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Another question. I have been direct dripping. Seems like the best way to go.

I got a bunch of carts with the filler in them. Do they sell carts without the filler?

Also, how do I know when to throw away an empty cart and get a new one or does it matter since there is nothing in them?

I am sure someone has already answered this question, but couldn't find it anywhere.



Dietsmokes sells empty carts for 60cents a pop. I usually just switch when I put a new atty one since it will have a blank cart on it.


Thans for the reply. I have ordered stuff from them and can just get time next time I refill an order.


My experience with blank carts is they still have the filler in them just no juice. Taking the filler out is easy though, i just take a paper clip or pen and pull it out :thumbsup:

As far as when to replace the carts, if your filling them i usually get about 4-5 re fills on the filler before i notice it starting to taste funny. Usually when that happens i pull out the stuffing and rinse it out with water and squeeze dry it in a paper towel. Ive been using the same cart (minus the filler and just Dripping) for over a month now. I just put the cart under warm water and dry it out and plug it back in :rofl:


thanks Sinikal. That is what I was wondering. If we use the blank carts, then you really don't need to have that many of those as they will last a long time.

Are you direct dripping also? If so, about how many drags do you get before you add more juice?



I know you weren't asking me...nevertheless my experience is I figure 1-2 analogues worth but I'm using a Janty Stick and I drip 3 drops. My 510 was two drops to reduce the risk of tasting juice, maybe one to two analogues?

Direct dripping is awesome (I think I have a post with that title in it). My Janty was not working with direct dripping but now my new awesomevapor 801 attys are here and I'm back to direct. I still have blank carts available because it's just easier if I'm in the car or some place else where dripping is not convenient.


Thanks for everyones help.

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