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Hello everyone,

If money and availability were not an option what would be your device of choice? The reason I ask is because over the past 2-3 weeks I have been scouring the web for another device and would like to hear your opinions.

Thanks and have a great day.


if I wasnt concerned about the cash I might buy the new Innokin MVP. There are others of the same type that one might look at but the names escape me. I liked one with tan leather work on the side. *sigh*

But really, there are a number of way to get the vapor and nicotine. The cheap ones work almost as well as the more expensive ones. Not everyone needs a Provari. It might be nice to have a dozen or so ego 1100mah batteries and a few dozen of my favorite juices. a dozen boxes of boge cartos. My needs have changed I guess. No more desire for new cars, new homes, new anything really.

I am thinking about that MVP for later however.



that... and a Z-atty-PRO

also one last little thing... a poldiac. but thats a drop in the bucket compared to the $3000 mod i posted first! lol

Good Lord! Those look like they attache to a gold 'grill' in your face! Also would get you noticed by the scum with evil on their minds.


Good Lord! Those look like they attache to a gold 'grill' in your face! Also would get you noticed by the scum with evil on their minds.

*but as a bonus , with the size of that thing you could konch them on the head and get their mind right :queen:


Hmm if money was no option...

It would be a toss up between Provari with Ikenvape Carto's a just a good solid glass carto tank, Phiniac or Vaperfexion comes to mind.


18650 size Zenesis 2 Hybrid-Cartotank, again with Ikenvape Carto's. Probably run it with an 18490 and a kick.

The first one i have. The second one im saving my pennies for!

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