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You know, I really like Keenan, he's OK for a Yankee, so I'll leave this one alone!

Besides that he just made VIP today, so Congratualtions, Keenan!

Thanks Smokingman ! Down here in Floriduh, Im actually considered a " Damn Yankee". If they dont have that in Texas - Ill explain. A Yankee is someone from the North. A Damn Yankee is someone from the North who wont go home. :shiftyninja:


Same here. The drip method just seems too time consuming, considering Im a chain vaper. its easier too just flood a cart. Longer time between fills. :dribble:

Same here guys, I have been flooding the cart and dripping one or two drops. Works for me.


Same here guys, I have been flooding the cart and dripping one or two drops. Works for me.

This was one of the reasons I moved from the 510 to the 801. I always got a metallic taste when I would drip. Looking back, I am pretty sure all of my 510 attys are Joye. I haven't tried the 801 LB that Arno sells yet, but I've been very happy with the BE112 models from bestecig.com.

I never bothered with carts for the 510 because they are such a pain to deal with. After trying PTB, wool, steel screen, and a host of other cart mods I just tossed it all aside and settled on the 801.


I've heard really good things about the BE112 atomizer. I've yet to try it out though. Any US suppliers carry the BE112 atomizers?

None I have found. If you want to PM me your info I'll send you one to try. I have over a dozen of them :)


Yep ive noticed this too Chris. Usually i can get rid of the metallic taste by putting about 6-7 drops onto the atty and kind of making it bubble when i inhale. Seems to over power that metallic taste. I started getting that taste more frequently with my Joye atty i received with my Janty stick, so i dumped it in boiling water for 10 mins, cooked it in the oven for another 10 mins at 170, let it dry out over night and the next morning i loaded it up with VT grape and BAM! No metallic taste. Maybe the taste is coming from that wire brush looking crap above the heating element. :iiam:

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