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I keep seeing everyone recommending the Vivi Nova. I currently use a Kanger T2 and love it. Is there any reason to try the Vivi Nova other than the size of the tank? What would be the advantage? I would probably use the smaller Mini Nova anyway and my T2 holds 2.4ml now. Is there a difference in the quality of the vape?


Vivis aren't mt favorite, own a couple and they gather dust. I'd rather use a bottom feeder, and not taste plastic..

I get that, I may eventually try the Kanger Pro-Tank. I guess I am just wondering if there is this huge taste difference I am missing by sticking with the T2s over a true tank system.


I prefer the Regular size Vivi Novas and haven't had any issues with them plus they are easy to fill. It's all a matter of opinion :cheers:


Vivis aren't mt favorite, own a couple and they gather dust. I'd rather use a bottom feeder, and not taste plastic..

Just note there are aluminum tubes available as well, which are what I mostly use since I vape a lot of acidic flavors.

The Vivis are very easy to maintain/refill/care for, break down well, and give a good strong vape with a balanced TH (not too much, not too little, and there's some adjustability through unraveling, fluffing, or leaving the wicks as is). The heads last a looooooong time too. My only complaint is they don't seem to give you as much flavor as carts do, but that's pretty true of any tank system I've tried.


I use both, and personally, not much difference in throat hit and vapor production. I just like variation. If you like the kanger you really don't need to have the vivi nova. I really like both of them.


Do I detect attitude?

Yeah, it's attitude alright. Some people just can't allow other folks to have preferences different from them.

I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself: there are two major things that have kept me from giving the Protank a try. Number one and the most important: everyone that owns one reports that it puts a lot of air in to your hits. Now some people may like this, but I myself am not at all fond of any more than the bare minimum of air when I take a vape. Number two is that I can't seem to find any replacement coils for it that are less than 2.4ohm! Considering I use an Evic which only goes up to 5v, that's a pretty big deal, because it means to get the maximum vape out of it I'm going to have to use no more than a 2.0ohm coil.

And as for my comment about most tanks not being that flavorful, I've already figured out it's a build materials issue with them... which is why when I want a lot of flavor I switch to a stainless steel tank. I'm sure glass may also help the flavor issue, but I really don't want to tote an extremely breakable tank around for regular daily use, especially when I have a 5 yo son. Any plastic or metal otherwise is going to leech some flavor and/or mix in some subtle taste of the material being used - that includes Pyrex.


Yeah, it's attitude alright. Some people just can't allow other folks to have preferences different from them.

I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself: there are two major things that have kept me from giving the Protank a try. Number one and the most important: everyone that owns one reports that it puts a lot of air in to your hits. Now some people may like this, but I myself am not at all fond of any more than the bare minimum of air when I take a vape. Number two is that I can't seem to find any replacement coils for it that are less than 2.4ohm! Considering I use an Evic which only goes up to 5v, that's a pretty big deal, because it means to get the maximum vape out of it I'm going to have to use no more than a 2.0ohm coil.

And as for my comment about most tanks not being that flavorful, I've already figured out it's a build materials issue with them... which is why when I want a lot of flavor I switch to a stainless steel tank. I'm sure glass may also help the flavor issue, but I really don't want to tote an extremely breakable tank around for regular daily use, especially when I have a 5 yo son. Any plastic or metal otherwise is going to leech some flavor and/or mix in some subtle taste of the material being used - that includes Pyrex.

Who the hell likes a"airy"hit. Thats like a analog with a whole between the cherry and filter yuck. If I wasn't so well mannered I would tell him to kiss my ***. I would rather have a tighter pull and better flavor. Have not heard a bad thing about t2's.


I think the EVO coils will fit the Kanger ProTank system.

OP, I try to recommend both the KPT and the VNv2 because some like it tight, some like it airy, some like both at different times of the stress level day. Sometimes I just plumb forget to recommend the KPT because I don't have one on hand, and I forget all about them.

I'm not much for airy draws, but there are ways around that. Just wrapping an 0-ring over the airholes works, roll it up, roll it down, til it's just right. (cover all 4 holes 3/4 of the way or however you like it).


