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'Lucky' that by lurking here, then getting a little advice on a starter kit, I bought some quality products and was amazed at how preferable it was to analogs.

The reason I mention this is that I had an experience today that would have, had it been my first 'ecig' probably have turned me off to vaping.

I was given a new 'V2' light, single use ecig by someone who had it, but wasn't going to use it. I haven't tried any small auto units, so I thought I'd try it. IMO, boy did it suk. No throat hit at all, and terrible taste. And I hit it a dozen times or so. Had that been my first experience with vaping, I may very well have said 'not for me'.

I guess the lesson is if you are looking to switch someone, advise them to give 'your' gear a try, and not just let them grab something off the rack.


Excellent advice !!! Its amazing the difference between a good unit and a cheap unit.


Yeah! I mentioned it to a guy. He quickly brushed me off and said " I hate those things!"

I said, "These things?" Holding up my rig, I took a drag and blew out a plume. "Try it."

He looked a little puzzled. He took a respectable hit and his eyes widened..

"That tastes like a cigarette."

He walked away like he didnt believe it. Later he came back to me asking more about it. I dont know if he's vaping, but I for sure know he's thinking about it.

Posted (edited)

you know - I was "almost ' the same way.

I had a coworker that had one and honestly I thought it looked like some sort of" paraphernalia" But she smoked analogs too so I figured cant be that good if shes still smoking so I never really thought about it

UNTILL we became a tobacco free facility then I started thinking about it ALOT.LOL

Well she didint think much of it because she would still sneak around with me to smoke she even offered me one that she didint use any more but I declined because she didnt like hers and that was the one she replaced it with -

well I quit that job

ANd had my best friends mother not been put on oxygen that very well may have been the end of it for me

so glad it worked out for all of us who gave it a fair chance.

Edited by Christie

Thats just about what going away from tobacco and to vaping is like. Being put on oxygen!

Strawberry banana flavored oxygen!

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