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I have an Ego ecig, when I am not using it, is it ok to have it laying down, or does it have to be standing up right all the time. Will the liquid leak out if I lay it down?



I'll wait for others to comment but my take is it shouldn't leak. However I do have my tanks that have juice in then sitting up. I'm just fussy that way I guess.


If it's a quality tank/carto/clearo whatever it should be fine to lay down. i leave mine in my pocket all day with a clearo on it and it never leaks. that being said most of this stuff is made in China so if it does don't be surprised lol


Depends on the clearo-tank you are using. I store mine in a case all day laying vertically on my desk at work and never had a leak once I started using T2 clearos and dumped the CE4s. I occasionally would have a leak with a CE4. My Kanger Pro Tank lays on its side all day at home every day, not gonna risk it getting knocked over and it never has leaked. When at work I have a coozy I keep on my desk for pens and highlighters-markers etc and I stick it in there all day but mainly because its easy to grab and take a pull in my office.

I dont think it matters in the least unless you have a faulty clearo or tank that is prone to leaking.


It's all good army. :) we all had to learn them at some point. In the new member forum there is a sticky that has ecig jargon for those of us who don't understand the terminology with explanations of each term in very easy to understand words. :)


I have had issues with CE4s leaking in my case. CE4s are fine, but next order I suggest trying a Kanger T2 also known as Ego CC Long Wick Clearomizer on many sites. I have never had one leak at any point and other than one Kanger Pro Tank I use at home they are the only thing I use any more. I started with CE4s, they work ok but tended to flood with liquid and all leaked at some point. The T2 is much easier to fill, holds 2.4ml, and you can replace the coil and wicks when they go bad for around $2 and the unit itself with a wick in it is $4.39 at Veteran Vaper in the Marketplace here. I have a couple dozen of them.

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