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Hey Vapor Talkers , wanted to share a bit of info.. I do not have all the details but i do have one of these beautys,, its the T3-S and its basicly a evod coil set up on a T3 style tank

The old T3s you replaced the whole bottom cap to replace the coil head.... with the T3-S you replace the heads as you do an evod.. or a protank still using the bottom cap that came with it.

being its also a kanger product the heads are universal with the protank and the evods,, and ALSO .. the bottom cap will fit ANY T3 tank making a regular T3 ,, a T3-S with the switch of the bottom cap ...

it still has the same performance as a evod or t3 with the airy draw, but the wicking is improved with the head switch over..

i like the universal bottom cap as i have some cool looking t3s that i wanna use the T3-S evod style bottom cap with .. so IMO i like this T3-S .. but i am a fan of the protank and evod style setup. again it does have an airy draw so if you dont care for that.... this product is probably not for you... but if you do like a evod or the T3 you should try a T3-S.

I was Sent this product for use on P.L.V from thedigitalcig.com i decided to post this mini review at my own free will and is not biased in any way shape or form based on how i recieved the product. this was my opinion on a new or upcoming product and i do not have any details on this other then the above.

peace love and vape everyone.


Posted (edited)

ALSO i should mention the bottom cap will fit on to a MT3 BCC as well.

the kanger version... also turning the MT3 into the T3-S

kanger sure did figure out a way to link the T3 with the evods and protanks very well

Edited by DJJROCK

Nice, haven't tried Pro Tank yet but have been using the Evods for a few weeks now and have been very happy with them. Thx for the info


Thanks for the post I might check into it. I have a decent setup but want to step it up. Very good info indeed.


I got the base for my T3s, but the set of Evod heads that I have won't fit into the base. The metal disk (seperate the thread and the wick) on the evod head is larger than the hole on the T3 base. The disk will stay on top of the base in stead of going inside the rim. So, the base won't screw all the way in and the top of the head don't make contact with the center air tube.


I got the base for my T3s, but the set of Evod heads that I have won't fit into the base. The metal disk (seperate the thread and the wick) on the evod head is larger than the hole on the T3 base. The disk will stay on top of the base in stead of going inside the rim. So, the base won't screw all the way in and the top of the head don't make contact with the center air tube.

after further inspection , you are correct,, some of my heads fit and some dont,?!?!?!, tho all of the heads screw into the bottom cap and fit snugly on the bottom cap,, where i run into probs is connecting the bottom cap into the tanks.. depending on the circumfrence of the base some will fit thru and some wont allow the cap to screw on tightly.. good catch i only tryed one set of evods i had and they actually worked but an pile i had some worked and most did not,,, weird.

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