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I am a complete noobie when it comes to picking my first E-Cigarette so I've come here for your help. I've been looking at the different models over at Smoke Everywhere but can't really find many reviews for their models. Does anyone have experience with these and if so would you recommend them? Is there something better/cheaper that you know of?

I am definitely not a pack a day smoker, but when I hit the bar on the weekends I can go through a pack pretty quick.

Here is what I'm looking for:

1) I want it to look and feel as close to a real cigarette as possible. (nothing big)

2) I want it to produce good vapor and have a nice smoking sensation when I hit it.

3) I want it to be reliable.

4) I will be buying 2, one for me and my friend so I would like to keep them under $100 a piece if possible. (not a big deal if the cost is a little higher)

5) I am in the USA so I would rather shop from somewhere in the states to save money on shipping.

Well that about covers it. What would you recommend? Please be honest with your suggestions, don't recommend me a cigarette just because you are associated with the company that sells them. If it is a truly a good e-cig I will definitely take a look.




My first E-Cig was the DSE901 from awesomevaopor.com; I'm not associated with Arno, he supplies a great product and has excellent service. It's a little longer than a regular cigarette but it produces good vapor and the overall experience is rather enjoyable. They are rather cheap and you can purchase a starter kit for around $50. When buying the smaller units such as the DSE801, DSE901, M401, and Joye 510 the battery will need recharging after a couple hours depending on vaping use. Most of these units come with two batteries so you can have one charging, while you use the other. Depending on the Juice flavor and product you decide, the feel ('throat hit') may be altered. I'm currently using an 901 atomizer with Grape Soda from Vaportalk.com and the throat hit is pretty amazing. Good luck in your quest - It may seem like it's a big and different jump, but once you make the switch you'll be glad you did!


You'll get a ton of recs so I won't go into that. I just wanted to say don't get to hung up on "the look and feel of a real cigarette" I was at first and did not have any success with flavor and vapor production with the look alike models. Quiting analogs was most important to me so I went with flavor and vap. DSE801.

Good Luck and Welcome


I have to agree with warthog. My first e cig HAD to look like a real cig, I didnt want to look like a weirdo. So I bought a Blu. Looks JUST like a cig. Thats as close a resemblence as there was. Thing NEVER worked. I was a HARDCORE 3 pack a day guy. I broke doen and got a 510. DOESNT look like a cig, you have to push a button. Since using it, WHO CARES. The thing is a vaping monster. My advice to you, contact Arno at awesomevapor.com. He WILL respond to your email, he'll even call you if you like. He WONT sell you something just to make money, he'll tell you where to go to get what you want, but he'll evaluate what your looking for and give you advice. He is by far THE MOST HONEST supplier there is, just check out his reputation. I bought juice from him when I first got my Blu,I was asking him questions just like you as a noobie, and he TOLD me I would be disappointed with it but DIDNT try to sell me anything. I went back to him after my disgust with the Blu, he sold me a 510, they are only $50.00 , and Ive been a HAPPY vaper since. I cant stress this enuff, if you make your first buy on looks alone, you'll go from cool to fool REAL fast when youre out in a bar and the damn thing doesnt work when youre trying to demonstrate it to someone who says "Whats That". Check with Arno, he'll steer you right. And NO, I am NOT affiliated with him in any way. He is just that good.


  On 10/28/2009 at 6:17 AM, s4nt0s said:

What would you recommend? Please be honest with your suggestions, don't recommend me a cigarette just because you are associated with the company that sells them. If it is a truly a good e-cig I will definitely take a look.



Snarkyone has a sig line in regards to greencig. Here's their sig line:

"GreenCig Vaper, I have tried the rest and found the best. It ain't hype if it's true. "

I looked and saw they are basically cartomizers and look like real cigs so they have no interest to me, but maybe to you? So I would guess either try to contact snarky, or maybe go here for info or do a search?


Here are snarky's posts:


You'll find several where snarky talks about the ecigs he has. I believe they are the KR808D-1 and/or GreenCig 220? Well that's enough guessing on my part, point is there are fans of the cigarette looking ecigs.


