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We do try hard to keep things friendlier. Many of us are here, because we don't like the attitudes on ECF. Occasionally tempers flare, just like in any family.

Just sorry it got caught up on your thread. I love all the variety and opinions on the forum, I stay here because I really am a VT fangirl !!


I love VaporTalk, I just think that kind of thing has no place in a community like this. Bigger forums you expect it, but when adults resort to name calline, "Get a Job" comments, and the like I tend to tune out and lose interest. I have heard all sorts of bad things said about the stuff I love and inversely have said bad things about equipment others love. It is just inherent that different tastes will like different things but the "My stuff is better than your stuff" degrading into namecalling should stay on the playground or in the sandbox, not in a forum meant to discuss things. Just my two cents, it wasnt directed at me but did sort of derail my thread and was directed at people I have grown to like very much.

But back on subject, I am sticking with the T2. I cannot imagine getting anything out of a KPT or a Vivi that I am not getting now.


Okay, let me straighten this out..

It's not a "my stuff is better that your stuff" thing..

It's a "I have not used this product, but I have heard that it's bad" thing..

You can't believe everything you read on the internut, I have read this and I have read that..so what.. I have used the thing, have practical experience using it, have found all the pros and cons, and how to improve them, yet your the expert. Stating that you have some type of a consensus that the forum as a whole, is what set me off. Stating your some kind of expert, and should listen to you, even tho you haven't used the appliance, but you've read about it is what set me off. Replying on every single post because you state your unemployed and have nothing better to do, and can't even afford juice is what set me off,

I apologize to all who were offended

Bcarter s reviewsi are on point, as well as many others, some are just blowing smoke, and actually I think some are supplier linked and always pointing in the same direction, and getting that discount... You can smell em...

I have never tried to provide any type of expert knowledge about anything to anyone. Only if I have used it, broke it, fixed it or built it, myself. I might read Road and Track and Aquatics Monthly never missing a issue, but I'm not going to tell you what car to buy, Or you bought a bad car,unless I have owned it myself.

Once again SORRY That i blew out my jets, but felt necessary, but won't happen again

I should of just asked myself....what would Tam do?!?!!


Solid explanation AquaTroy, and I never meant to get anything started. I rarely pay attention to reviews anymore since the flavors of liquids that get great reviews are rarely ones I like and the same for accessories. The Ce4 gets great reviews and I dislike them very much now that I have switched to the T2.

Let me ask you this as a fan of the KPT. What about the KPT is superior to the T2 that it is worth roughly 3x more per unit? I guess that was overall my general question. The T2 is called a "clearomizer" and the KPT and the Vivi are called "tanks". Is it more to do with size or is there more to it than that?

Now that I have it down to the two flavors I am vaping 90%+ of the time, if there is an advantage to a tank I want to get a couple to try. What say you?


And just to add, FWIW I recommend places that I have gotten great service and deals. I have never received a discount from anyone for shilling their stuff. I mainly order from Veteran Vaper and VapeDudes because they have given me the most consistent prices, availability, and service BUT I have given away flavors I have ordered by a 3-1 margin easily over those I have liked. I would have saved hundreds of dollars if I had the ability to try the flavors and stuff before I bought it. I only wish I had the capital and knowledge to open a vape store here in Knoxville. I think it would jam lol.

Posted (edited)

Okay, I have 6-KPT's 3-T2s, 2-evodds,2MTTs, another half dozen vivis, some minis, a couple odd ball tanks from smoking crow, and around a dozen ce4,4+,5 types. I kinda went a little overboard at first, then realized I only liked Kangertech stuff. The Tesla I won in a raffle, and that's what led me to KPTs. Needed something hefty on top (anal)! 2.5ml and will almost last a whole day, butI flip flop flavors a lot.

