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I am finding myself buying many different flavors and I love them all. I would like to change my flavor every morning before I go to work and that be my flavor for the day. But how would/could I do that? I have read a lot about people trying to get one flavor out of their clearomizer, tank, atonomizer, etc, before they could put their new flavor in. Any suggestions?


I use a different clearo-tank for each flavor but I have a lot. The only way to get a flavor out, especially a strong one I have found, is soak the tank and lid in alcohol for about an hour then replace the coil.


So bcartervol98, I take it that you use the clearomizers that are, I guess you would say disposable. By that I mean you don't have a Viva Nova or a tank like that for each flavor, do you? Which ones do you use with your different flavors?

Posted (edited)

I feel like I need to expand. I have a bunch of CE4s I bought at first pretty cheap and now I use those to try flavors before I fill my T2s with them. I pretty much have my vaping refined down to 3 flavors for now so that's about all I use but if I want to try something new I put it in a clearo I consider "disposable". I am not as adventurous as some and have not really become a "connoisseur" of flavors. I have found the three that work for me and am a "find what works and stick with it" kind of guy lol. With that said I have 3 tanks now in my case at all times. They are T2s one with Sweet-Vapes traditional tobacco, one with Sweet-Vapes Juicy Peach, and one with VapeDudes Strawberry fields. Usually the fruit flavors are mixed around 50-50 with the traditional tobacco but not always. All are wither 70/30 or 80/20 depending on the suppliers avalable configurations all 24mg.

I have 5 new flavors coming from VapeDudes tomorrow. Spearmint, Hazelnut Coffee, Vanilla Mint, Vanilla Nilla, and Vanilla Coffee. With these I will put them in a CE4 and see if I like them before filling a T2. I am thinking these will end up my wifes flavors because it was her selections for a sample pack. I am quite happy with what I am vaping for now.

I have also read a lot of people that wash out their clearos and let them dry and put in a new flavor. After a few pulls the old flavor seems to go away, or at least thats what I have read. I have never actually tried it. If I dont like a flavor I put the CE4 on the shelf for hard times and save it.

Edited by bcartervol98

Another thing I have learned is I always keep a 30ml bottle of 100% PG in 24mg and order extra flavor in my fruit flavors so I can increase the ratio by mixing a little in to increase the PG ratio. Not only that, I have also read about people using the unflavored to remove a flavor from their wicks to change flavors in a disposable clearomizer. I havent tried this but apparently you wash it out with alcohol, let it dry a bit, put some unflavored in, vape a few times, then fill with the new flavor.


Answer 4 ce4s for juice testing, if acceptable, move juice to vivi nova minis, if becomes an all day vape or at least a very very favorite, moves to pro tanks for use on all devices.. I usually go Tabacco mix in the morning, fruities during the day, back to toBacoo during happy hour, and choco or caramels for dessert....

Posted (edited)

My "quick and dirty" method is remove the tip. Pour juice out in something to save it with. Unscrew the coil/atomizer. I blot the wicks with a tissue. Wait a minute to let the juice wick back off the coil from inside and blot them again removing as much juice as I can. You have to be gentle because you can easily pull the wicks and disturb the coil and that's not good. You can get the wicks pretty dry. I can easily rinse the tank and the tip and dry them with a tissue. Then I just put it all back together and refill with new juice. The old flavor may be present for a few drags but in most cases it goes away pretty quick. It doesn't work with all juices. I tried a cola one time that was really difficult to remove but if you're going from a light flavor to another it's pretty good.

If you are using disposable clearomizers you don't have much choice but to rinse and let them dry thoroughly because the water will wick on to the coil inside and you have to wait. I've heard you can dry fire it to vaporize the water before you add your juice back in.

The longer method and more thorough is the one bcarter describes.

Edited by Bebop12

Answer 4 ce4s for juice testing, if acceptable, move juice to vivi nova minis, if becomes an all day vape or at least a very very favorite, moves to pro tanks for use on all devices.. I usually go Tabacco mix in the morning, fruities during the day, back to toBacoo during happy hour, and choco or caramels for dessert....

I I like this. We have a gourmet vaper among us


Yes, thank you all very much. Gave me a lot to think about and decide which way I want to go. Some sounds like a lot of trouble for doing right before I go to work. Maybe do it the night before and be ready to go when I get up. Or, just buy a bunch of the CE4s and color code the flavors. I got my 40% off on my juices at Vape Dudes so I am ordering MANY different flavors. I loved their Strawberry Ice. They say that juice stays good up to 6 months in the refrigerator so while I can get it cheap I'm going to get 6 months worth. I am using about a 20 ml bottle a week.


Sounds like a plan, I don't like having to fill or switch first thing in the am, so several batts, several devices, ready to go.


Yes, thank you all very much. Gave me a lot to think about and decide which way I want to go. Some sounds like a lot of trouble for doing right before I go to work. Maybe do it the night before and be ready to go when I get up. Or, just buy a bunch of the CE4s and color code the flavors. I got my 40% off on my juices at Vape Dudes so I am ordering MANY different flavors. I loved their Strawberry Ice. They say that juice stays good up to 6 months in the refrigerator so while I can get it cheap I'm going to get 6 months worth. I am using about a 20 ml bottle a week.

If you like Strawberry try Strawberry Fields. I just ordered got a 50ml bottle, my wife hoarded the 10ml we got in a sampler. We both like it so well I ordered another 100ml lol. Its like biting into a fresh strawberry. Best fruit flavor anywhere that I have tried. Love my Juicy Peach from Sweet-Vapes too but this one is great!


I have a package coming from vape dudes today, hopefully. I went for the strawberry fields too. I'm also trying a couple of their coffees and I picked a couple "oh my gawd what have I done" flavors.

The other day I mixed my own strawberry/lemonade from 2 juices I bought and its awesome. Coffees are my main vapes but it was so hot here last week I could barely stand it. I needed a "summer" vape lol.

I now keep a kit with 3 batteries, 2 T2s, and 3 CE4s. The T2s have 2 different coffees, and the CE4s have fruits. I find I just need a break from the coffees , but I can't vape the fruits very long. I have a honeydew that's outstanding but only for a few drags then it starts to cloy, you know, so good it's bad,lol. The strawberry lemonade I can do a lot longer. It's pretty refreshing. But I still need that dark, smoky, bitter taste mainly to mimic tobacco for my main vape.


Help, I finally decided to go with the CE4 since I have heard so much good things about them but I cannot find them anywhere. I also cannot find the Vision Spinner 1100 anywhere either. They have the bigger fat ones and the smaller ones but not the 1100 bcertervol98 you said you had all of this so can you help me find them. I saw you have the T2 and the CE4. I am going to order at least 7 to go with my different flavors. Which should I get? I think the CE4.


OK I found some CE4 but now there are different kinds of those to buy. Which one do I want to have one for each flavor I will be using. About 7. I figure I could color code them.


when i switch flavors in ce5's i use a long syringe to take out old juice then use a paper towel to dry wick rinse tube with water dry it off then screw it back together and fill it up with different flavor, after like 5 hits the new flavor will kick in unless its a really strong menthol, and if you get a burnt taste on the ce5's or 6's just pull the wick on one side so the coil has fresh unused area of wick in it, one side will be a little longer but it will extend the life of it.


Theveteranvaper.com has them. They are also known as the V2 among other things. Sweet-Vapes did have then too about $4.



One is a CE4 and one is a CE4 +. Whats the difference in the 2 of them? I do not know why my text has a line through it.


The CE4+ is rebuildable. You can just get replacement atomizers. Be sure to buy a few of those too. Easy to clean and take apart if you're changing juuces.

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