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So as you guys know I know I usually change my atomizers out every month. Well every month has become every 2 weeks and every 2 weeks has become right out of the box. (Seriously brand new atomizers right out of the pack taste horrible) Let me explain.

For some time now I've complained about a metallic taste in my atomizers. This usually doesn't happen right away, but when that taste creeps up, it's REALLLY bad. I mean I can't describe how bad it tastes. So I've tried just about everything, water, boiling, vinegar and an Ultra Sonic cleaner. All of my atomizers taste metallic. It's ridiculous. I've purchased and received close to 20+ atomizer this month.

So I finally thought to myself, this never used to be an issue before. Yea sure you would get the burnt taste every so often from the fibers touching the atomizer, but I don't use carts. So I thought, "every single atomizer from China is bad?" I don't think so. Then I thought well MAYBE it's my juice god forbid. So I started using juice from other suppliers straight. SAME thing. Ok maybe it's China's juice? So then I moved over to some JC juice that I had laying around. Same damn thing. (Using a new atomizer each time by the way) Then of course I realized...


Yup, every single atomizer that I own, 510 and Penstyle atomizer is from Joye. I still stand on my statement that they create TONS of vapor. They really do. BUT something is wrong with the Joye atomizers. I brought this up to a few suppliers, some thought I was crazy others where starting to become aware. This isn't an issue with suppliers themselves (I've ordered Joye atty's from a few suppliers to see if it was just the supplier or the manufacture) It's the manufacture they are all the same.

So I think it's time I start ordering from some other suppliers and see what else is out there. Perhaps some RN's or DSE's. This could take a while to find the right atty again.

I suppose my question to the members is, has anyone else noticed a metallic taste as of recent? Specifically NEW 510 atomizers and 801 atomizers from Joye? Help me out guys we need to get to the bottom of this mess.


Of course I have to say something here.

I have had a problem for the past two days, but not like your having. At first I only noticed it when using...yep, I hate to say it, Vapor Talk Juice. I'll go wash my mouth out with soap in a minute. I am using only my VP2 and a 801LB (Low Bridge) from Arno. You said in another post that the Low Bridge attys were made by Joye after looking at the threads. That was yesterday, no wait, what is today..Tuesday. It was Sunday night/Monday morning the Vapor Talk Juice started having a metallic taste at the end. So today, (Monday night/Tuesday morning) I switched to AwesomeVapor.com juice it's now doing the same thing. It only does it at the end when the atty starts to get dry, when I first drip I get a few great drags and then a toasty metallic taste like copper and aluminum rods in a lemon experiment when we were kids. Does that help? or are we both crazy?


Yupper. Got one from Rockymountainvapor last week and just put it in yesterday (Mon). STRONG mettalic taste at first, but it has gotten better. Im too stubborn to just stop using it. The taste is about 85 % gone now, vaping on it constantly. Switched to a diff atty to see if I was just getting used to the metal taste, no its defintitly going away. Being a noobie, I figured it was just a "breaking in" period. :whistle:


Well I know it's not the VT juice. The reason why is because the same thing happens with Liquid Express Juice, Arno's Juice, Dietsmokes Juice, Johnson Creek AND Electro Nic Stix Juice.

Before I came home tonight I stopped by a friends house an picked up some DSE atomizers. Both are brand new, I put some VT juice in and no problem. Keep in mind that I've been have the metallic taste happen almost instantly after I use a Joye atomizer (with the exception of a few which seam to take a week or so for some reason)

I'm going to dry burn an atomizer and see if that helps.


Honestly I was just throwing them away until I got one that worked. Which is driving me nuts because I'm literally throwing money away. I just did a dry burn on the atomizer and the weird taste seems to have gone, but I'm not getting much flavor from the vapor. I'll keep vaping it and see what happens.

Posted (edited)

With mine, it took a while, maybe 15 20 min., lots of vaping before it gor palatable, then it gradually keeps improving. I went throught that for about an hour and a half last night, then this morning its almost non-existent. This was my first experience with a "new" atty, so I just assumed there was a break in period

Edited by keenan

I suppose perhaps after a while it will go away, but to me it shouldn't be there in the first place you know? The burn method seemed to help quite a bit, but the taste is still there. I'll try and puff the taste out a little later but for now it's on to the next atomizer.


I have also been experiencing the metal taste. I went through 5 atty's in the last 2 weeks on my 510. I had 2 originals that never had that problem, they vaped strong for over a month each. So I flooded 2 of the new ones, basically soaked them in juice for a couple of days. I blew them out and ran them for about 10 minutes to get them going again and it helped a lot, however that hint is still there, but noticeably less. It's been pissing me off too, but I wasn's sure if that was gonna just be part of the deal, or if these are new atty's from Joye?


I suppose perhaps after a while it will go away, but to me it shouldn't be there in the first place you know? The burn method seemed to help quite a bit, but the taste is still there. I'll try and puff the taste out a little later but for now it's on to the next atomizer.

I agree, it shouldnt be there, but we are dealing with chinese products, where quality control isnt on top of thier list. You may be having a stronger issue than me, that or Im just so addicted to vaping Im not as concerned. its probably the latter, cause it seems to me Ive spent more time in the past couple of years, getting USED to being disappointed with products Ive bought in general, from ANY country. i used to complain WHENEVER I had an issue with ANY product, but after getting nowhere fast with most, Ive become more complacent.


I've only had 1 510 atty to start off with the metallic taste and it was one of the scorpion tipped ones from dietsmokes, after a few hours of burning through liquid the taste vanished.

Right now I'm using an atty from ecigexpress, one of their shnazzy colored ones, it started out great, but two weeks into using it, I'm starting to get that taste when it is going dry and needs a few more drops.

