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Good morning my vaping friends. I got up all excited about my new Protank win so I went to Utube to get the basic info, like how to clean it and change out the coils . They said a few things that are unfamiliar to me so I knew I could come to you for explanation of what they were talking about. First, they were discussing how to stop the gurgling. They said they were topping it off and that you should keep it topped off at all times. What does he mean by topping it off and how do you do it? He also went on to discuss burn drying the tank and boy did that look way too complicated for me. He said it makes a big difference in it's performance but I sure hope it is not a necessary thing to do. What input can my vaping friends have for me?


well in my experience so far:

1.) to top it off means just to keep it filled. dont let it get down past halfway. i dont think thats a necessity. I have used it all the way down to basically the bottom of the tank and had no issues with it gurgling.

2.) I did try to rewick the coil but there was no dice with that one bc apparently the cotton wicking i use is too aggressive to the tank and it cause the atty to flood. however the replacement coils are only 1.65 a piece at the veteran vaper so buying replacements are no issue.

3.) burn drying the tank is simply using heat to dry the tank out after you have washed it out. you can use a lighter or sometimes an atty without a wick. quite frankly... i havent done it... but i dont see why it would change the performance since its a pyrex tank.

4.) make sure when you unscrew it from your battery that you make sure you are grabbing the bottom ring since it does like to unscrew from the tank and leave that ring... which will cause a HUGE mess depending on how much liquid is in it. LOL :)

anyway patricia i dont think you will have too much trouble with the tank. Its pretty easy and just treat it as you would a clearomizer. Also after you fill it for the first time.... let it sit for a few minutes and wick up the stuff especially if your using a high VG liquid. :)


Gurgling usually happens in tanks when some liquid gets into the center post. All you have to do is take the tank off the battery, hold a tissue loosely around the bottom (where the tank screws into the battery), blow into the mouth piece to clear the center post. Dab tissue into battery to collect the juice there, rescrew in the tank and you should be good to go.

From my experience with the Pro Tank dry burning is not necessary.

Topping off means to fill it up. In this instance he was saying keep it filled, which I don't find necessary with the Pro Tank. This guy might be over filling his tank, which is why he keeps getting gurgling. At least that's what it sounds like to me with your descriptions and not having seen the vid in question. :)


Totally agree with Medic's #4. It's a huge mess with liquid running everywhere if you accidentally unscrew the base from the battery instead of the whole tank. :blush:


I hold the tank upside down of course when I fill it. I usually fill to at least the top of the glass section and no more than 1/8" from the opening of the vent tube.

I personally don't dry burn these coils until after a 24hr vodka soak. Then I use an eGo battery set at low voltage to fire it at something like 3 second bursts. Depending on how much crud there is I often use a tiny jewelers' screwdriver to gently scrape stuff away. Once you see no more smoke during the burn and the coil windings each glow brightly then it's as clean as it's going to get. Dry burning a coil after some use and cleaning is necessary for any kind of decent performance. It's either that or just keep buying new coils.

Do NOT dry burn any coil at high voltage. You can fry one really quickly that way.


I forgot to mention that I use pliers to pull the air tube from the actual coil section before cleaning. Once you have those 2 pieces apart remove the 2 flavor wicks, rinse with water and put them aside to dry. When reassembling it help to lubricate the end of the air tube where it press fits on the coil section with a little e juice. You'll have to use pliers either way (at least I do) but it makes it a little easier.


I forgot to mention that I use pliers to pull the air tube from the actual coil section before cleaning. Once you have those 2 pieces apart remove the 2 flavor wicks, rinse with water and put them aside to dry. When reassembling it help to lubricate the end of the air tube where it press fits on the coil section with a little e juice. You'll have to use pliers either way (at least I do) but it makes it a little easier.

I just grabbed it with 1 hand and wiggled the tube gently and it came right apart. Same with reassembly just held 1 end and pressed the tube back in. never had issues with gurgling, leaks etc. I found it easier than vision ce4 etc as far as ease of use and performance. I'm sure you will like it. Just remember its very fragile if it drops it could shatter. Thats my only beef with the pro tank, love how it performs but it's extremely fragile. Use it at home on carpeted surfaces or in the couch.