In the last six weeks, I have only used KPT's , even on my ego tpe batts....it's really top heavy....on a lanyard chain, really top heavy ..I don't care. Nothing else tastes as well, clean...crisp flavors ..and I've tested, same flavor same batts, different appliance, KPTs win Every time I go back and use something in plastic, or has long wicks, I'm tasting plastic, sometimes slight, but it's there, and from quitting the stinkies my taste buds are spot on, loving every dish my wife makes, shes not that bad a cook ! Or just my buds are back!! Yeah!!

Yep plastic, new, old, cleaned, don't matter I taste plastic !

Okay some tanks are like 4 pieces, 2 orings, and a removable tip, and KPT's are 3 total, unit, base, head, and are only gonna leak in one spot, unless you overfilled it. Chrome wrapped Pyrex, stout and sturdy, yes it's glass, guess being careful wih your gear is necessary. But for a glass tank it's feels more like a rock. And as for cleaning, hot water.

Okay, now for the airy hit issue. Yes it hits big, and if you pull on it like a vivi, your going to think its airy. Just a relearning curve, that will bring you big clouds and a awesome hit, it's just a lot more of a slower relaxed pull that brings the best out. Yes EVODD heads fit and tighten it up some, and I've tried the oring, rubber band thing around the vents, but really isn't necessary. And on a ego type batt the ring provided not only looks good, but works as an airflow adjustment, if you tighten it up against the bottom of the tank, it tightens the draw even more. I get just as great a vape with a KPT on my ego batts as my tesla, or on a few other APVs or MechMods my friends have allowed me to try.

And, as the great Mr G.stated "that's all I have to say about that"

Edited by Aquatroy

Yea I thought the T2 had an airy draw at first, then I learned how to draw off it. Different than the tighter Vision products but I think I get a lot better flavor and vapor than the Vision stuff.

I am no expert, but when I do something I want to learn everything there is to it. I just couldnt understand what the advantage is to spend more if the T2 is almost if not the same thing. I do not think I taste plastic, but having never vaped from a glass tank I wouldn't know. I may have to order a couple to try now that I have two flavors I know I am gonna vape a ton more than everything else put together.


Might I suggest, just one, 2 reasons...

A You might not like it, then you'll be calling me names, buy one, you don't like it after you replaced the head with an EVODD head, I will buy it from you + shipping

B KPTMIni's are coming out very soon, released in he china markets already, should be available in the US couple months. I have a colleague in Shenzen who has shipped me some, hopefully this week and should be perfect for a spinner/twist setup. If they work as well as the big ones, that will be your choice for ego batts, and I will be throwing everything else out!!

Ps no more spinning your wicks for juce!


Well at least the folks reviewing KTP,s today actually have one, and have heard nothing but great..Got a real problem with folks bad mouthing a product they haven't even bought, or even borrowed one.....I have six...so go get a job, or quit being a tight *** and get one, try it for a couple days, then you can complain..My KPTminis will be here on Thursday, I bought a box (dozen) and planning on selling half to help set off shipping charges direct from China...

Interested, PM sent.


Might I suggest, just one, 2 reasons...

A You might not like it, then you'll be calling me names, buy one, you don't like it after you replaced the head with an EVODD head, I will buy it from you + shipping

B KPTMIni's are coming out very soon, released in he china markets already, should be available in the US couple months. I have a colleague in Shenzen who has shipped me some, hopefully this week and should be perfect for a spinner/twist setup. If they work as well as the big ones, that will be your choice for ego batts, and I will be throwing everything else out!!

Ps no more spinning your wicks for juce!

I never get mad when someone recommends something I do not like. I just know I will not like a large tank, especially the way I carry my equipment in my case. I really want to try one and am not averse to spending a little money to try something new. I have already thrown away 10 CE4 V3s that were garbage and have given away over 1000ml of liquids I didnt like. Never once was I mad at anyone that recommended it.

I havent heard a bad thing about VapeDudes Blue Honey but the more I vape it the more vile it becomes. One of the people I have shipped liquids to in the past may get a surprise package before long with that in it. I am steeping for another week to be sure, but I cannot imagine this being a flavor I will use. After getting my Spearmint and Candy Cane I have a very hard time switching to anything else. When I do its for a pull or two and I am like, nah Im switching back.

