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"Quick Fix" with a clearomizer using a carto filter as a wick...

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I'll assume this is form of "modding" - and forgive me if I don't use the right terms yet, I'm still new to the vaping world and loving every minute of it! I had a Krave kit with about 10 filters left, was reusing/dripping into them until I realized there are other TOYS out there!

I laid those down but kept them as backups for now and I bought an EGO for the wife and I about a week ago, well... We are LOVING it ... Batteries are 650 and 1100mah so we're set for backups........when suddenly the burnt taste showed up on my Ego this afternoon! ( I AM using it alot ) I thought it was the atomizer........ maybe it's the wick......sure enough it was the wick. I was thinking - what do I have that can act as a wick right now! Candles? Nahhh... :2guns: wax would be hard to get off!!!

I'd read on here somewhere of the dreaded burnt taste - and I do have an extra clearomizer, but wanted to figure it out without wicks. I popped it open and sure enough the wick was dark - burnt... I thought what can i do? I know some of you might not "like" the idea, but I popped open one of the old Krave cartomizers, pulled out the filter (which was pretty dry).

I unrolled it, cut it into a U shape pretty thin, and used it for a wick on my clearomizer - I primed it - and it worked right away. No burnt taste, but the difference in 24 mg and the 18 I'm using now is evident by taste at the moment until it soaks in and clears it up but I can taste the difference a little. The draw is also a little "harder" I assume from it being filter material not wick material - but it's working in a pinch!

I haven't been a member long and I figured someone else probably thought of this, but figured I'd share - and it's been a couple months for the wife and I not using analogs... and I LOVE this forum!!! On a side note, we went to Taco Bell last week and it tasted like slop, :crybaby: so I quit Taco Bell as well!

Has anyone else used something besides wicks.... as wicks?

Now... to order those wicks...... :evil:


i have never used any filler for a wick but thats awesome! also.. you can use cotton embroidery thread. the same kind you get from hobby lobby or walmart for like $.49 a bundle. :) thats what i use in everything i have. :) minus my RBA's which are actually SS mesh. :)


Thanks, IMEDICx90... This morning, the filler is actually vaping BETTER than the wick did. I have had this a short time, but the flavor seems better than before ! I was thinking as I looked at it this morning that the filter material is designed to hold liquid and heat up in a cart, and in theory it should be fine... If this helps someone else out in a quick fix... I've helped another ! I will try the embroidery thread though! We'll see how long this lasts for me. The wick was just over a week and it was done, so if this lasts a week... I'm really happy and the taste is way better!

The Krave was ok but original cart got a "dried out" taste half way through a cart... once I dripped it wasn't an issue. Now, this way in a clearomizer - it's thicker than a wick but it's doing the same thing and it seems to be delivering the taste better as well! I'm using tsunami and I'm cutting it just a little with Wilton vegetable glycerine... ordered some PG off ebay to try it - this forum has given me ALL kinds of help, so I figured I'd share what I've tried! I saw somewhere on the carts that some were using foam from aquarium tanks, I might try that too! It seems that these are sold wick only, wick and atomizer or complete new tips... I wanna go around it safely and where it works - so far so good!


I have a dead ce4, cut the wick off and used it as a flavor wick on my kpt. It also worked better than the factory kpt and never get a nasty taste.


I'll assume this is form of "modding" - and forgive me if I don't use the right terms yet, I'm still new to the vaping world and loving every minute of it! I had a Krave kit with about 10 filters left, was reusing/dripping into them until I realized there are other TOYS out there!

Sure is the correct term, as you you have modded (read-> modified) your set up.

Calling factory made PVs 'MODS' is an incorrect use of the term, as is calling anything that uses a USB cable to feed an inbuilt charger a pass through.

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