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New study confirms that chemicals in electronic cigarettes pose minimal health risk

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Crap, had a whole reply typed out, didn't think of doing it in word, and then Firefox crashed and I lost the entry.

Anyway, it's good to finally see a study that seems to study. The 2008 (?) study only study the Blu-type e-cig cartridges (different brand, but still the same). They only studied the CARTRIDGES, not a bottle of juice, and definitely not either the first hand vapor or the "second hand vapor". This is something I can present to my regular medical doctor, who was less than thrilled that I switched to the e-cigs, although she was glad that I was off the cancer sticks.

I do realize they didn't study the affect nic has on the body, stand alone. But there is research out there about that. My goal is to slowly drop my nic levels until I'm at zero, but I still plan on vaping after that - it again provides the comfort of habit, just like the comfort of habits we relied on when we were smoking cancer sticks. (Just as an example, I've been so stressed out the last few days - oldest is getting ready to move to college - that I've tried to flick the ashes off my PV at least six times in two days.) Frankly, until my meds are completely straightened out for a time, no anxiety, no seizures, no brain skippy seizure like feelings, I estimate it might take me a year to drop down to zero nic.

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