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Refilled one of my Evod BCC's last night to a about 1/2 full or so. Hubby did the filling, so I'm sure he didn't hit the pipe in the centerDidn't vape off of it last night, though. I go to vape off of it today, and every time I draw off of it, it gurgles. I tried blowing it, but it would go right back to some gurgles when I dried to draw off it again. It's not leaking, so I haven't bothered with the coil.

Any clue what this could be, what could be causing it, or what could fix it? Should I just empty, rinse it out, etc., and try again?


Change your coil. It's flooding and sometimes the coils just get worn out and can't burn the liquid fast enough to stop it from flooding. So change it and see if it fixes your gurgling issue. :)


With the T3S, much like the evod only bigger, the gurglung indicates the need for a coil change. It means the wick has become degraded enough it is no longer blocking liquid from entering the center post. It happens pretty fast sometimes. Its a double edged sword. I go through twice as many coils on these as I do top coil units, but the coils are about half the price so I consider it a wash. I change coils on average about every 5-7 tanks of liquid in these.


@Love2VapeDaily yes, a few times.

@IMEDICx90 A couple of questions, although I was starting to think the same thing after more searching. I was probably mistaken, but I thought flooding was overfilling it? If it's not overfilled (only 1/2 way filled), then obviously flooding isn't what I thought it was. So what is flooding?

Ironically, I put the tank on this morning and started to use it, and it seemed fine, until I laid it down on the table to clean up the dog's "getting into the trash" mess, and when I next went to it, it was gurgling again. I usually try to keep the tanks upright, or at least leaning against something so that they aren't lying flat, but sometimes I can't avoid it. If lying flat is an issue, I'll have to make sure I have something to lean it against/prop it up with every time I put it down. Thanks in advance.


the flooding is where your wick stops preventing excess liquid inside the coil and the coil cant keep up with the extra liquid. Sometimes jarring the coil can cause it to flood temporarily and then straighten itself out. Me personally i leave all my tanks on their side or upright or slanted... whichever way they fall. LOL

but your problem is just replace the coil. you should be able to leave them on their side. :)


most of the time my tanks are laying down and they dont flood, sounds like something is faulty in your delivery system.


I lay mine flat all the time. Most stay laying on a side in a case all the time until I switch flavors. I only keep them upright when on a lanyard, otherwise they are most likely laying on their side. That should have nothing to do with it. Its just time for a new coil. You can try taking it apart and cleaning the post but most likely a coil change or rebuild will be your only solution.


With the T3S, much like the evod only bigger, the gurglung indicates the need for a coil change. It means the wick has become degraded enough it is no longer blocking liquid from entering the center post. It happens pretty fast sometimes. Its a double edged sword. I go through twice as many coils on these as I do top coil units, but the coils are about half the price so I consider it a wash. I change coils on average about every 5-7 tanks of liquid in these.

Okay - this is a bit worrisome, because it was only part of the way through my first tank. Well, okay, it was my second partial tank, I guess. Gurgling didn't happen immediately, but started the other day.

Now I'm ALMOST afraid to clean out my other non dedicated EVOD to try this other new flavor, since I've decided against the RY4 that's currently in there - well, I haven't tried adding another flavor to it in order to help it out. But now, since I won't be able to lay in a supply of coils until later tomorrow or Monday, I'm almost paranoid about emptying out the green RY4 evod right now.


You should be fine. Sometimes you just get a bum coil. I have had 2 duds out of the 20 I bought last week. Now big deal ill just pull them apart and rewick them. :)


Thanks, all. Picked up the replacement coils and replaced it today. Too bad I'm not real fond of the flavor that's in it, lol. Or the other new flavor I tried today, and the one I bought today still needs steep time to tell, so it's back to 618 and french vanilla for me.

Posted (edited)

wickBcarter is right. I've looked in to this a lot because I stretch my coil life considerably.

The wicks will actually lose their "fluff" and become thinner with use. Probaably due to juice ingredients/sweetners carmelizing the wick

I've been able to extend a coil buy adding a piece of wick over the top.

For example as this probably applies to a few clearomizers,

Pull your coil assembly from the clearo.

There is a silicone sleeve covering the top. Pull that off

You'll notice one wick on the bottom which goes thru the center of the coil. It usually cant be removed on a used clearo.

Riding over the top of that wick is another wick which is just passing thru the slot of the coil housing. Simply add another short piece of wick over the top thru the slot

Slide the silicone sleeve back on. Vioila!

If that is too much trouble just replace the coil

Edited by Bebop12

thats not true bebop i can remove any wick from any coil. it just takes patience and a toothpick. :)

Patience AND a tooth pick......two things I don't have, lol

I thought gently twisting might work....not well. Oh we'll fun to dig around in there and see what's up.

Okay, I found a toothpick......now, where'd I leave my patience......


Lol oh another little tip bebop clip the on side if its a top wick. Makes it easier to pull through/ wiggle out. Also you will want a dental pick/ gasket pick just in case you accidentally move the coils around. You can straighten them back out in a jiff. A flathead works too just takes a little more finess!

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