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Hey all,

Just starting to learn all this and deffinately need some help getting started.

Smoke 1 - 1.5 PAD for 20 yrs :( and looking to the vape to cut back / get off them.

Opinions on a good starter kit? Something that will last a day or so without charging and what not would be nice.

We have a brick and mortar, but all they sell is the disposable and Tsunami kits / juice and I'm sure there are better options.

So I'm here looking for suggestions to get started, Thx.


I would suggest getting an NJoy travel starter kit. Comes with a battery, charger and one cartridge for about $20. A five pack of refills (which is roughly the equivalent of a carton of cigs) costs another $20. The battery life on NJoy is pretty good compared to other brands. I'd also recommend it for someone trying to wean off smoking, because NJoy flavoring replicates the cigarette flavor pretty well.


I would suggest getting an NJoy travel starter kit. Comes with a battery, charger and one cartridge for about $20. A five pack of refills (which is roughly the equivalent of a carton of cigs) costs another $20. The battery life on NJoy is pretty good compared to other brands. I'd also recommend it for someone trying to wean off smoking, because NJoy flavoring replicates the cigarette flavor pretty well.

I have to disagree with all of this.

A typical vaper will only get about 2 hrs. of charge time from these batts and go through 2-5 of these cartos per day.

I would recommend you use the links here on the forum and go to VaporTalk store and get an eGo kit

maybe a pack of empty cartos if you think you want to try them and a vivi nova tank for ease of use and easy to fill.

While you're there you can select from a nice variety of juices to put in them.Most folks recommend 16-24 mg

to start with.

Sadly the thing about batts is the bigger the batt the higher the MAH which means the longer the charge will last.

I wish there was a batt the size of a cig that would last all day but the tech just isn't there yet :(



I did try a disposable ( Low nic, tobacco flav ) and tasted horrible to me. Went back and got a bluberry ( Much better! )

Always smoked lights or ultralights if that matters?

Not worried about size, just got to cut back.

Been looking @ the Ego T and C kits.



I have to agree with Joe. :wallbash: Go with the Ego or Ego twist and a carto or tank and you'll be much happier than with the smaller stick batteries (IMHO). And the Vapor Talk line of juices are fantastic (not that I'm biased or anything) ;)


I started with an eGoT 1000mah starter kit from vapedudes.com for $38.95. It comes with two batteries, all charging accessories, and a CE4 clearomizer for each tank. Shortly after I bought a pair of Vision Spinner 1300mah batteries from Sweet-Vapes.com ($24.95 each) and now the starter kit are my backups. I also found I prefer T2 (Ego CC Longwick) Clearomizers and have found theveteranvaper.com the best supplier for these and the replacement coils.

The NJoy one referenced above, no offense, is garbage compared to EGO style batteries as a starter kit. Stay away from those unless you want to quit everything or have to buy 10 batteries and have 2 or 3 on the charger at all times. I get 24 hours out of my 1000mah starter kit batteries and about 36 out of my Vision Spinners

I am not a fan of Dekang juices, and again no offense, but I believe the VT juices are Dekang. I prefer domestic liquid and have found Steet-Vapes.com to be my favorite supplier overall of liquid BUT my favorite non tobacco flavor is Strawberry Fields from VapeDudes.

Hope this helps.


Christopher can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe VT juices are not Dekang. I've vaped both VT's Dulcis, and DK's RY4.....you couldn't pay me enough to vape Dekang ever again!!! Dulcis was similar in flavor, but did not have that horrible smell of cheap whiskey, nor that sickening chemical taste that DK seems to be renown for. As for the OP's original question; an eGo kit is perfect for what you're looking for. A lot of people (myself included) started there, and quite a few stay content with one. I still use mine when out in public places, as mods tend to draw a ton of unwanted attention from those unfamiliar with my chosen habit, LOL!!!


I would suggest getting an NJoy travel starter kit. Comes with a battery, charger and one cartridge for about $20. A five pack of refills (which is roughly the equivalent of a carton of cigs) costs another $20. The battery life on NJoy is pretty good compared to other brands. I'd also recommend it for someone trying to wean off smoking, because NJoy flavoring replicates the cigarette flavor pretty well.

That isn't the way to go. I still own an njoy npro kit, hasn't seen the light of day for years, good batts, but junk carto and flavors are nasty, vapor is minimal no matter what you do. It will get you off analogs, but you won't be happy, and you'll be spending more money a week from now. Njoy is old school vape, so many better choices, at less cost, and no cute lights on the end!

You can get a generic ego style battery, charger, and a clearomizer for under 20, get a SMALL bottle of juce, and give it a try, then if still ready to make the change, invest a cartons worth of cash to good batts, a few clearos, couple tanks, and a few good juices, and you'll never look back.....

NJOY is NJUNK.... Stay away, you can have mine for free........


Just wanted to say thx for the help!

Went ahead and ordered the eGoT 1000mah starter kit. Wished they'd hurry and ship. :)

Any suggestions on decent places for juice? Looking to try a good peach and ry4 sounds nice and could help with the analogs.

Posted (edited)

Sweet-Vapes.com has my peach of choice called "Juicy Peach". I order it 80-20 24mg standard flavor. My all day vape is also their Traditional Tobacco in same configuration, closest thing to an analog I have tried anywhere. Those two plus Strawberry Fields and Spearmint from Vapedudes.com 70-30 24mg are those I will never be caught without. Everyone is different and the spearmint is for the wife, too menthol on the inhale although the exhale is lovely.

I think the consensus is Sweet-Vapes, VapeDudes, and Mt Baker Vapors are three of the best overall.

There are tons of good ones, the only place I will never order from again is eliquidmarket. Their Dekang tastes like chemicals and in no way compares to the aforementioned liquids.

Edited by bcartervol98

All Dekang may not be created equal I guess. Taste is so subjective though. I got the eliquidmarket cheap stuff. After tasting the others I mentioned I can't bring myself to vape it. Not even in the same league for my taste.


Yeah taste is very subjective. Im glad there's tons of choices :yes


My eGoT 1000mah kit arrived today from VaporDudes and my vaping has begun!

Now the journey to say goodbye to the analogs. :yes

Thank you again to all for the tips!


Good luck CJ. I put down my analogs (1.5pad). Picked up my eGoT 1000 mah with Kanger T-2 and never picked up the analogs again. The hard part is finding the flavors that I can enjoy all day.


Hear ya on the flavors.

I started on fruits and some sweets, although a cpl are fantastic tasting, can't vape those all day. Have found a tobacco that's helping ( OMFG - kalamazoovaporshop ). Def helping with the cravings. Been cpl days and down to about 10 analogs a day.

Only prob I'm having is this stuff is drying my mouth and sinus out badly. All juice has been 70/30 or 50/50 with 12 nic. Really would like to bump the nic up to 16 or 18 but am worried about the drying out and being harsh.

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