I just popped on a another one from ecigexpress and seems to be functioning and tasting normal.


I can kinda tell there's some kind of after taste, but I guess it really doesn't bother me that much. The 510 just kicks out so much vapor and has such a nice throat hit. I guess that's all I really care about. Makes me feel like I still smoke....without the tobacco. I can deal with the after taste as long as I get that throat hit I look for. I'm all for making a good product better though.


I haven't been having any problems. But I haven't bought any new atomizers in awhile. Has anyone broke these open to see if there is any difference in the coils? I am wondering if the coils are a different type of metal.


One of my employees just received a Joye510 and he said the taste was terrible. Now he is back to analogs while he waits for his 901 to arrive.


What's really weird and doesn't make any sense at all, is that the atomizers than come in the starter kit seem to be fine. It's just the spare atomizers that are having issues. Perhaps they have a stock pile of starter kits and there is something different about the build on the new atomizers. Who knows?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had this issue. I thought I was going nuts.

@ Hawk, your experience is almost spot on to mine. I'll flood the atty to keep the bad taste down.


For what it's worth....

I used to live in the deep south and the folks there never clean a frying pan. The say the flavor is much better. So I tried something.

I've had the same problem with most the attys. This morning I flooded an atty (dripped 6 -7 drops). Gurgled for a while then was fine. As soon as I got a hint of the mettalic tast, dripped 2 drops and moved on. Seemed to work great. Got about 12 hits no bad taste, re-dripped and on and on. I think by flooding the atty and vaping it down just a little, you are starting your day with a well soaked atty.

Maybe we are all cleaning too much. Vape the hell out of it, keep it wet and "dirty" then when it craps out, chuck it.



For what it's worth....

I used to live in the deep south and the folks there never clean a frying pan. The say the flavor is much better. So I tried something.

I've had the same problem with most the attys. This morning I flooded an atty (dripped 6 -7 drops). Gurgled for a while then was fine. As soon as I got a hint of the mettalic tast, dripped 2 drops and moved on. Seemed to work great. Got about 12 hits no bad taste, re-dripped and on and on. I think by flooding the atty and vaping it down just a little, you are starting your day with a well soaked atty.

Maybe we are all cleaning too much. Vape the hell out of it, keep it wet and "dirty" then when it craps out, chuck it.

I live in the deep south now and folks here never clean anything. At least not where I live. Oh wait, my wifes peeking over my shoulder .. .....

Seriously, Ive been using my attys about 3 weeks, and really no problems. What is the typical life span on these things. I vape ALL day long.

Posted (edited)

For what it's worth....

I used to live in the deep south and the folks there never clean a frying pan. The say the flavor is much better.

What the... who ever heard of washing a frying pan? That's crazy, I have frying pans from my Great Grand Mother and they haven't been washed in since the early 1900's, and man do they fry up some mean yard bird!

Edited by TheSmokingMan

OK. My streetkid mentality is kicking in here. I grew up in the Big Apple, and Ive never heard of not washing a frying pan, and Jimmy Page is the only Yard bird that comes to mind. Youse guys are freakin me out :ball:



I live in the deep south now and folks here never clean anything. At least not where I live. Oh wait, my wifes peeking over my shoulder .. .....

Seriously, Ive been using my attys about 3 weeks, and really no problems. What is the typical life span on these things. I vape ALL day long.

Florida is not "deep" south. It's way south but I'm talking about Dixie South. Heart of Mississippi. Where they didn't celebrate the 4th of July until 1987 because July 4th is when Vicksburg fell to General Grant. And lard is the main staple. LOL


OKKKKkkkkk So after talking around a little bit I got a hold of our old friend Arno from Awesome Vapor. (Arno kicks ***)

Putting a cart into the atomizers takes a way the weird taste. :wacko: It will take a minute or two to get the weird taste out but then it's gone. He stated that although he hasn't ran into the issue himself or had any reports, he knows the Joye attys like to have carts, they get a little harsh with no carts. So I went into my empty cart drawer, filled one up with some juice (over fill actually) popped it onto the atomizer and puffed for a little while, then added a but more juice and what do you know, no weird taste now. I guess the atomizers from Joye are like Hummers, high gas mileage. :huh:

Can you guys give it a try and see how it works out for you?


I'm from NYC, so anything below New Jersey is deep south to me. Years ago, this guy in a bar told me , after finding out I was a "Yankee", he said " The souths gonna do it agin ", and I said " Do what, lose ". It was on.... :argue:


I noticed this metallic taste with the 510 also. It seems when the atty gets dry it starts to taste that way. It works best for me when I use a cart and drip. Then when it starts to taste bad again, re-drip.

I have also just started using a cart and not dripping at all. I fill the cart and when vapor production goes down, refill the cart. It seems to get the most vapor and gives less chance of a metallic taste.

That has been working for me very well.


I noticed this metallic taste with the 510 also. It seems when the atty gets dry it starts to taste that way. It works best for me when I use a cart and drip. Then when it starts to taste bad again, re-drip.

I have also just started using a cart and not dripping at all. I fill the cart and when vapor production goes down, refill the cart. It seems to get the most vapor and gives less chance of a metallic taste.

That has been working for me very well.

Same here. The drip method just seems too time consuming, considering Im a chain vaper. its easier too just flood a cart. Longer time between fills. :dribble:


I'm from NYC, so anything below New Jersey is deep south to me. Years ago, this guy in a bar told me , after finding out I was a "Yankee", he said " The souths gonna do it agin ", and I said " Do what, lose ". It was on.... :argue:

You know, I really like Keenan, he's OK for a Yankee, so I'll leave this one alone!

Besides that he just made VIP today, so Congratualtions, Keenan!

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