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Hi yall
I m steve, jus got introduced to vaping, and kind of wondering .. that
Smoking cigarettes increases a person's risks for not only lung cancer, but also cancer of the stomach, mouth, throat.
Does the ecig has any effects the same?
Posted (edited)

Nobody here is qualified to give medical advice. My point of view is that even if there are unseen side effects, I'm sure it would be no worse than almost two packs a day. That does not mean they are safe but considering the alternative I'll take my chances.

Edited by mse12

I am pretty sure it is less harmful than smoking. The only side effect I have had so far is being broke from buying too much stuff.

Posted (edited)

In two weeks I will have recouped my entire investment in money saved from analogs and medication I no longer need. Thing is none of the ingredients in eliquid is inherently harmful. Since I stopped smoking I can smell, sinus problems are gone, my anxiety meds have been cut in half, and I feel a ton better. I am not a medical expert but have some doctors and dentists in the family that are thrilled I have made the change. My wife took a Sudafed 24 hour every day and if she missed she would be miserable. It has now been 10 days since she needed it. Nothing short of amazing for me and I am only 30 days in!

Is it as healthy as nothing at all, probably not but there are no known carcinogens and heated vapor is in itself not harmful to the lungs. Nicotine is on par with caffeine in its effects on the human body.

I think if there were an inherent danger the millions of dollars in research big tobacco has done to eradicate the e-cig they would have found it and hired platoons of doctors to back them up.

Edited by bcartervol98

Like all things in like, there may or may not be unknown risks. Inhaling anything or putting any type of chemicals into your body is never 100% safe.

With vaping, it is still new enough to not know all the possiblities.

Personally, its significantly safer than smoking. when you consider all the chemicals in cigarettes as compared to those found in vaping....hands down vaping wins.

I know for a fact, that I feel better than I ever did when I was smoking.

  • 4 weeks later...

In my experience it has to be better then the real thing. I plan to lower the nic levels as I go along. I admit I need the nic just not the chemicals.

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