting to get a little funky unless it's freshly wet. The other two regular attys don't seem to be very productive so I'm going to boil those with the lowbridge. Is this normal, am I going to hurt them at all or should I just try to break them in more. The two from wordup seem fine and the other lowbridge is pretty good and I think just needs another few minutes of break-in. I also have everclear so was thinking of trying that first...thoughts?

There is another post about atty cleaning in hear somewhere and they talk about everclear soaking,I think you need to rinse or boil after that to remove the everclear and then dry it out.

I just boil for 10 min then bake for 20 min on tin foil at 150-170 my oven starts at 170 so i cant do the 150 as I read.Mine come out clean and ready to prime as new and taste great can do whole deal in less than a hour and atty come back pretty quick.I only do this when they taste bad or start dropping off in vapor production.

Havnt tried everclear or a sonic cleaner with water yet Christopher is testing this out now to give his results onthe sonic method.

Posted (edited)

I just resurrected three dead, cold DSE-901 atomizers. 3 of my original 4 died. No vapor...in fact they wouldn't even warm up. Dead as dead can be. I tried everything...blowing them out, rinsing them, dropping them in boiling vinegar, dropping them in coca-cola baths....nothing. Then I did this.

1) Blew them out from the battery end to get as much liquid out as I could.

2) Dropped them in a pan of water and brought it slowly to a boil, and stirred the attys around a bit.

3) Brought it to a full boil, and let it boil hard for one minute.

4) Took them out, careful not to burn myself...they were hot, obviously, and let them cool off on a paper towel.

5) When they were cool I blew the water out, blowing from the battery end of course. Made sure they were dry inside and out.

6) Dropped two drops of e-liquid on each atty bridge

7) Popped in a fresh juicy cart and attached a fresh battery.

and.....voila...like magic...all 3 vaped like crazy. Very happy. Still have four fresh ones coming, since this may not last long, but panic mode is OVER.

Great timing. I killed my first atty yesterday, 501, so Im gonna try boiling it. Ive boiled before just to clean, but I didnt know it was a defibrillation technique. Where in NY are you Jeff, I grew up in Queens, Kissena Blvd. Also, I was using the SAME avatar up until yesterday. Im not a deadhead but Ive ALWAYS loved that album cover.

Edited by keenan

Great timing. I killed my first atty yesterday, 501, so Im gonna try boiling it. Ive boiled before just to clean, but I didnt know it was a defibrillation technique. Where in NY are you Jeff, I grew up in Queens, Kissena Blvd. Also, I was using the SAME avatar up until yesterday. Im not a deadhead but Ive ALWAYS loved that album cover.

I am currently in Astoria, Queens. I was actually born in Queens at what was once L.I.J (Long Island Jewish Hosiptal) and lived in Queens Village til I was 3. I've been back in Queens now for 3 years. And I'm a major deadhead.


Cool ! I really miss New York. My whole family is still there. My sister lives in Brooklyn, and My Brother is a State Trooper in Monroe. Im gonna do it backwards, when I retire Im goin from Fla. to New York.

Posted (edited)

I have to say - I seem to go in waves of success and failure with attys. I had six, 2 lowbridge and 2 regular from awesome, Janty Stick, 801s. 2 from wordup. The fist lowbridge was great for a week. So I posted here about cleaning because got a little funky and I boiled it. While playing around, I realized both the regular attys from awesome just weren't breaking in very well. Boiled them as well. Ones from wordup are going pretty good. I boiled the attys, the funky lowbridge and the two new ones not working well. After all is said and done, lowbridge still funky, two regular still not working and I threw them out, and new lowbridge not so good. Using the wordup ones but ordered 4 more lowbridges from awesome. Dripping so I understand when it runs out, will be burnt tasting. Even one of the wordups isn't toking very well if too much juice is in there. I know I'm still new at this, but this is weird. Same scene weeks ago with my 510 attys. And yes, I may have had a few drinks going into this post so excuse the grammer. Arrrrggghhhh.

I have to add...I have this great mixture going. Part JC reduced PG menthol, part VermontVapor ChocoMint, part VaporTalk mentha for the nicotine. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm.

Edited by FTJoe

I just resurrected three dead, cold DSE-901 atomizers. 3 of my original 4 died. No vapor...in fact they wouldn't even warm up. Dead as dead can be. I tried everything...blowing them out, rinsing them, dropping them in boiling vinegar, dropping them in coca-cola baths....nothing. Then I did this.

1) Blew them out from the battery end to get as much liquid out as I could.

2) Dropped them in a pan of water and brought it slowly to a boil, and stirred the attys around a bit.

3) Brought it to a full boil, and let it boil hard for one minute.

4) Took them out, careful not to burn myself...they were hot, obviously, and let them cool off on a paper towel.

5) When they were cool I blew the water out, blowing from the battery end of course. Made sure they were dry inside and out.

6) Dropped two drops of e-liquid on each atty bridge

7) Popped in a fresh juicy cart and attached a fresh battery.

and.....voila...like magic...all 3 vaped like crazy. Very happy. Still have four fresh ones coming, since this may not last long, but panic mode is OVER.

Thanks Jeff, that's very helpful info for us nubes.

OK. I got a lot of info on cleaning if they burn out or vapor is reduced, but is there a regular cleaning schedule one should follow? Or just use them straight from shipping without cleaning and continue to use 'em up 'til they taste bad/get gunky/no longer vape well?


OK. I got a lot of info on cleaning if they burn out or vapor is reduced, but is there a regular cleaning schedule one should follow? Or just use them straight from shipping without cleaning and continue to use 'em up 'til they taste bad/get gunky/no longer vape well?

Its really up to you. I know some people who dont want to be bothered with cleaning, so just use them up and buy new, and some who clean them when vapor gets low, and some who clean them every 2 weeks or so regardless of performance. I have used mine for a month now, had one atty die, cleaned it, and its good as new. My other attys are still going strong with no cleaning yet.

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