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I find their negatives funny:

"Some flavours (e.g. piña colada) have a lingering fragrance"

I see it as an air freshener :thumbup: , it's better than an overbearing smoke smell radiating off you, or in the area your smoking.

"Environmental concern about safe disposal of cartridges and batteries"

I wouldn't see it any better than the cigg. packages thrown on the ground, or the buds left. They trash out more of an area than a e-cig cartridge. Never-less,the batteries are recyclable, and the cartridges, some plastic can be done the same I would think?

Health wise- I have to agree, even though I ran before, my running now isn't as strained, so I personally see that their is health benefits to it.

Interesting study, yet they need to do a wider range besides the small amount of people. Never-less, even their studies showed over 60% quit or lessened their regular smoking habits overall, any is better than none!

  • 3 weeks later...

Big tobacco is just pissed that we vapors don't buy into stinky nasty analogs. I honestly won't ever look back since i started gaping about a month ago.I tell anyone who looks at my pv funny what it is, does, and how it works.


I wish my racing mind would settle down so I could read this. Anybody care to summarize?

(not only did I just get my first ever Provari (mini), but I won a Poldiac lottery too woot woot... I'll be hyper for at least another week, sorry).


I love gaping also :D

I meant vaping smart a__. Just teasing and giving you a hard time so please don't ban me lol. Wish I would have discovered this years ago. This forum is awesome. Tried joining ecf but it keeps saying my email didn't match so pooh on them and I will call this my home. Now if I could get the wife to join.

  • 2 weeks later...

ECF is a bunch of complainers, much more laid back here....

Yeah, I've noticed after reading the forums. They're not as friendly, and definitely don't have much of a sense of humor.

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