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Exclusive Vp Passthrough Preview!

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Another reason to stick around Vapor Talk! The VP Passthrough Exclusive

So the talk of the town as pretty much been the VP units. I'm almost thinking about changing Vapor Talk to VP Talk. :rolleyes: After many emails asking me about it I talked with Jeso today for a bit and he has graciously allowed me to post pictures of the VP Passthrough. (VP-PT) So here it is! :dribble::gun:

Here is some information about the PT

  • The unit is anodized black
  • LED lights on the top and the very unique opaque design with an LED in the middle. (This thing really looks cool)
  • colors offered in Blue and Green
  • The passthrough delivers 5 volts. Most people are unaware that there is a battery inside the passthroughs from China which brings the voltage down to 3.7
  • Each unit will contain a fuse inside so in the very unlikely event that your atomizer shorts out, your expensive computer is protected. (A rare an important feature) Resettable fuse trips @ 2.2 amps Will turn back on after the short (atomizer) is removed
  • All VP passthroughs will come with a stand that hold not only the passthrough itself but a bottle of juice as well and a adapter . This way you don't have to worry about juice leaking all over your nice desk. Pictures of the stand will be posted later.
  • If your computer doesn't have USB 2.0 or you don't happen to be around a computer, the passthrough comes with a wall adapter that allows you to plug the USB passthrough into any standard outlet (specially made for the passthrough don't try using M401 chargers!!)USB power pack rated @ 5 volts @ amps
  • Nice sized cable. When I say nice sized I mean it isn't the size of a rope. This custom made cable created by Jeso will still deliver the same amount of power. This was a biggy for me, I don't need a jumbo cable on my desk.
  • With the VP adapter the same passthrough will work with the 801, 901 and 510 adapter, M201, and cartomizers! What atomizer you use is up to you. (If you already have an adapter that you use on your VP unit currently it will work on the passthrough as well)
  • And of course, it's American Made :)

Here are some pictures enjoy...






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Dang that thing looks nice. I am excite. I'd imagine the green one would look like your vaping kryptonite. Yes! We can all turn into meteor freaks. This is one of the most stylin passthroughs I've seen yet. Some of the larger ones I've seen look like they're bomb detonators. I don't have a passthrough yet, looks like I might be buying this one.

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It works with all the popular atomizers. You just have to make sure (if you don't already have it) you get the adapter. It costs 12 bucks. :D

Jeso was one of the first to do this. He didn't think it made much sense to have everyone purchase a different passthrough for each model. Honest guy I have to say.

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