Who the hell likes a"airy"hit. Thats like a analog with a whole between the cherry and filter yuck. If I wasn't so well mannered I would tell him to kiss my ***. I would rather have a tighter pull and better flavor. Have not heard a bad thing about t2's.

All I know is there are some folks over @ ECF that like it. Others replace the top with Evod's (? I think) or tape up some of the air vents. I just rather not bother having to hack my tank. At around $15, that tank BETTER give a good hit IMHO. There are a few clones on the market now though that I'm curious about that are worth testing out for their reduced prices. Maybe someone thought to change the vents. Right now though, I'm pretty happy with my Odyssey tank. It was over 2x the price of the Pro but worth every penny. I just hope the glass viewing windows never break, hahaha.

And I'm so not bashing the Kanger Pro. But when someone asks about it because they're considering a purchase, they should know all the facts, not just the hype. That comment seemed strangely reminescent of the Provari threads... "I can't really tell you why it's so great except I like it, if you haven't tried it you have no valid input in this discussion, just try/buy it and then you'll know how great it is and agree with me." Even if someone here hasn't tried a particular product, when it's a popular one like the Kanger Pro, they have certainly read enough about it to have some valid input as an objective observer. When I was trying to figure out whether to buy a Provari or not, I actually had to start a semi-troll thread just to find out some actual facts about it... line up some similar products, then ask what made the Provari so unique, then deal with getting flamed over and over again while saying "sorry, you didn't give a valid answer there... I want real logic here." It was quite annoying. It's so hard to find out anything factual about products now days... the users are rabid fans that are out to destroy any criticism, the sales people know nothing but hype, the reviewers are often afraid to say anything bad about a product lest they get sued for slander... I almost have to chew off one of my own limbs to get a solid picture sometimes. :-/

ALL good products have faults of some kind to go along with their great features. It's a matter of what you're willing to trade off for what... what you're willing to hack... etc.

Buuuut... back to the Vivi/T2 discussions... that was what the OP asked about, not the Pro.

Another issue has came to mind that I have with the Vivi Nova. The heads don't always align right with the top while screwing it on, which leads to leaks. Sometimes you have to use a screwdriver or needle nose to keep the head straight while screwing on the top. That's annoying. I've narrowed it down to somehow being related to the tube you're using... my STVs ALL do this ALL the time, while it's a rare occurance with my aluminum or plastic Vivi tubes. You also have to make sure you screw the heads on MEGA tight, otherwise they have a tendency to start coming unscrewed while unscrewing the cap, which also causes leaks. And also make sure when you're taking it off your battery tube that you aren't in fact unscrewing the Vivi's tube from the base. That can be a real messy situation right there, LOL.


The lvs here sells Evod coils to use in Protank, which is incorrect imo since the air passage is much deeper on the Protank coils. A Protank hit could be tightened up tho by using the Evod coil.

I'm not like most here as I prefer an airier hit as hard pulls end up giving me a headache after a while. The Protank is my favorite tank so far, but I've nodded my Evods so much for more air they hit nothing like one out of the box.

I still want to try a Vivi tank and its smaller brother as I've yet to find a 2ml small tank that I like its hit right out of the box.


One of the most amazing things about vaping is the variety, there is something for everybody. Unlike when we were all smoking.....can't believe I smoked the same thing for 30 years, and hated it most of the time, now thats an addiction !!

I prefer the 2 ml clearomizers/tanks. I am not set on any particular setup, I love variety.

The only leaking I have had with the vivi nova is from the bottom of the tank....I have found If I put it in my pocket, occasionally the metal bottom of the tank loosens/shifts and allows leaking. I have found its easy enough to reseat it...I just try not to keep it in my pocket.

The kangers do occasionally give a burned hit, some kind of wicking problem. Usually it resolves itself, if not, just means its time to replace the coil.

I often recommend the vivi novas and kangers to new vapers, very easy to use while learning the ropes.

beyond all that......for me, dripping will always be my sweet spot for absolute flavor !!


Well at least the folks reviewing KTP,s today actually have one, and have heard nothing but great..Got a real problem with folks bad mouthing a product they haven't even bought, or even borrowed one.....I have six...so go get a job, or quit being a tight a$$ and get one, try it for a couple days, then you can complain..My KPTminis will be here on Thursday, I bought a box (dozen) and planning on selling half to help set off shipping charges direct from China...