  On 10/28/2009 at 1:23 PM, FTJoe said:

Snarkyone has a sig line in regards to greencig. Here's their sig line:

"GreenCig Vaper, I have tried the rest and found the best. It ain't hype if it's true. "

I looked and saw they are basically cartomizers and look like real cigs so they have no interest to me, but maybe to you? So I would guess either try to contact snarky, or maybe go here for info or do a search?


Here are snarky's posts:


You'll find several where snarky talks about the ecigs he has. I believe they are the KR808D-1 and/or GreenCig 220? Well that's enough guessing on my part, point is there are fans of the cigarette looking ecigs.

Yes, let me update from my last post (rant). I have found that people who were light smokers, around a pack a day, seem to find the 2 piece (Blu, geencig) works out for them. Heavy smokers like me, 2 packs a day or more, find they dont stand up to the job. My experience with the Blu scared me away from these types, and I hate to single out Blu, but they had some SERIOUS issues with thier product.


Wow what an awesome forum!

I started a thread right before I went to bed last night, woke up this morning and had more responses than I ever expected. After reviewing the responses I've decided to contact Ardo at Awesomevapor.com and see if he has anything to offer.

I know most e-cig models that have the look and feel of a normal cigarette, don't perform as well as the others; but there's got to be a model out there that meet's my needs. You have to understand I'm nowhere near a pack a day smoker. AS a matter of fact I'm not even a half a pack a day smoker. I probably smoke 2-4 cigs a day or every other day and usually go through a pack over the weekend. Is there a model that looks like a real cig that can at least handle my recreational smoking? If not, I might just stick to normal cigs. ( I don't want to)=(

Anyways, I appreciate all the feedback! Great Forum!




  On 10/28/2009 at 2:23 PM, s4nt0s said:

Wow what an awesome forum!

I started a thread right before I went to bed last night, woke up this morning and had more responses than I ever expected. After reviewing the responses I've decided to contact Ardo at Awesomevapor.com and see if he has anything to offer.

I know most e-cig models that have the look and feel of a normal cigarette, don't perform as well as the others; but there's got to be a model out there that meet's my needs. You have to understand I'm nowhere near a pack a day smoker. AS a matter of fact I'm not even a half a pack a day smoker. I probably smoke 2-4 cigs a day or every other day and usually go through a pack over the weekend. Is there a model that looks like a real cig that can at least handle my recreational smoking? If not, I might just stick to normal cigs. ( I don't want to)=(

Anyways, I appreciate all the feedback! Great Forum!



Yes, we are like the Betty Ford clinic for born again breathers here. EVERYONE here is ready to help, I never would have made it without VT ! Whatever you do, DONT keep smoking, this is a WAY better alternative. Check with Arno, also check out wordupecig.com, above all, research, research, research before you buy. You dont want to throw away good money. But Arno will steer you right WITHOUT ripping you off.


You can't go far wrong with a 901 - good balance of hit/vapour/flavour/warmth - reliable, lots of vendors, easy to get spares.

I started on the 901 - now I use a mod (Screwdriver) with a 901 atty (normally)


  On 10/28/2009 at 3:38 PM, profbeard said:

You can't go far wrong with a 901 - good balance of hit/vapour/flavour/warmth - reliable, lots of vendors, easy to get spares.

I started on the 901 - now I use a mod (Screwdriver) with a 901 atty (normally)

Yes I just got done talking with Arno and she recommended the 901. Unfortunately it is black and I'm really set on getting something that looks like a cigarette. I know this might be stupid to some of you and I'm not usually one to pick form over function, but I've got my heart set on an e-cig that looks as close to an analog as possible. Maybe over time I'll upgrade to one of the big bad vapes that you guys have come to love.

I guess I will continue my quest to find the best bang for buck e-cig that meets my needs. If you have any more suggestions, please feel free to share.

As of right now it looks like I'll end up going with one of the models offered HERE.

If you have any experience with these and know the pro's and con's please let me know. I will continue researching and will most likely be purchasing on Monday.

Thanks for everything.


I'd second that. Smoking Everywhere is not someone I'd direct you to. I only say this because it is how my best friend discovered vaping and, in turn, how I discovered it. Their products are vastly overpriced and their "warranty" is a joke. He had a bad atomizer that failed after about 2 weeks of use and they would not replace it, saying they only replaced unopened product. You can do so much better and save tons of money.