Thank you all for your info. Irwink, all of that is way to complicated for me. I don't know if it's because I'm a newbi or if I maybe in early stages of dementia :). If all that dry burning does is makes the replaceable coil last longer and if they are about the same as my VN's ($2.00 to $3.00), then I will just change out my coil. I never was very mechanically inclined. I guess that's why I went into nursing. :)


Just buy new heads, cheap and easy, and if your not comfortable rewicking, can be messy. To clean them, I just rinse in hot water, and make sure they are dry before refilling. The tube is large on the KPT, so you can fit a qtip all the way up during filling, and ensures no overfill gets down the tube. On a twister you'll look like your eating a drumstick!


You'll do fine Patricia !!! I go for no fuss, no muss.

do you have a vivi nova or EVOD?

If you do, I treat it the same as I do my vivi nova and EVOD or Kanger T3....fill it, vape, refill as needed. when its not vaping right, I put on a replacement head, fill and vape.

I assume you will be using yours on an Ego type battery.....there is a sleeve that fits between the battery and tank to give it a more finished look.

http://www.theveteranvaper.com/ego-sleeves/ (Type C). Not sure if the contest included the sleeve or just the tank (I should know tomorrow when mine arrives)

no need for it to be complicated. the replacement heads are fairly cheap.


You'll do fine Patricia !!! I go for no fuss, no muss.

do you have a vivi nova or EVOD?

If you do, I treat it the same as I do my vivi nova and EVOD or Kanger T3....fill it, vape, refill as needed. when its not vaping right, I put on a replacement head, fill and vape.

I assume you will be using yours on an Ego type battery.....there is a sleeve that fits between the battery and tank to give it a more finished look.

http://www.theveteranvaper.com/ego-sleeves/ (Type C). Not sure if the contest included the sleeve or just the tank (I should know tomorrow when mine arrives)

no need for it to be complicated. the replacement heads are fairly cheap.

That little sleeve can be screwed up close to the tank to tighten airflow and away from the tank to loosen the draw. I can't use the ring on my devices but some people feel the ability to adjust airflow nice.


Just buy new heads, cheap and easy, and if your not comfortable rewicking, can be messy. To clean them, I just rinse in hot water, and make sure they are dry before refilling. The tube is large on the KPT, so you can fit a qtip all the way up during filling, and ensures no overfill gets down the tube. On a twister you'll look like your eating a drumstick!

I won't disagree with that. However when I started vaping I was unemployed and pinching pennies. I'm back in the black now but that mentality's stayed with me. That plus I'm a tinkerer by nature. :yes


for the record both of the ones i received have:

1- glass tank

1- ego flush sleeve

2- protank replacement coils

and its a nifty little box too! :)

I just received 2 spares from Cignot the other day that were in the 'presentation' box. My originals were just packaged in a carboard box. What I call the presentation box might come in handy when traveling.


Yeah it looks like a box a watch or other jewelry would come in. I bought my first batch of PT's weeks ago with no fancy box so I was surprised when these arrived.


Another easy mistake to make, ENSURE the head is screwed down tight. Some of mine came with head already in place, but not screwed tight, filled it and made a mess. I think the gift box types are loose in the box tho, so ensure you put one in!!


I'm still not sure if I like this KPT more than my T2s. The jury is still out. I can't put my finger on it but there is a "taste" with the KPT that is different than anything else. Not sure if it is just what the liquid tastes like in glass or what. Almost a metallic taste.


The whole 2 days I had the kpt I never got a metallic taste. I only get that with ce4's and this cheap dct that came with my en cig when I chain vape.


Might be the tip, seems to taste better after at least four hours in juice, maybe a little bitter new. Did you rinse and dry all parts prior to use (not heads, but everything else) as residual oils from factory does occur.q...


Yeah I didn't do that with the first tank but I did do it after I ripped it apart. It's not necessarily bad it's just a distinctive taste is all.


I don't see any difference between 4 hours in juice and 4 seconds. I generally take 4 or 5 unpowered hits to prime the wicks immediately after filling and that's it. When the wicks are saturated they're saturated. As to rinsing and drying prior to use I don't see the need. All i do is a quick dry burn to get any residual junk, if any,from the coil and go.

For me after 4 hours of use I'm starting to see a decline in performance rather than an improvement.


That's why I can't wait until the second version comes out: replaceable drip tips. I can use my favorite instead of the metal one that doesn't come off in the original. :)


Thanks for all the great info on the KPT. I just got one and can hopefully try it out tonight. I ordered a clear one from a place online and they accidentally sent a pink tinted one. I couldn't bring myself to use a pink one so I've had to wait a couple of extra days for the replacement. I've only been using vivi tanks and cartos so far so I'm looking forward to the new one.

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