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So I had my yearly physical yesterday, and my doc, who evidently doesn't even know what e-cigarettes are, tells me that quitting smoking is great, but I need to get off the e-cigarettes as soon as I can. From her reaction (body language, etc.), I THINK maybe she thinks they are still basically a tobacco product, that you are just somehow still electronically getting the tobacco leaf, rather than just nicotine and the various things - vg/pg. There hasn't been enough research into e-cigs for her to think they are inherently harmful as analogs, but that was the reaction I got.

Speaking of quitting analogs, and starting vaping, I know in the long run, blood pressure SHOULD go down with quitting analogs, but could either vaping, or the first week or so of quitting analogs raise your blood pressure? At my physical yesterday, my blood pressure was a minimum of 20 points over what it normally is - over what it was 6 weeks ago, as a matter of fact. Granted, I'm on medication that increase both heart rate and blood pressure, but although those meds have led to a sometimes increase in heart rate (not all the time) my blood pressure has never been affected - even when I'm having my normal doctor visit anxiety. The only other thing I can think of is I was a bit more anxious because medical mj was literally just passed in my state, and I was going to ask her about it (Mods, that's all I'm going to say about mj, just wanted to give a reason for a possible cause). Normally, my blood pressure runs low enough that they couldn't even medicate me for my increased heart rate because those medications lower both heart rate and blood pressure.

Finally, I have a family reunion tomorrow. About half the people that will be there, well, half the adults, are smokers. As a new non-smoker, how do I handle this? I'm still wanting that thing in my hand badly. And frankly, my Dad smokes my favorite kind of cigarettes, the ones I smoked before I switched to the REALLY low priced ones at the discount shop. If I slip, give in to temptation, etc., is that like falling off the wagon in drinking? Should I have to start my stop date count all over again? Well, frankly, the thought of being around all those cigarettes is giving me anxiety already, I don't know how mom did it when she first quit, except around that time, all the family gatherings were at her and Dad's home, and people had to be outside to smoke...but as her house is small, the gatherings are all on the deck anyway, so she was outside right along with us. I think, maybe, I should just make up my mind today, so I can stop having anxeity over it. And take a big enough supply of suckers and hard candy to cover my butt just in case).


I am not too sure about the blood pressure issue, but as for the family reunion...BEST OF LUCK!! :animier: My husband picked up an ecig after 35+ yrs of smoking and never picked up another analog (so very proud of him!!) but me on the other hand, I went from over a pack and half a day to less than a pack a month, only smoking in certain social situations, usually if I have a beer/or drink and around a lot of smokers, and rarely actually smoke a whole ciggie, so I am more than happy with my progress! If you are worried, make sure your ecig is charged and juice is full, stay clear of the "smoking area", hang with the non smokers! It can be tough, but boy what a pay off when the coughing and wheezing stops!!! Please let us know how you did!! GOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats on switching over to vaping from smoking!

You might be a patient that needs to refrain from nicotine as well as from the smoke? If so, you're in luck, because the eLiquid makes it so easy to wean ourselves off of nicotine. What is your MG strength right now? Do you have more than one battery/clearomizer set up? If so, then save the mg you're vaping now for those strong cravings times in one ecig and vape a lower nic in your other setup the rest of the time. (there are only about 6-12 cigs a day that we jones for, the rest are habit and boredom). As your body adjusts, introduce an even lower MG level perhaps in a 3rd setup. Having it available in a 3rd setup will let you go back to your tried and true very easily and effectively any time you feel the "need".

To help educate your DR, about the eCigs, you can find a collection of helpful info on sites like CASAA.org or Dr. Seigel's Blog, etc. Stay away from ALA, ACA, ACS,...you know, all the "helpful" orgs and societies who are subsidized by the Big Pharma and Big Tobacco companies. (cig tax monies). (American Lung Asses), etc.

As far as the picnic? You'll be fine!! Everyone will be saying.. "ohhh that smells so good!! Blow it over my way!!", .. "What are you smoking in that thing?"... etc. Just chain vape through any cravings. The hardest one will be the after meal/after treat, with beverage ones. But you can do it! If your setup can't chain vape, (dry hits), then load a second one and be ready to chain vape by alternating them. You can do it!! Especially when you realize how awful the cig tastes after you take a hit of your vape. In fact, when I first started, I had a cig in one hand and an eGo in the other... I would take MORE hits off the eGo because it tasted better and it also provided MORE vapor! Both. After a week, I could no longer stand to light up a cig at all. (I was a 2 pack a day smoker for over 40 years).

