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The 2nd half of this season seems to be moving a little slow. I'm thinking the last 3 episodes will have a lot of action and suspense.

I'm pretty sure we are one episode behind, but I can't WAIT for the different groups to meet up. This whole bits and pieces of people everywhere is FRUSTRATING! But the Darryl and Beth episode was pretty good.

  • 2 weeks later...

If you haven't already heard, Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) will be on the couch tonight on Talking Dead.


Ive heard so many different spoilers Rick dies, Darryl dies, Carl dies, Glenn dies etc........ Obviously someone is going to die but I have no idea who. Yeah I heard Andrew was going to be on the Talking Dead. I hope thats not a sign that he's being killed off.

Posted (edited)

First off, we are WEEKS behind, probably because it's moving so slowly. What's going on with Beth? My son hinted that something "happened" to her, when she showed up as basically a one episode groupie on "The Following" and got killed that same episode. I'm behind because I'm waiting on another housemate to watch it with me....and well, if I sit down to watch TV during the day, it's more than likely I'll fall asleep.

Ive heard so many different spoilers Rick dies, Darryl dies, Carl dies, Glenn dies etc........ Obviously someone is going to die but I have no idea who. Yeah I heard Andrew was going to be on the Talking Dead. I hope thats not a sign that he's being killed off.

Rick, no, they won't kill. I would reference the fact that he's still alive in the comics, but even the creator of the comics, who is part of the team on the TV show, said there is a comic cannon, and a TV cannon. For proof of that that, Darryl and Merle weren't even part of the comics, and then were supposed to be one off arseholes, and look at Darryl now. In the comics, Carl basically becomes a psychopath a little bit into it, but the producers and writers wisely decided that American audiences wouldn't accept Carl as a psychopath - I guess because he's a lead, I mean, they had no trouble making Lizzy a psychopath, but because of her psychopathy, she was put down for it. But, Rick is the leader, and finally stepped up to that, and I don't think they'll kill him now. They went through the crazies with him, they went through his "I'm a farmer and I'm not a figher," phase, I think he's back and ready to kick arse.

I've heard varying ideas about the whole "tainted meat" thing. That Terminus could be holding Beth hostage and chopping off appendages as they have a need for food. Or that the reference to tainted meat was Bob, who was bit previously, and lied about it. Or that even Lizzie was the tainted meat, because if she wasn't "put down", her psychopathy would have endangered the whole group.

As far as Rick, all I've heard is that MAYBE he finds Carl being physically assaulted (in the comic it was much, much worse) and he loses it and kills the people doing it. Other than that, when he and Carl and Michonne find Terminus, they have a joyous reunion with Judith.

Edited by spydre
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

I was just looking through some old posts and ran across this thread, so I thought I'd revive it. I can't believe that with all the die hard The Walking Dead fans here, nobody has posted since the new season (five) started...I guess it got lost in the shuffle.

IMO, this has been the best season since the first one. Every season has been great, but this one has had some really incredible action and plot twists, and the special effects have been insane! It's the only show on television that I refuse to miss...EVER!

Edited by Rixter

I agree with you Rixter. This season started off awesome and hasnt let up. The Walking Dead & SOA are my two shows I cant miss. :)


Who here likes the Resident Evil movies and The Walking Dead?

You kidding! :)

Love the zombie genre. I'm also a comic fan, so I've been reading The Walking Dead for a while now.

I love the Evil Dead series...and did you here this news?

  • 3 weeks later...

After tonight's mid-season finale of TWD, fans have to wait until February 2015 for season 5 to resume. :wallbash:


  • 1 month later...

I've been a walking dead fan from day one.Its a very well done show.Keeps ya at the edge of your seat

Posted (edited)

It's a good show. As a comic book fan I was excited to see it made into a show.

I'm half-way through season 4.

Edited by The Bone Slummer

Woody and Murray are hilarious.

When he tells him he's seen every single movie he's been in, I wonder if he's seen Kingpin. :)


One word: Zombieland.

This is a movie that I never tire of watching :)

Absolutely a classic...never gets old, does it? 1617094t71u7awt2s.gif

Posted (edited)

One of the only roles that kid who played the Facebook kid I enjoyed.

I'm a huge Bill Murray fan. Groundhog Day, Stripes, What About Bob.

Not sure if you've ever seen this, but some friends were out and they bumped into Bill Murray. Instead of asking for an autograph they asked for this, and it's the greatest thing of all time.

Edited by The Bone Slummer

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