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I purchased the Blu starter kit and like the carts, but the batteries suck. Are the Blu carts compatable with the Joye eGo C Mega battery?


Congrats on the 1 month tobacco free!!! I believe the blu are a kr808 and the ego is a 510 connection so I don't think they will go together without a 808-510 connector. (I've been known to be wrong before so take anything I say with a grain of salt) ;)


Congrats! Glad they are working for you. Now you headed to the next level, and whole better place....

Second this! Read reviews and get a better setup cheaper than the Blu was if you intend to keep vaping. It's a whole different experience with high quality hardware! Congrats, I am 3 weeks analog free in one hour!


Congrats on your one month! Now, we just need to get you into better gear so you can continue. The folks here are very helpful and friendly. Feel free to ask lots of questions. :D


Congrats on your one month! Now, we just need to get you into better gear so you can continue. The folks here are very helpful and friendly. Feel free to ask lots of questions. :D

This and yes Congrats! You are on a path to a healthier life style and a more enjoyable Vape! A simple Ego starter kit with a CE4 clearo might blow the kit you have out of the water(vapor) its where I started out after using a dispoable Blu Ecig and I love it and still use my CE4 Cleros and ego batteries often. They are a good investment to any vapers arsenal.

Search around the forum, youtube, reviews etc on gear you find that peak your interest. Don't be intimidated by some of the lingo, and ask questions here for any concerns/suggestions!

Happy Vaping!


Thanks for everyone's comments. Vaping is amazing! I enjoy it much more than traditional "smoking".

Ghost, What is the CE4 clearo?

I was thinking about one of the Ego batts with empty carts and using Johnson Creek juice. Would that be compatable?


Thanks for everyone's comments. Vaping is amazing! I enjoy it much more than traditional "smoking".

Ghost, What is the CE4 clearo?

I was thinking about one of the Ego batts with empty carts and using Johnson Creek juice. Would that be compatable?

Best deal on CE4 I have found. I believe CE4, V2, and Stardust are all synonymous.



Just received my eGo-C and some JC juice today. Ordered Sunday night. That's quick. I am going to let a co-worker try my blu kit to see if she wants to take the plunge.

Only been using my new stuff for a couple of hours, and it is a BIG difference. Love these! Thanks Ghost, bcartervole and Tameiki for the suggestions!

I still have the last pack of analogs I bought in sight, but have absolutely no desire to fire one up! Who knew quitting smoking could be so easy.

Only been using my new stuff for a couple of hours, and it is a BIG difference. Love these! Thanks Ghost, bcartervole and Tameiki for the suggestions!

I still have the last pack of analogs I bought in sight, but have absolutely no desire to fire one up! Who knew quitting smoking could be so easy.

You're welcome, Pope. Glad it's working well for you. The right equipment can make all the difference. :)

I have five packs of analogs in my fridge, it was my safety net -- just in case. Thankfully, I've never needed it, but they do make me smile every time I open the fridge and see them still sitting there even after a year. :animier:

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