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So I bought an eLea cigarette the other day and bought the liquid for it. The first shop made the liquid WAY too strong to even smell. So I went to our other local vapor store and they made me some with much less nicotene in it. It is still burning like hell. I had the kid at the store take a hit off of mine and he said it was "REALLY rough" and we tried it on his sisters and her's didn't bother any of us. Anyone know what could be causing this that isn't the liquid? I've even chagned the clearomizer tank on it and it still burns like hell fire. I've emailed the shop I bought it at to see if I could return it but haven't heard anything back.



Not familiar with the elea or exactly what type of tank system they use. It does sound like its the system if the liquid work well with a different unit.

Not much help, except to say, maybe a different tank system would be better, but I'm not at all sure what is compatible with that type of e-cig.


Just googled eLea e-cigs and it looks like an eGo type of battery but I don't have a clue about the threads. My recommendation? I'd go get an eGo battery or a Vision Spinner, a couple of clearomizers and try again. Good luck! :)


From personal experience if you are having rough hits of vapor it's usually the juice getting into your mouth and throat.

If you are able to take a tip off or something like that if it is indeed a clearomizer type of tank. Check the little rubber washer and insure that there is no liquid sitting there, but if so take a little paper towel and clean it up and take a couple primer puffs to just take in some vapor into your mouth to burn off any like residual juice that might be left.

If your system is some sort of like cartridge system I'd say taking slower puffs to make sure you are not taking juice into your mouth.

One note that I constantly struggle with is transportation on my devices I try to not let them rock around too much in my pocket or while on my way to work. Personally I tend to get a little bit of a rough start if I'm using a clearomiser that had been in my pocket without first cleaning off any juice that might have made its way too clsoe to the mouth piece.

With a quick cleaning I'm on my way and vaping happily. I hope that we can help you enjoy your vape too! Perhaps give us a little photo of what you have setup or a link to the product so we can better understand what type of tank/clearo/device you have ontop of your battery that might be causing this issue.

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