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Posted (edited)

Hey all,

I was wondering if there were any online e-liquid stores that posted which chemicals are used to flavor their products. Reason I ask is I got into a discussion yesterday with a friend who was looking into taking up vaping. She was concerned because she wasn't sure what the flavoring agents were made out of (though I told her it can't be any worse than the chemicals she's already getting from smoking). Still, I imagine it's the same type of flavoring used in candy or soda, which isn't exactly known for its great health benefits.

Edited by MistaVapa

I suspect you will have a hard time finding exactly what is in the flavorings. Mostly because its proprietary. "Trade Secrets". You can only hope or trust that the FDA has done their homework. But a lot of things are approved for human consumption that may not in actual fact be "good for you". Take aspartame for example used as a sweetener in diet drinks. It's FDA approved but - we'll, google it when you have a few hours,lol

A quality flavoring shouldn't be too bad. Natural extracts, sometimes some food dyes and some kind of base to suspend it all together. One of the DIY guys might have more info on this. But there is a significant amount of flavoring in a juice. I've seen upwards of 20%.

It can't hurt to stay away from heavily dyed, perfumed, overly sweet juices. You have to remember we are consuming food products and not in a way intended by the manufacturers. Personally, I think more research needs to go in to this area for vaping to really come of age.

Vaping has been done for years, apparently pretty safely. Be a smart consumer and know where your stuff comes from.

This is my opinion and speculation and is not to be taken as pure fact


She can always vape non-flavored, if she's that sensitive. Main thing is getting off the tobacco cigarettes so the body begin it's non-smokers healing rituals.

Me? I'm a flavor nut, need lots of flavoring in mine. As long as it's keeping me off the cigarettes, and helping me to cut down on the nicotine doses (mg), I'm a happy camper. To me it's much safer than eating tomato sauce base canned goods (raviolis, etc) or boxed Mac-n-cheeses that our youngsters demand at least once a week or they bring out their hobo sticks. Why the FDA allows these things on the food shelves is beyond me. They are killing our kids!


One thing to keep in mind is to stray away from oil based flavoring (especially if you start DIY'ing) I know that's not the case in this tread, but while I don't have a source off hand, (A google will probably bring it up, I remember reading about it on ECF) I recall a year or two ago someone using oil based flavoring. The oil coated his lungs which led to pneumonia. (Oil + Lungs = no no)

Alway, stick with well known suppliers and those that have been around awhile. A good mixer will know the in's and out's of e liquid like the back of their hands.


Not to mention, oil based favors are really bad for heating elements!

Beyond that, if you really want to know what's in the liquids, DIY is the way to go. For the most part, the flavorings are actually food flavorings. I avoid the darker flavorings (just a thing for me). I'm not exactly sure what's used in most food flavorings.

Inhaling anything into the lungs (sometimes even air) is not healthy...it's about weighing risk vs benefit...we each have to make our own choices in the end

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