Look into a reseller like Arno or someone before falling for the Smoking Everywhere sales pitch. Do some research on buying your own juice and refilling your own carts. Your wallet will thank you. Chris sells VT juice through Dietsmokes.com that is top notch stuff. I probably have about 800ml of 5-10ml tester sizes that I have tried and his ranks right up there at the top.

There are a number of models that look like an analog cigarette, it just takes some searching online to find the one that is right for you.


If Im not mistaken, SmokingEverywhere also charges your card every month for supplies, they ship them to you whether you need them or not. :thumbsdown:


Alright I decided to screw the analog look and go with the 901 or the Joye 510. I wanted the 901 because it was smaller, but it looks like manual batteries are the way to go which ends up making it bigger in the end anyways. So out of those two models, which are better to go with? I really wanted something small that can easily fit in my pocket but I'm having trouble finding anything. All this research is giving me a head ache lol.


  On 10/28/2009 at 7:15 PM, s4nt0s said:

Alright I decided to screw the analog look and go with the 901 or the Joye 510. I wanted the 901 because it was smaller, but it looks like manual batteries are the way to go which ends up making it bigger in the end anyways. So out of those two models, which are better to go with? I really wanted something small that can easily fit in my pocket but I'm having trouble finding anything. All this research is giving me a head ache lol.

The 510 is a very popular model and is quite small. You can get batteries in both auto and manual for it. The parts are available almost everywhere and are well priced. I've never used the 901 so I don't know that much about it.

Posted (edited)

  On 10/28/2009 at 7:15 PM, s4nt0s said:

Alright I decided to screw the analog look and go with the 901 or the Joye 510. I wanted the 901 because it was smaller, but it looks like manual batteries are the way to go which ends up making it bigger in the end anyways. So out of those two models, which are better to go with? I really wanted something small that can easily fit in my pocket but I'm having trouble finding anything. All this research is giving me a head ache lol.

I also have no experience with the 901, but I do have the 510 with the manual batt. For what its worth, I was JUST like you when I started researching before I purchased, and I was looking for EXACTLY the same thing for EXACTLY the SAME reasons. So I can tell you from that standpoint, I am THRILLED with the 510. It performs beyond my expectations, its small enough to fit in your pocket ( though I dont recommend as it may push the batt button), or an empty pack of Marlboro 100's that I borrow from my wife. I dont know about the 901, you would have to ask Chris maybe. And as far as the headache, I was there too, but trust me, the headache now is MUCH better than the headache from being unhappy after you buy the wrong product

Edited by keenan

I love my 901, I only had it a short time before I upgraded to a larger unit, but I still use the 901 atty on my VP2. Battery life is decent, 2-3 hours. I have no complaints - Both Models are good, you'll be happy with whatever you decide.


  On 10/28/2009 at 7:41 PM, NeRo9k said:

I love my 901, I only had it a short time before I upgraded to a larger unit, but I still use the 901 atty on my VP2. Battery life is decent, 2-3 hours. I have no complaints - Both Models are good, you'll be happy with whatever you decide.

You only get 2-3 hrs on a VP2 ? I thought they had wicked batt life? :unsure:


  On 10/28/2009 at 7:53 PM, NeRo9k said:

2-3 hours on my 901! 8-10 hours on my vp2. Sorry for the confusion : )

Nice save ! Cause Im thinkin about gettin one soon.


  On 10/28/2009 at 7:59 PM, keenan said:

Nice save ! Cause Im thinkin about gettin one soon.

Going on the Xmas list. Thought I had to jump sooner but the lowbridge attys reco'd by Christopher are working great on my JanyStick now. So are the regular ones as well, I like the easy draw. Was sucking my old ones like there was no tomorrow.


  On 10/28/2009 at 11:41 PM, FTJoe said:

Going on the Xmas list. Thought I had to jump sooner but the lowbridge attys reco'd by Christopher are working great on my JanyStick now. So are the regular ones as well, I like the easy draw. Was sucking my old ones like there was no tomorrow.

OK, I REALLY got a napkin and tried to kill that bug !


  On 10/29/2009 at 12:37 AM, FTJoe said:

Apologies to everyone, I was bad and didn't read the rules. The bug is annoying, isn't it?

FT, my apologies. I didnt mean to get you in trouble, and wasnt annoyed. I thought it was cool, and I really DID try to kill it. Floriduh is FULL of bugs

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