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Its worth a try at the cheap price. Tell us how they are. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Got my samples in last Monday and finished them over the weekend. This is what the bottles looked like:

The bottles are 3ml bottles with 1ml of juice in them. I ordered a couple of samples from all 5 of the brands eliquidsamples has on their website. Out of the 12 bottles I got, 2 of the juices were excellent, 7 were okay but I wasn't blown away and 3 I didn't like. I already ordered 30 ml bottles of my 2 favorites from the manufacturer.

Have to say I'm pretty pleased with the results. If you look at it from a per ml standpoint, the samples are way expensive. But if I would have bought the smallest bottles I could buy from the manufacturer (some of which don't offer sampler sizes) I would have paid like 3 times as much and ended up with 10 bottles of juice that I'd have to force myself to use up or throw away. It was also fun to try a bunch of different juices and start to get a feel of the types of flavors I like to vape.

I'm definitely going to order more samples at some point. It's not something I'd do all the time, but when I start getting bored with the same flavors, this is a good way to mix things up.

I've found that peoples vape tastes are alot different and that a lot of times what one person loves another hates. I'm not sure what you'll learn other than what MY tastes are, but here you go.
Zeus Ejuice Cinnamon Red Hot- Very strong cinnamon flavor like the candy. Too strong for my taste, but it was okay.
Virgin Vapor Coconut Breeze- Light flavor of coconut and smooth, but I wanted more flavor. Okay
Mom & Pop Vapor Shop Krunchberry- Does sort of remind me of Capt. Crunch Crunchberry cereal, good quality vape and okay, but not a favorite.
Zeus Hazelnut Coffee- Medium flavor of coffee but I couldn't pick up on the hazelnut. Okay, but not my cup of coffee.
Quick nic Juice Chocolate- Doesn't really taste like chocolate to me, but vapeable. Okay.
Highbrow Vapor Chai Tea- Amazing, full flavor, tastes just like a sweet chai tea drink. Excellent.
Highbrow Highbrowbacco Clove- The tobacco flavoring is strong and the clove comes through clearly, but not a favorite. Okay.
Zeus Blueberry Waffle- couldn't taste anything. Did not like.
Virgin Vapor Celestial Honeydew- Light to medium flavor intensity and honeydew flavor comes through clearly. Has a spicy, hot after-effect that I don't really care for. Pretty good but not a favorite.
Mom & Pop- Citrus Splash. Couldn't taste anything other than sweetness. Did not like.
Zeus Honeydew- Full flavor of honeydew and the vapor has a sweet hit on the palate. Excellent juice.
Virgin Going Bananas- Very light flavor of banana with no sweetness. Me no like.
I love that I can try all these flavors cheap and make up my own mind. I've been burned a few times buying juice that someone else said was great only to find out I didn't like it.

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