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As I get further into this, I can see most people use some sort of tank system. I am currently using the Ce4 V2 disposables and am fairly happy with them, but until I found this forum I was fairly happy with the garbage I wasted money on at the mall lol.

Simple question, what tank-clearomizer-atomizer-cartomizer do you use and why?

After I run through the Ce4s I have I think I may try a rebuildable system as opposed to the disposables. When I ordered some juice from VapeDudes I ordered a couple T2 (I think) that are 2.0ml and have a removable head but I do not like them at all. They have two breather holes at the base and I do not feel like I am getting near the vapor I get from the CE4 V2s.

Is there a consensus that the Vivi Nova or Mini Nova are the best tanks out there right now?


Love the mini, like the regular size. Buddy of mine swears by Iclear 30s. Bought a Kanger pro tank for the Pyrex, but like the vivi's better..


I like the Vivi Nova 2.0 mini.It is inexpensive to start out,you have a choice of resistance,don't leak,easy to fill,replacement tanks and elements are easy to find,it works real good .


I use different tanks for different juices. The CE4s I like with fruit flavors. The T2, T3 and MT3s are good with my mojito, cranberry and a few other high citrus flavors. After cracking a few of these when I first started the tanks have held so far since then. Mostly, I prefer the T2 with the short wicks, hate the long wicks as those seem to clog too easily for me. The new Pro Tank is wonderful for on the go with the Feels Like a Nut flavor, it delivers the flavor the best of all the tanks outside of direct dripping.

But most of all I prefer to drip with a Boge 2.0 ohm atomizer. Lately, I've been trying different bridgeless ones but don't care for them as much. Yeah, I'm pretty much all over the place. :D


After trying a few different setups, the CE4 clearo, the Vivi Nova, and now SmokTech tanks and locking tanks I've become a fan of them with different cartos for different juices. I enjoy the lower resistance ones for fruity flavors, and the higher resistance ones for more bold and tobacco flavors.

If it is your first tank the Vivi Nova is the easist to maintain, fill, and replace the heads by far. Much less mess and stress in comparison to some tanks that use cartos (unless there is a fill hole available which I have yet to try yet). I'd say shoot for that as a good starting point. I enjoy mine ^_^


Carto tanks are becoming my normal vape. i do have a protank that i use for my "naughty" juices. I also use evod's as well, since they are easy enough to fill n vape! Wife is stuck on Vision nano's since they are "cute n little". Trying to get her onto the evods!


You will find a variety of opinions, for me I like them all. each one is slightly different, couldn't tell you exactly what is different. All of mine give me excellent vapor, flavor and throat hit.

I use: Vivi nova tank (1.8 resistance is my preference), DCT-Dual coil tank, cartomoizer and tank system(more complicated, but still use it),

Evod BCC, ego CC clearomizer (works best with my fruit flavors)

But my all time sweet spot, even 4 years and may gadgets later.....is dripping. :baby:


But my all time sweet spot, even 4 years and may gadgets later.....is dripping. :baby:

What's your favorite atomizer, Kit?


If I absolutely had to pick, I would go with the vivi Nova, but its almost too close to call. I've cracked a couple of the tanks at the threads on the vivi nova. The ego cc is great for my fruit flavors...was getting burnt taste with my coffee flavors, but the mouth piece has a tendency to come loose (super glue fixes that). Intermittent burnt hits with the evod, but over all I like it too.

I can never just settle on one...I tend to rotate through them.


If I absolutely had to pick, I would go with the vivi Nova, but its almost too close to call. I've cracked a couple of the tanks at the threads on the vivi nova. The ego cc is great for my fruit flavors...was getting burnt taste with my coffee flavors, but the mouth piece has a tendency to come loose (super glue fixes that). Intermittent burnt hits with the evod, but over all I like it too.

I can never just settle on one...I tend to rotate through them.

Let me rephrase that question: what's your favorite atomizer when you direct drip? :D


LOL !!! 306 (which is 510 threaded) with an XL drip tip. veteran vaper of course!

Thanks. I think I'll wander over to see Brian and order some. :)


Tam, if you cracked a couple of T2's with citrus flavors first, how did you correct the problem? As you may remember, I am on my second week of vaping now (been 3 days without an analog). I got 2 evod bcc's and ordered a 5 pack of the 1.8 ohm replaceable thing (heads???). Anyway, I also got some pink lemondade (all this from Cravin vapes btw) and it has seemed to work fine in the evod. I was thinking of trying some orange pineapple I saw somewhere (will have to figure out where that was -- need to keep a notebook) and now I am a little nervous about trying the citrus flavors in a plastic tank and was wondering what you did to stop the cracking. I will be back to pick your brain about dripping soon because even tho' I am a newbie, it is something that interests me greatly for sitting around the house. Also, if I wanted to change flavors in the evod, can you clean the replaceable thingie (head????) with water and dry and use it again?