Either way I would never call anyone names regardless lol. I am lucky enough to have the finances to where its not a big deal, and I love trying new things with vaping looking for that perfect setup. I am still on the Ego styles and Spinners but have been sniffing around the mini Provari suppliers lately


Either way, everything I have and everything I have tried is still less than one month of analogs, and once i get it set up just right it will be even more savings.


I just picked out and purchased my mom her first vapor setup.

She has an 1100 spinner and KT2 tank sitting on top. I'm sure everyone knows why I picked the spinner, but I got the T2 for the same reason. Low maintenance and good draw imo.

I want a mini KPT asap also since the PT is my favorite tank so far.

This Vision iclear-30 sux imo, it gives me headaches after a few draws its so tight.

I will be heading into rebuildable tanks soon so I can make them do exactly what I like and want as I'm slowly finding what I prefer in vaping.


Just realized the KPT is only 2.4ml, same as my T2. Not sure I would want the mini. Thinking about ordering a couple very soon.


KPT is 2.5, the mini is 2.2....

I mean, is it "super" heavy? I am not too worried about it. At work mine is on my desk or in my hand and on a lanyard about everywhere else.


It's a heavy one, 44grams including juice, on your lanyard and a 1100 twist, hangs horizontal, won't stay upright if moving, walking etc.


Yea I just cannot make myself pull the trigger lol. I had 4 and some coils in the cart and couldnt finish it up. I need to find a B&M store to see one before pulling the trigger on an almost $20 tank. Problem is I am prone to over buying things lol. Same with liquid. I ordered 50ml of Blue Honey from VapeDudes because I couldnt find a bad review and to me, it is so sweet it is almost vile. If after steeping another week it is still as bad I am shipping that one away to someone. I found a tobacco flavor I loved, but now almost 3 months into vaping I do not like the taste of it at all, and have 120ml sitting at home. My wife and I both LOVED Strawberry Fields, but now that I have had Spearmint and Candy Cane (Peppermint) I just cannot seem to be satisfied with anything else. Thats why I am considering moving to a tank or better delivery system, because over 90% of the time I would be vaping these two flavors. I just have to buy the wife 2 if I get 2, then replacement coils. I dont know, prob will just stick with the T2. I have no problem with them, love them in fact. I just always wonder if I am "missing something" by not upgrading.


both of them are nice. just depend on what your habbit.

somebody will like big tank somebody like regularsize fit well with eGo batteires

Posted (edited)

:yes I hate you All !!!! :yes

Now you made me go and spend more money. after all this, I of course had to try the KPT. Ordered mine on the marketplace (veteran vaper).

Now I can compare my vivi nova, Kanger MT3, Evod and now the KPT. I really do love variety....my bank account, not so much :baby:

Edited by kitsune

The short answer is yes, you are missing out on flavor. However, the good news is that you have several superior options to the t2, not just tank/wick systems. I found the Kangertech EVOD is a superior product, much better vapor production and flavor. It uses a bottom coil rather than a top coil, and delivers a more consistent hit with fewer dry hits. There is also the Kanger T3S, which is my personal favorite vape of all time, it loos like the bastard son of the EVOD and the Kanger T3. It uses the same type of coil as the EVOD, only a bit longer, (the EVOD coils work just fine in mine) and I think it uses the same coil as the Kangertech Protank. I liked the ProTank quite a bit, (loved it actually) but they decided for some reason to make the tank out of glass, and BOTH of mine lasted less than two days, when each of them were dropped by yours truly, and shattered. I'll NEVER buy another for that reason. I suspect the fine people at Kangertech came across a supply of these glass tanks cheap or free, and built a device around it. Why make it from glass otherwise? They got me to buy two, because of the great performance, but I digress. I would get one with a plastic tank, maybe even a metal tank that matched the really cool looking head. I did think the ProTank was the slickest looking atomizer EVER. Anyway, Nuff Said. Enjoy!

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