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Yeah..... Idk lithium ion as a general product is unstable anyway. And that not the first battery to explode on someone in any device. I had a beard trimmer with a lithium ion battery and while it was charging it blew up. It cause no harm or real damage other then some soot on the wall but it still exploded... But I didn't go sue the manufacturer. People fail to realize that over use of a charger on fully charged batteries of any type are just as harmful as only half charging them and using them until they are dead.


This is the 2nd news article Ive read involving a ecig battery exploding in the car. Probably not a good place to charge a battery.


vapcigs ? Never heard of em before.

Why didn't they research before buying? Impulsive purchase? Get it while they're thinking about trying it?

If it's a knock off, I hope they go out of business. If it's actually good quality, I wish them the best.

Chargers should have built in overcharging protection.

So should the eCigs.

That's one of the things I love about the Provari. Not only does the Provari have tons of built in protection, so does the battery charger I use, the iCore intelli-charger v2. The iCore charger is great for all my IMR batteries for all my Mods.


Wow that is food for thought and a reason for me to purchase additional back up battery's so I can have enough on hand to keep charged during my awake hours instead of charging my 2 pv at night while sleeping. I am sure I am not the only one that has been chargeing this way. Even laptop battery's have been known to explode and catch houses on fire. Not sure if any lawsuits came out of that or not. People sue over most anything these days. Remember Mcdonalds being sued over hot coffee?


I am wondering if it was really a faulty battery that exploded. With the way the burns are described, she either had it in her lap or she was sitting on it causing the button to be depressed. I once sat on one of my ecigs, had I not caught it in time, the whole thing would have exploded just from the heat of the atomizer.

I do believe batteries are just unstable, I had a faulty battery for my laptop that swelled up to a bubble. The batteries were actually recalled for that model.

I would not like to be caught in an enclosed space with any battery about to explode and no place to escape to.

Posted (edited)

Out of the untold billions of lithium battery powered devices (not just e-cigs) on the planet, I've only heard a couple of stories about one exploding, Between those stories, many people win lotteries or get struck by lightning. That goes to show you how miniscule your odds are of blowing yourself up while using an e-cig.

Edited by Rixter

That's a good point. Speaking of lotterys I won a little over $150.00 in NC last night on powerball -which will help offset some of the money I used nonlinear this weekend purchasing new flavors of juice.


Out of the untold billions of lithium battery powered devices (not just e-cigs) on the planet, I've only heard a couple of stories about one exploding, Between those stories, many people win lotteries or get struck by lightning. That goes to show you how miniscule your odds are of blowing yourself up while using an e-cig.

A friend of mine got struck by lightning three times. He's not quite right anymore... :D


A friend of mine got struck by lightning three times. He's not quite right anymore... :D

Did he really?! I have only known one person to ever be hit by lightning and it was the scariest thin I have ever seen. Thank god I knew how to do CPR and reacted instead of thought.... But afterwords I was a mess!


Poor guy couldn't catch a break. After the first time he took all the precautions but still wound up getting hit again. And again. He now has a lightning rod on his house and stays in his basement when storm clouds appear.

Your friend was very lucky to have you around! Which reminds me...I need to recert for CPR I think my card's lapsed.


and this reminds me I need a new battery for my laptop.

Wow IMedic, he was extremely lucky you were there when that happened! Right on.


It was a she her name was actually rose. And it was just the right timing. She ran track and I played football... I was on my way into the school and she was leaving and BAM! She was on the ground. I wasn't even sure what happened till someone else told me what had happened. And I didn't actually do anything by performing CPR but I didn't hurt anything either. The squad was already there for a sporting event and they watched it happen. Well not watched bc they couldn't stop it but they saw it happen and ran over right away. I was only doing CPR for like a minute or so but it felt like an hour!


I believe thats a pic of the back seat where the battery landed.


I live in FLorida .,Ive had lots of things not come out of the carnage that is my car in the summer ,Ive had sneakers melt off the soles, numerous cheap lighter explode , water bottles expand - it can get over 120 degrees in a car in under an hour. logic would only dictate any battery is probably unsafe to store in the car .My daughter left her cell phone in my car and the screen got so hot it has a permanent rainbow like haze on the digtizer.

side note- I didnt sue anyone for my stupidity :queen:


Here in kansas oklahoma we get 110 summers and st midnight its still high 90's. I thought it was common sense not to leave anything in a car in that kind of heat. The manufacturer should sue them for being stupid by leaving it in a hot *** car.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think FDA should put restriction on those organistions who don't follow quality rules and quality maintainace standarad should be revised.

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