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Ok taking the plunge. Have watched the videos, asked questions, and think I basically get it. I have a couple 510 attys and drip tips at home in the mailbox and a couple drip shields just came in to me here at work. Any tips or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Tam has already gone over how to clean the 510s to get the primer out and get them ready to drip, but this will be my first time ever doing it so if there are any tips let em fly!

Thanks in advance!

Posted (edited)

Mainly trying this so I can try flavors without messing up a coil with flavors I dont like lol. I have a feeling the side effect will be me learning more about attys and stuff like that, especially if it performs as great as everyone says!

And in before "Penicillin will fix that" LOL

Edited by bcartervol98

with so many flavors to try and not unlimited cartos; it does seem to make sense to drip. After you figure it out you may need to give me those lesson links so I can learn about it! It would save lots of poor boge cartos !


When you change flavors, do you just wait until you do not get any vapor from the previous flavor, then just drip the new flavor in with no cleaning or anything?


with so many flavors to try and not unlimited cartos; it does seem to make sense to drip. After you figure it out you may need to give me those lesson links so I can learn about it! It would save lots of poor boge cartos !

Yea, and I do not use cartos I use clearomizers and I have never been able to wash wicks and get the taste of the prior juice out so if I end up not liking a flavor I have been throwing away the wick, soaking the tank in alcohol, and putting in a new wick. This should save me a few $$$ on that too. I can know what I think of a flavor before committing one of my 30 odd tanks to it lol.


I've been wanting to try this as well. Could someone give me a link to the attys or whatever is needed to do this. All I have are batteries with 510 connections.

Attys I got:


Drip Tips


Drip Shields I got


Pretty basic setup before I jump in with both feet lol.


Thanks for the links. So once it's all assembled, how do you perform the "drip"? Or do you drop into the atty and then assemble the shield and tip. I may give this a shot next time I order supplies.


My understanding is the drip tip is so you can drip into it. Then gently blow into it to make sure the liquid makes it down to the coil. The Atty is screwed on the battery, shield slipped over it, then the drip tip is attached. Drip a few drops into the drip tip, give them a few seconds to reach the bottom, and vape until you get a metallic taste then redrip. I have also been instructed to keep fruit and heavier flavors separated into separate attys.


Ok cleaned primer out and understand the concept. When I slide the drip shield on I can't get any air to get a hit. It is literally like sucking on a straw with my finger covering the other end. Gonna try it later when I get back home from this damn birthday party we got committed to go to. With or without the drip shield.

Posted (edited)

Ok cleaned primer out and understand the concept. When I slide the drip shield on I can't get any air to get a hit. It is literally like sucking on a straw with my finger covering the other end. Gonna try it later when I get back home from this damn birthday party we got committed to go to. With or without the drip shield.

I think I can help diagnose your problem with the drip shield, but first I need to know what PV you're using and which drip shield you have. A picture of your setup would be helpful if you could post it.

BTW, the drip shield is optional...it basically acts as a reservoir for extra juice and prevents leaking from the bottom of the atty from running down the side of your battery and all over you. As long as you're just adding 3-4 drops at a time and vaping that down before adding more, you shouldn't have much of a leaking problem.

Edited by Rixter

Btw. I don't use a drip shield either. There actually is a learning curve but its pretty short and you develop the timing to add more drips and when you can change flavors. I actually am getting in to it now. I crack open my juice box and just vape thru flavors, maybe testing those juices that have steeped for a while. I actually discovered one of my really perfumey early purchases came out ok after a couple of months. It's a great way to test new flavors.

I also will make a little mini mix of a couple of flavors and check them out and if I like them i'll mix up a batch and fill a Clearomizer .


Something is not right here lol. I dripped about 3 drops in and got a couple good hits. Then I dropped a few more drops in and all I get is gurgling. No vapor. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Battery and button getting super hot too.

Posted (edited)

well the gurgling is the atty flooding. You will get a dry hit if you take the drops too far but once you get that dry hit you learn how many pulls you can get out of those few drops.

are you making sure that your drip shield was made to go over your eGo thread? they make specific ones just for that. I bought mine from empire mods. This is the one i bought:


It's meant to fit over your ego threads without an adaptor, so it does cut off your airflow. If you dont have one thats meant for that just take it off. :) you will be perfectly fine without it. :)

EDIT: OHHHH another thing!!!! In the side of the drip shield you should see some small holes punched in the side of it. MAKE SURE YOU LINE THOSE UP WITH THE AIRFLOW HOLES ON THE ATTY!!! i just had my atty choke out on me bc i didnt do that.

Edited by IMEDICx90

I'm not using the shield, apparently I put too much in. I already can tell the flavor is infinitely better. Brian sent me a 306 (I think) too gonna try that one next. Not using a drip shield since apparently the ones I bought require a 510-510 adapter. Good thing I ordered two more today. Learning lol. I'm getting decent vapor now but still a lot less than with my clearo. I am still figuring this out haha


I think I can help diagnose your problem with the drip shield, but first I need to know what PV you're using and which drip shield you have. A picture of your setup would be helpful if you could post it.

BTW, the drip shield is optional...it basically acts as a reservoir for extra juice and prevents leaking from the bottom of the atty from running down the side of your battery and all over you. As long as you're just adding 3-4 drops at a time and vaping that down before adding more, you shouldn't have much of a leaking problem.

He got the drip shield from Sweet-Vapes. It says, "Originally for 901 atomizers, but they work perfectly with 510 atomizers on an eGo battery or on any mod via a 510-510 adapter." and I think that's the problem here. He doesn't have a 510-510 adapter so the bottom O-ring of the shield isn't clearing the air holes, it's sitting right on them. I did recommend he get the drip shield from Keith over at Empire Mods... :D


EDIT: OHHHH another thing!!!! In the side of the drip shield you should see some small holes punched in the side of it. MAKE SURE YOU LINE THOSE UP WITH THE AIRFLOW HOLES ON THE ATTY!!! i just had my atty choke out on me bc i didnt do that.

Really? I've never had that problem with the shield you linked to. I have one of those as well. Are you sure your shield was all the way down? If it wasn't then that could've been the problem. Add just a touch of juice to the inside of the bottom O-ring and it should slide down and sit where it's supposed to. I've never lined up the air holes and get a great draw without tightness. :)


I'm not using the shield, apparently I put too much in. I already can tell the flavor is infinitely better. Brian sent me a 306 (I think) too gonna try that one next. Not using a drip shield since apparently the ones I bought require a 510-510 adapter. Good thing I ordered two more today. Learning lol. I'm getting decent vapor now but still a lot less than with my clearo. I am still figuring this out haha

B? That quote I put up is from the two that you just ordered. :(

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