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I was wondering what voltage gives you more flavor/vapor. I've read conflicting things regarding 3.7 and 5 volt batteries. I'm thinking about getting one of the VP units and I see that they are coming out with a 5 volt, the VP3, so i'm holding on to my cash until I find out if I should get the VP2 or the VP3. So who's got the 411??? Hook a brother up with the info. :phone:


It really depends on who you ask... lol. I know that doesn't answer your question but it really is a personal thing. I love my 3.7V mods, but I have tried a true 5V passthrough and didn't really care for the taste.

It also depends on the juice you are using and what atomizer, the 510 and the 801 I hear performs very well at 5V, while the 901 and 401 not so much.

5V will almost always give more vapor, as your atomizer is running hotter, but it will also use more juice. It gets a 'burned' flavor much quicker IMHO.

But as I said earlier it really comes down to personal taste, I won't be able to tell you if you will like it or not.

I am actually considering the VP3 myself just cause I know Jeso does very quality work, and since I mod I don't need a VP2, but a 5V mod on the other hand... :shiftyninja:


I feel I'm getting the best flavor and taste on most of my juices from my vp2 and janty stick. Sometimes others can taste better on higher volts, sometimes worse. It's trial and error type of deal.

Posted (edited)

Here is what I have found to be true. 6v is too much, it's too easy to burn it and get the nasty taste and it just eats the juice up big time. 4.7 - 5v is what I have found to be the "sweet spot" for flavor and vapor production. 3.7 is fine but not great, it gets the job done but lacks the oomph to push it to the "flavor zone" for lack of a better word. If you get a mod I would urge you to get one that has the 5v option you will really see the difference in taste, vapor and throat hit big time. You will think you are smoking a tobacco cigarette, it's that good. There is one that you can build yourself called a Detonator that is pretty easy to build if you don't want to spend lots of cash on one.

Edited by Snarkyone

Snarkyone nailed it on the head.

3.7 volt = standard ecigs plus the VP1, VP2, and Protoge

5.0 volt = What the new VP3 is going to be as well the Prodigy. Something to note about the VP3 though...Most custom mods are 5 volts because they stick more than one batter inside the unit. However after the battery starts to drain, the unit actually drops off in voltage. So people think they are getting 5 volts most of the time when they are not. The VP3 will remain 5 volts the entire time. How? I was told not to say until the unit is released.

The VP passthrough will also be coming out which we will get our hands on next week :D

This of course will be the first 5 volt unit I've tried, so until then I can't give much other feedback. Maybe I'll love it, maybe I'll hate it. We'll see I guess :)


Thanks for the replies guys. I am looking forward to the VP3 review and how it it stays a constant 5 volts ( damn you and your teasers ). I'm down to 2 batts for my 510 and I'm going to try and hold out on buying more until I see some more on the VP3. On a side note, I tried the pyramid tea bag cart filler mod that I saw on mooby's site. So far, I think it's better then the standard poly fill, but the jury is still out on the long term. I've only been doing it for a few hours and I'm not using what I consider to be some of the better juice I've tried ( I'm out of dulcis and mentha :( ) The flavor does seem to be a little more pronounced and I THINK the cart is lasting longer between fills, it's so hard to tell unless your really gonna sit there and like, take notes and stuff :P

For those interested: http://tgwtf.net/blog/?p=65


The VP3 isn't going to be out for a few weeks, but the passthrough is very close to completion. (Which is a 5 volt unit) I just saw some new pictures of it today. It's going to be baaaadddd!!!! :devil:

Posted (edited)

Well with my background as an electronic engineer and my work in the semiconductor industry I can take a pretty good guess at how they regulate the voltage so that it never drops below 5v but I will leave the suspense in the air....

Doofus, did you try using Fluval yet for the 510, I swear it's better than the original filler. I have not used the PTB yet but talking with others that have they say the Fluval is nice as well if not better. It's certainly easier and cheap that's for sure. In case you don't know what it is you can get it at pet stores, it's a water filter for aquariums. You know how fragile fish are so if it's safe for them it's safe for us as well so don't sweat it. There are no chemicals on it or anything. It is easy to use, you can literally cut it to size and slide it into the carts. Wicks well and one box will last a looooong time. I use the Fluval 4 pad pack style A-190 it cost like $6 and will last me a year if not longer.

Edited by Snarkyone
Posted (edited)

I'll certainly give it a try next time i'm near a pet store. I never really had an issue with the stock filler, but I'm always looking to try different things. I saw the PBT thing and tried it as a goof. Honestly, I'm trying to figure out how to get a minature Edobit type setup inside a cart. :rolleyes2: I know it sounds crazy, but think if you could have like a 2 or 3 mill Edobit constantly feeding your atty.

BTW, is there a link you could post regarding the detonator mod you mentioned?

Edited by xXDoofusmanXx

The "3.7v" batteries actually deliver around 4.1-4.2v when freshly charged - BUT standard e-cigs (small batteries) drop below this very very quickly. The reason you will find many people who stick with "3.7v" may well be that (like me with my Screwdriver) they are using big battery "mods" which keep the voltage above 4v for a long time.

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