If you can't, it's okay. You still smoked less overall, than you have in forever. You are set up to start your new non-smoking life tomorrow. You'll be fine. Relax!!!

Oh, btw, I had a Dr. appt last week... 100/70... (makes my jogging/exercising hubby so crazy jealous!!!), but my Dr called me in or consultation after receiving my blood tests back. I stressed and stressed.. hubby kidded and joked.. "they're going to take away your chocolate!"... etc... my BP that day? 135/80. Quite a jumpt!! But the Doc just laughed and said she'd never ever take away a gals chocolate, ... it's actually good for us... but she is worried about my bad cholesterol levels. That's it. Nothing else. Just watch the pizza intake, and stress levels. Stress will get us before anything else does. Just ask Big Pharma, who gets richer and richer off those dang stupid pill commercials, smoking propaganda gum/patch/etc.., ...

Relax, enjoy your vape, and we'll hook you and Doc up with some proper studies and literature off the net for her to research. :)

ECLAT studies is one...


Dude, I am 65. Smoked for 50 years. 57 days ago I ended up in the ER with chest pain, it wasn't a heart attack but a warning. the old lady brought me a e-cig and a juice the next day and I havnt touched an analog since. got my nic down to zero from 24 and there are so many good flavors and mixes I dont have an urge to pick up an analog.

So basiclly embrace the vape, preach the vape, and realize you are only 6 days in and the best is yet to come.

You can do this brother.


i was in the ER a few weeks ago for chest pain. the attending physician congratulated me on quitting stinkies and had no problem with me vaping. he did say the best thing is to quit completely but vaping in his opinion is much better than any stinky out there. i was hooked to a EKG machine and he still allowed me to vape.


I was on blood pressure medicine for hypertension that went away once I quit smoking. I was in the hospital having tests done before my DR took me off my medicine and my cardiologist welcomed me to vape away in my hospital room. Nurses said nothing. He said he is trying to get all his smoking patients to switch to electronics and that they were "Thousands of times better" than cigarettes. He also said by me switching I may have not only added years to my life, but possibly decades.


Don't stress about backstepping,we all have done that once or twice, with the vape and/or just trying to quit analogs. It happens, don't shoot yourself, just enjoy your family reunion, as they happen less and less as time moves on. If you slip, just get back on the right road as soon as you can, and enjoy life.....


Soon you will be where most of us are, preferring the e-cig. Even if it were discovered both were equal in their health ramifications I would still vape if I continue doing either. It tastes better, I dont stink, I can smell and taste things, and its cheaper (for now). I am on a boat in a cove every weekend with mostly other smokers. I have broken down and tried one and immediately gave it back and grabbed my Spinner. I feel more satisfied form it than I ever did a cigarette and my work productivity has increased immensely.


Yeah, what they said^^^

You should feel confident that YOU are doing the right thing and your relatives are the ones that should be feeling the pressure.

Smoking analogs is so yesterday...


i had a doc appointment last week my bp was also high but no medication yet. go back in 4 weeks for recheck and other test. Doc was very pleased I switched to ecigs and said keep it up. As for the reunion --- take your favorite flavor of eliquid and maybe eve an ecig condom to convert some of the smokers present. if you start having an analog craving take a walk around and just think to yourself I can get thru this. I am also sure if you take 1 drag of you of a cigarette you will want to put it out immediately because they stink and taste so god awful now as your tastebuds have healed and changed. Stay strong. And if it has been awhile since you been with relatives you may find some of smokers have already converted to ecigs-it is growing market so don't be too surprised that you r not the only one.


I do definitely prefer the flavor of the e-cigs, that's for sure. Analogs are just bleh to me now, since there's no other flavor to them!


I am a respiratory therapist (and ex-smoker, ironically), and I can all but guarantee that no physician will give you a glowing endorsement for inhaling ANYTHING foreign into your lungs.

That being said, given the choice of a patient using vapor in place of tobacco really is a no-brainier. I just don't think any doc can, in good conscience, advise vaping over not using either.

As for the BP, nicotine is a stimulant, and certainly has potential to make you hypertensive, just as caffeine, sugar, or sodium does. If this was your first follow-up post smoking, I wouldn't be too concerned. If your BP remains elevated over time, you'd be wise to closely monitor your nic / caffeine intake and adjust one or both accordingly. Of course, there's a zillion other factors that can cause hypertension; but these two are the most likely to be having the most effect.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm, my doctor told me I needed to quit smoking so I told him no, I love to smoke (lol) and he told me to start vaping if I love to smoke and thats when I made the switch

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