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Exposing the Public to E-cigs - A good Thing

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The librarians in my town usually ask what flavor I have today. I'm in the library almost daily, people around here don't care if I pull out my pv. If I do get questions I answer them politely explain how it has helped me quit the stinkies and if they are a smoker I offer a drag after explaining how to use it. I also tell them about VT and theveteranvaper.com

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"I have only had person ever ask or tell me to stop vaping. And this was at the public library. It was an elderly librarian and I swear the look on her face was that of horror,"

I would have paid good money to see that!

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The librarians in my town usually ask what flavor I have today. I'm in the library almost daily, people around here don't care if I pull out my pv. If I do get questions I answer them politely explain how it has helped me quit the stinkies and if they are a smoker I offer a drag after explaining how to use it. I also tell them about VT and theveteranvaper.com

I would have paid good money to see that!

On reflection, "Horror" may not have been the best term to describe the look on her face. It was more like a combination of shock and disbelief. As when a child first learns the truth about Santa Claus.

To be fair to this woman, I see her often when visiting the library with my little girl. She is a very kind, sweet, and gentle person. And although there may be some truth about older people having a harder time adapting to technology, I believe she probably knew what e-cigs were. She simply had never seen one, in actual use,up close and personal.

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