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I was recently given a ECG (Electronic Cigarette Generation) brand e-cig from a friend at work because he didn't like it. I found out why he didn't like it...it sucks...lol. I stopped by a local Vapor shop in my city called The Vapor Bar. I bought some e-juice (one of their in house blends) called, Beach Bum. I really like how it tasted when I sampled it in their shop. So, I charged the ECG and took it to work, it worked about 2 hours before the battery died and I bummed 3 analogs and had about 5 Camel Snuses while I waited for it to charge. After work I was headed to St Louis ( from Dallas Texas) and I will be in Missouri till the 15th on vacation. There was NO WAY I was using the ECG piece of crap for a week and a half. I bit the bullet and bought one of The Vapor Bar's one battery set ups for $68 with a manual battery, atomizer, charger and one 30 ml free flavor (I chose cotton candy...that was a mistake). I have been vaping with it since 5:00pm and haven't had any desire for a Snus or analog. Hope I can stick with it. I'm doing it in the car now and wife and kids don't mind it.


Welcome aboard man! And don't discount the cotton candy just yet. The longer you vape the more your taste buds change. I bought a Jamaican colada and couldn't stand it but after a week I tried it again and couldn't put it down. You will probably like the tobacco flavours at first since that's what your used to. I have been doing more fruity and dessert style flavours as of late although I like sweetmint too. So just hold onto it for a bit and if you still don't like it you can always buy a 0mg nicotine flavor and mix it in to overtake the cotton candy. And if all else fails... I'm sure there are people who would take it off your hands around here. Anyway happy vaping man!


Welcome and congrats !! finding the right flavors is always the challenge, especially since our taste buds change so often.

I had my last cigarette 4 years ago and haven't looked back !! My husband and kids are just glad I quit smoking...I'm sure my husband wonders if I will ever give up vaping.....Not likely :baby:


Hang in there, Tex. it might be a little rocky at first til you find a flavor that suits you. Sometimes when you are trying new flavors they can be great for a couple of drags but quickly cloy on you. I suggest starting with subtle flavors at first. Maybe a straight tobacco flavor or something subdued like a mild fruit or a cafe mocha. Hang on to the cotton candy because you can add a touch of it to other juices to sweeten them up a little if they're too dull.

If you have a smart phone or an iPad do a search on your travel route to locate a place that sells e-juices. Lately, more and more smoke shops and cigarette outlets are carrying some juices if you can't find an actual vape store.

If you want to post pictures you have to upload them to a third party site like Flickr and then link the URL. There may be other methods.

Good luck!


Well it's all good if you're willing to vape what ya got. I've got a dozen bottles of unvapables. I was worried about getting back to cigs at first so I was on a mad tear to find the right juice to keep me happy.


At some point you may want to get a second battery if you're wanting to permanently replace analogues/snus with vaping. Waiting for that one battery to charge can suck. :( Someone mentioned this in another thread recently and made me realize I never thought of it... make sure to back up your charger at some point as well with a second to keep on hand in case it dies. Dead batteries you can't charge suck too, LOL, and I think a LOT of us remember to have back up batteries and devices but NOT backup chargers. ;)

I'm not really sure that I agree a mild fruit is the way to go if you're used to analogues. I tried a lot of the more subtle fruit flavors like kiwi and watermelon when I was in the quitting process, and my numbed out taste buds just couldn't taste them (pack a day smoker originally here, Camels). If you do get a subtle fruit flavor like that, I would recommend that you make sure it's mentholated or that you add menthol to give your taste buds a little kick in the butt so they can taste the fruit. Heavy flavors that are slightly bitter/spicy and menthol flavors are probably the best route to go IMHO... also the very sweet heavy flavors might make you sick, so keep it low on the sweetener. Of course, I agree that the tobacco flavors are always a good bet when you're coming off analogues.

Welcome to vaping & this forum! The health & pleasure benefits are HUGE with vaping vs. smoking. Congrats on taking your first step towards a healthier and happier lifestyle! :D


I got my battery on a charging schedule like they told me to do at The Vapor Bar. I just plug it in and let it charge overnight. It has been lasting the entire day so far.

  • 4 weeks later...

She is so right about a spare battery and charger!

I lost my charger (in the parking lot fell out of my car) one day and freaked out! I had 6 chargers federal expressed to my hotel ( i was in backwoods Louisiana and didn't know if a vape store was close)

Got back to the work site next day found my charger in the parking lot. Dried it out (did i mention it is wet in Louisiana?) and it worked thank goodness.

Because of the anxiety of that moment when i got home i bought 1000 dollars worth of backup supplies from china so that i always have multiple spares of things on hand. In 7 months i have destroyed 9 batteries countless burned ce4's from "Playing with voltages" and lost 3 chargers! Now i carry around a "baggy of spares" so i don't have to stress it lol.

As far as the flavours? i'm a big fan of buying a lot and trying them out. then coming back to them. I first bougth Mountain Dew flavor and couldn't get past the lemon. Now that it has "steeped" the harsh lemon is gone and it's what im' currently vaping (along with caramel cappuchino, Vanilla Bean, Kahlua, Orange cream). I keep several setups to carry with me when traveling and working but at home i pick a favorite of the day pull out my evic and get the top notch vaping going!

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