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Hello... I'm Ken...

I chewed a can of chew a day for roughly 20 years. I started the e-cig movement just a few days ago... Friday to be exact. I don't know why I resisted the movement as long as I did, for my mother in law is an employee at a head shop that sells e-cigs... I guess I was just too stupid to know better.

So far, it's been three days. I'm loving every moment of the change. It's much cleaner and much more fun. I vape the Deluxe E-Cig liquid usually, since that's what I can buy.

Tonight I mixed up a tobacco, menthol, cigar blend that is treating me alright!

I'm here to find out more about this great hobby!



Thanks guys! This forum rocks! I've been poking around a bit, and I'm totally impressed!

do people ever smart vaping groups? Folks who sit around and try people's favorite stuff? Maybe share a homebrew, or drink at a friendly bar?


Welcome !! There are get togethers here and there, its just a matter of finding people in your area. I used to live in Parker(my kids still do), don't miss the snow one bit !!!


Mile High Vape Fest

August 17th 6-11p

The Fowl Line Bar and Grill

774 Maleta lane


Not sure yet if I can make it, they have a FB page also, invite your friends!


My local B&M store has an e-juice called Darth Vapor. It's a fabulous vape and currently my favorite. Their webpage is


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