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Posted (edited)

Ok I'm still in the research phase. (yes its been hours) Do you guys have any experience with this model? NPRO Also do you know if you can use the juice drips with it? As of right now im still going with the 510 but if I find a nice analog look alike that you guys approve of, I'll just get that. =)

Thanks again

edit: I also just found this one Epuffer

Edited by s4nt0s

Ok I'm still in the research phase. (yes its been hours) Do you guys have any experience with this model? NPRO Also do you know if you can use the juice drips with it? As of right now im still going with the 510 but if I find a nice analog look alike that you guys approve of, I'll just get that. =)

Thanks again

edit: I also just found this one Epuffer

I havent heard anything bad about NPRO, but epuffer Ive heard a couple of horror stories. Same problems as the Blu. Have you talked to arno yet. Ive also heard some good things about volcano. Supposedly a re-worked Blu that doesnt have the problems Blu had.


FT, my apologies. I didnt mean to get you in trouble, and wasnt annoyed. I thought it was cool, and I really DID try to kill it. Floriduh is FULL of bugs

No sweat - my fault for not reading the rules. I change avatars all the time, that's one of my favs. It drove me crazy every time I ran across it on other forums. Christopher was cool about it.


No sweat - my fault for not reading the rules. I change avatars all the time, that's one of my favs. It drove me crazy every time I ran across it on other forums. Christopher was cool about it.

I keep trying to change my avatar here, but for some reason it just resizes with the same pic.


I keep trying to change my avatar here, but for some reason it just resizes with the same pic.

Check the lounge, I don't want to continue an O/T post here. Also, I added the gif file to the post itself over there in case anyone is wondering what we are talking about. ;-)



Npro is a RN4081 I think I have the smoking everywhere mall kit.

Vapor is medium to medium high close to a 510.

Looks like a real one.

Draw or drag is tougher than most and the auto batteries give me fits at times.

when its working normal I love it except for the draw.


is my home unit most of the time,

great vapor but i get 1-1.5 hours on a battery.

Needs juice ups constantly to keep the vapor at peak.

Blu Kit

weakest vapor of my three kits.Decent flavor.

Had low vapor with stock carts,refilled my own(pain in the butt)got better even great at times.

For a while it would rival the RN4081 in vapor.

Got some Volcano attys and batteries and carts.

It isnt the same.The batteries are not sensitive enough to stay on long enough.

The carts are bigger(hold more juice same price) but dont flow any better.(still pain to fill they are so small)

Best way to use it is to dip the V atty in juice, fills it just doest flood it.

Batteries last about a hour with heavy use but recharge just as fast with pack or usb charger.

2 batteries and the Blu pack fully charged and you have 8hrs or more.

If I could start over the 510 and everything to go with it.PCC extra batteries etc.

Wouldnt rebuy the other kits.

I am looking into the cartomizer models like th KR808D-1 and I think a adapter for the 510 would let my try these carts with my 510 batteries.I see some KR users getting decent vapor with these large carts.But I see some that my Blu kicks there butt.

So the 510 has everything for it to do anything..I dont think you can go wrong with it just dont use the stock carts unless you top them off regularly.


One thing you should keep in mind when going for the traditional look and feel is that you may get hassled more for smoking, since it looks so much like an analog. That being said I use a black w/purple LED Joye306 from electronicstix, but I am getting a shiny red 901 next week. The 306 is just about the size of a "100", it does require frequent recharges, so have at least 2 batteries, and 2 atty's and a bottle of 'niquid' since prefilled carts don't last very long. The better vapeshops sell the starter kits with 2 batts & 2 attys [along with other various goodies] for $50-70. Basically a little research goes a long way to making a happy vaper.


Hello and thanks for all the feed back guys and gals.

I found some killer deals but wanted to make sure they were legit before ordering. Does anyone have any experience with http://www.healthcabin.net/? It looks like they have the joye510 in a bunch of different colors and its also the cheapest I've seen so far.

Are these the same 510's as any other offered on the net?




Hello and thanks for all the feed back guys and gals.

I found some killer deals but wanted to make sure they were legit before ordering. Does anyone have any experience with http://www.healthcabin.net/? It looks like they have the joye510 in a bunch of different colors and its also the cheapest I've seen so far.

Are these the same 510's as any other offered on the net?



Maybe it's my lack of knowledge. But I notice they call the Janty Stick the Joye Stick (pretty sure that's not right)? It is a cheap price though. I was going to give recs, but so many options. I love the PCC for on the go. My choice these days is wordupecig or awesomevapor. My 510 I first bought here, no complaints. http://www.cignot.com


Healthcabin is located in China, that is why their prices are so low. I am not saying don't go with them, will just say that I personally only use American suppliers. They are more likely to stand behind defective parts, and you don't have to wait 12 days for shipping.



I also though that Dietsmokes.com carried them, but he seems to be out of stock, you could proly e-mail him. Or here is his area on the VT forums.


I agree with Munkus. Another problem with China is customs. You might never get it at all. I got my 510 from Arno, whose reputation is spotless. I also did a TON of research, and its worth paying 5 bucks or more for someone like Arno who will NOT hesitate to handle any problems you might have. I have had zero issues with mine, I couldnt be happier. :dribble:


I have not heard a single good thing about any e-cigs that look like analogs... 99% are crap knock offs trying to cash in on the popularity and only there to sell a crap product to someone who hasn't done the research (I'm guilty of falling for the hype)... completely unhappy with it, complete waste of money.

After that BS I did some reading on the net and found the majority of all the great reviews came from the joye 510 and now I couldn't be happier.

I ended up getting my 510 from arno as well... but I also been mix and matching with different color atomizers and batteries from other suppliers.

My brother ended up getting his joye 510 from ecigexpress , IMO they have the sharpest looking 510's out there, just about any color.. just wish I knew of it before I bought mine.. I'd have a slick looking stainless steel one.


I would'nt get hung up on the analog look, most of the vapors I talk to like to let the world know they are vaping and not smoking.Speaking for my self I kind of like the attenion it draws,when people see me vaping my black 510 with a blue light they ask allot of questions. I meet new people and make new friends, and convert a few to the world of vaping. I also have 1 silver battery, that one attracts the ladies big time when I go out, my wife took that one away!

I was just at a site called e-smoke club,they had analog looking 510's and 801's.Haven't used them yet,but I did order a 5 pack of silver 510 mega batteries and attys.I'll let you know how it works out.


Ya after doing tons and tons of research I've decided not to go with the analog look for now. I hear a lot of great things about the 510 so that will be my first e-cig. Now to figure out this 5 volt business I keep hearing about? Hmm ...

Again, thanks for all your help.


I got my 510 from Cignot. I have also gotten stuff from Health Cabin and had an atty go south after 2 wks. They replaced it and sent a couple more to me with other freebies for my troubles. Not bad for China. I am happy from them, just 5 to 6 days b4 getting things.

But Terri from Cignot is to me, by far the best! She helpped me out and GREAT customer service! Oh, and she answers emails imediantly.


I also just received my 510 from healthcabin.net. It took exactly 6 days to get here. I sampled a couple hits before charging for 8 hours (I couldn't wait) and it seemed great. I'll post more after I vape it for a while. For less than the cost of one starter kit elsewhere, I got extra batteries, juice, empty cartridges, a case for the ecig...


just so you know you don't actually have charge them for eight hours ;) That is something that made it into the chinese manual that never came out. They are lithium Ion batteries so they are 80% charged when you get them. Just charge till the light on the charger turns green and your good to go :D

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