Posted (edited)

Well at least the folks reviewing KTP,s today actually have one, and have heard nothing but great..Got a real problem with folks bad mouthing a product they haven't even bought, or even borrowed one.....I have six...so go get a job, or quit being a tight *** and get one, try it for a couple days, then you can complain..My KPTminis will be here on Thursday, I bought a box (dozen) and planning on selling half to help set off shipping charges direct from China...

Having a bad day? I am the OP and never even mentioned the Pro-Tank in my comparison. Get a job? IN my humble opinion that kind of crosses the line between spirited discussion and just being mean spirited and disagreeable when there is really no call for it. Just my two cents, take it or leave it. I can buy anything I want within reason, but see no reason to buy one tank when I can get 3 of the ones I do like for the same price. I generally have disliked Vision products and prefer Kanger so if I ever want to go with an upgraded tank it would probably be a KPT but for now, I am happy with T2.

I havent used either, because no one has given a reason that compels me to. I love my T2s and will continue to use them going forward. I just was wondering if there was some hidden reason I have never heard of to spend the extra money for a Vivi Nova. As I said, I generally steer away from Vision products, and find Kanger to be much more consistent in performance and lack of problems.

Edited by bcartervol98

And AquaTroy sorry if I seemed harsh, I just have never seen that type of thing here. The lack of forum fighting and insults is what attracted me here from the other forum. Your post seemed very insulting not toward myself (I hope) but other members that by my estimation were not "reviewing" a product as much as discussing it.

Posted (edited)

Even with a fresh coil, my ViVi Nova never provided an abundance of flavor compared to devices I've since tried, but it never leaked. By contrast, every clearomizer I've ever used has leaked sooner or later.

I've never had a Boge carto leak on me, and I've also never experienced a leak with my AGA-T2 RBA, which is a flavor beast. My SmokTech RSST, while also a flavor beast, does leak some liquid into the connection area.

Edited by Rixter

Well at least the folks reviewing KTP,s today actually have one, and have heard nothing but great..Got a real problem with folks bad mouthing a product they haven't even bought, or even borrowed one.....I have six...so go get a job, or quit being a tight *** and get one, try it for a couple days, then you can complain..My KPTminis will be here on Thursday, I bought a box (dozen) and planning on selling half to help set off shipping charges direct from China...

Yes, that's it exactly, I'm a tight *** that doesn't have a job, that's why I invested almost three times as much money as a KTP costs in to an Odyssey. Just because I own a Vivi Nova doesn't mean it's my only tank. Quality over quantity, my friend... but to each their own, that's the beauty of vaping.

I made my point clear about why I haven't purchased a KTP based on the discussions I've seen amongst actual owners. And I didn't bad mouth it, either. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or what?

Sorry to derail OP, but I can only guess this person was addressing me. I think he's at least owed a single response from the person he's trying to troll since he made the huge effort of directing an entire post at them. And I am really sorry your thread has gone so haywire. It must have been that super moon we just had or something. :-/


Even with a fresh coil, my ViVi Nova never provided an abundance of flavor compared to devices I've since tried, but it never leaked. By contrast, every clearomizer I've ever used has leaked sooner or later.

I've never had a Boge carto leak on me, and I've also never experienced a leak with my AGA-T2 RBA, which is a flavor beast. My SmokTech RSST, while also a flavor beast, does leak some liquid into the connection area.

As I pointed out, I think the head and cap alignment problem is inherent with some after market tubes you can purchase for the Vivi Nova. It seems some of them are shorter than the standard, putting too much pressure on the silicone and causing it to warp as you screw the cap on.


Time out....Time to play nice. This isn't ECF, we really do try to keep things a little more friendly and family oriented. Name calling is certainly not a part of this forum.

I am sorry your thread was hijacked bcarter.

several people have tried to redirect toward discussion. discussion and differing opinions are welcome, bashing...not so much !


It happens, I just had never seen it degrade to this on this forum. I mean, seriously, the name calling and such is just immature and uncalled for. Actually getting angry over someone not liking the same delivery system as others makes me think someone might need to up their mg of Nic in their liquids or take a Pamprin.

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