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The Superior Mod, Which One Should I Buy?


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Hi! I really would like to get a mod, but there's only room for one in my budget (after buying 3 starter kits and a bunch of accessories and liquid within the past week *lol*) so I can't decide which one! But, I can't get one that would break the bank, either! These are the ones I've been contemplating: Vapre51, the prodigy, silver bullet or the vp1...?

If I'm missing any, please let me know! And please add specifics regarding why you favor a certain one and not the other. Thanks again!

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I would recommend the VP2 (don't think its that much more than the 1?). Its the only mod I have and if it continues to function as well as it does now, its the only one I will get. It hits smooth, produces an incredible amount of vapor - if you're used to reg ecigs you wont believe it, and the batts last a really long time compared to reg batts. I've only had it a day, but I love it.

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+1 for the VP2. The VP1 is great, but the VP2 just lasts FOREVER. I mean the battery life is crazy good and it can take a real beating without having to worry about breaking it.

I hear the Silver Bullet is good but I've never used it. As for Pure Smokers mods, I hear great things about the Prodigy, however the Protege has been having some button issues. (The sensor on the button will stick causes the unit to stay on and get very hot. A few people have emailed me about this as well as posts over on ECF)

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This is a more polite version of a post I made on ECF in a thread discussing big battery devices:

My take is basically that the "vaping experience" is a function of: choice of atomiser and juice (the main bits) and voltage (a matter of choice as that alters the experience of both the atomiser and the juice). The "consistency" of the vaping experience is about batteries.

So the "big battery device" is indeed a means of attaching a reliable power source at the voltage of choice to the atomiser of choice to vape the juice of choice... It is basically that and nothing more.

What affects choice of big battery device? Clearly aesthetics, ergonomics, price, reliability, service and in some cases, it appears, prejudice.

Lets look at a few of these in perspective:

Price - frankly, if you could afford to smoke, all of the big battery devices are affordable - I was spending 50 UKP a WEEK on cigarettes.

So, not price, but possibly "value for money"? This is much more subjective - for me, if I get something that does what I want at a price I can afford, and the device is reliable and I can get it fixed if it should break eventually, I've got VFM

Service - if something breaks - I have two choices - mend it myself or get it mended. I prefer to get it mended. I see no evidence that any of the big battery device vendors don't mend things. Quality of service? It's clear that most of the vendors a) actually provide pretty good service and B) have managed to p*** at least one or two people off (that's business for you)

Aesthetics? Eye of the beholder stuff - meh (as some say)

Ergonomics - if you like the way it works it's ergonomic, if you don't it isn't. I like "button on the end" a la SD and AdapteveR - others don't.

As for whether something is made entirely from UK, US, Australian, Mongolian or Martian components of original conception, I don't give a monkey - if it works well (for me), and doesn't break, that's the job done.

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ProfBeard hit it right on the head, all a big battery mod is a power supply for the atomizer or business end of the E-cig. There are some that offer some nice form to go with the function like the GLV which is pretty sekzy looking, or the shiny Silver Bullet with it's nice shiny finish just looks indestructible, but they are just battery holders when you break it down to their base function.

Edited by Snarkyone
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I agree with Prof Beard. My preference to date is a VP2, a "Low Bridge" atty from AwesomeVapor.com and Exotic Tobacco flavor e-Juice from Vapor Talk Juice.

Why a VP2? Because the batteries are lasting me between 8 to 9 hours between charges and I don't have to have a boat load of batteries with me in order to leave the office for the day and still vape without the hassle of fiddling with car chargers and remembering to make sure they are charging in order to continue to vape for the rest of the day.

Why the 801 Low Bridge Atty from AwesomeVapor.com? From AwesomeVapor.com because I don't know anywhere else to get them, the 801LB (Low Bridge) because i have tried two other kinds (or brands) of 801 attys and neither of them vaped as much as this one does, I am getting better flavor, greater throat hit and massive quantities of vapor in each drag that is not all absorbed by my lungs and I can exhale more than I did when I smokes analogues.

Why Exotic Tobacco from Vapor Talk Juice? Because Vapor Talk Juice is a superior functioning e-Juice than any other I have tried, the flavors are bolder and they constantly produce more vapor than any other that I have tried. Why Exotic Tobacco? Because I like it, it's nutty and smooth, not at all like any exotic tobacco I have ever smoked, Turkish or Mexican. It is really mis-labeled, they should call it something more catchy. It's kind of a cross between 555 and Virginia with a little Tobacco hint.

As for looks, meh! Who cares what they think?

Edited by TheSmokingMan
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  • 1 month later...

i might have found the VP killer....


if you are looking for something with absolutely no flare to it what-so-ever, is cheap, and performs well; 'the copper' is the choice. if they ever change the 'push-down-atty' feature to a top-side button, id sell them for him.

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