Tam, if you cracked a couple of T2's with citrus flavors first, how did you correct the problem? As you may remember, I am on my second week of vaping now (been 3 days without an analog). I got 2 evod bcc's and ordered a 5 pack of the 1.8 ohm replaceable thing (heads???). Anyway, I also got some pink lemondade (all this from Cravin vapes btw) and it has seemed to work fine in the evod. I was thinking of trying some orange pineapple I saw somewhere (will have to figure out where that was -- need to keep a notebook) and now I am a little nervous about trying the citrus flavors in a plastic tank and was wondering what you did to stop the cracking. I will be back to pick your brain about dripping soon because even tho' I am a newbie, it is something that interests me greatly for sitting around the house. Also, if I wanted to change flavors in the evod, can you clean the replaceable thingie (head????) with water and dry and use it again?

Well, I didn't really do anything but I think the manufacturer did. Maybe. And even when it cracked, a piece of clear duct tape took care of it until I could get another tank. The only thing to is to try it out but keep a couple of back ups handy and with you at all times, lol. Learned that lesson quick~ Not all citrus and/or cinnamon juices will crack a tank - just that they sometimes do. Take a chance and try it ~ c'mon, live dangerously. :evil:

My take on changing flavors in the Evod depends on what kinds of juices you're going to use. If it's two similar in flavor type of juice and I wouldn't mind them overlapping for awhile, I wouldn't bother cleaning the wick and coil. If it were two different types then yes, I'd rinse well and let dry and use it again. Even after rinsing the wick may retain a little of the flavor if it was a stronger one. In that case I'd start with a new coil.

Kitsune got me started with direct dripping and now I'm totally hooked! There's a bit of a learning curve, but if you stick it out it's totally worth it! From my experience, getting the right equipment is essential. Atomizer, drip shield, drip tip and lots of patience at first. Give a shout when you're ready. I'll be happy to help as much as I can. :)


Thanks! I read where you like the boge 2.0 atomizer to drip. Do those come "ready" to drip or do you have to pull something out of them. That's where I get a little confused. I have seen the de-bridged ones and wondered if those were for dripping. I am not a good candidate for trying to mess around with small stuff taking it apart and all that. I was very surprised with how small the replacement coils were for the evod!! LOL


Thanks! I read where you like the boge 2.0 atomizer to drip. Do those come "ready" to drip or do you have to pull something out of them. That's where I get a little confused. I have seen the de-bridged ones and wondered if those were for dripping. I am not a good candidate for trying to mess around with small stuff taking it apart and all that. I was very surprised with how small the replacement coils were for the evod!! LOL

So we don't hijack the thread more than we already have, let's move this discussion to a different one, shall we? :sofa:

To quickly answer your questions, yes, I love the Boge 2.0 atomizers. They do come ready to drip and you don't have to pull anything out. The ones with the filler material inside are called cartomizers, which I can't seem to get to work right for me. You can easily modify a bridged atomizer by taking the bridge out and that will sometimes give it a little longer life, or you could buy the bridgeless ones and drip. Before starting I would strongly suggest you get a drip shield. Those will make your life so much easier because they're very forgiving if you over drip like I tend to do.

Why don't you start a thread "how to drip" or we can just add to an old one of mine. The answers I got were what got me started. Link below.

Those links are in order of progression and the learning curve I went through. Let's move along now. :D


Hi. First post here. I use the Viva Nova 3.5ml tank and have had no problems with it. Since it holds 3.5ml I don't have to worry too much about running out of juice too fast. I'm on my second one (first one got broke, don't ask lol) and both have been great. I recommend them. Very easy to clean also! My wife uses one too and she loves it.


I think I like the idea of a tank like the mini nova over clearomizers, but as it is I still haven't figured out what my all day vape is or is going to be. I think once I find what I like and dont like I will switch to a tank like the Mini Nova or Vivi Nova. As it stands now I can have 10-12 clearos filled with different flavors. What is funny is some flavors I like at first I end up not liking as much as I thought I did. Funny how taste works lol.

Posted (edited)

Almost three months and im still searching for my ADV! I think i found it in BB and GJ, but i cant purchase a second round at the moment to confirm that!

Edited by Proetus

As I get further into this, I can see most people use some sort of tank system. I am currently using the Ce4 V2 disposables and am fairly happy with them, but until I found this forum I was fairly happy with the garbage I wasted money on at the mall lol.

Simple question, what tank-clearomizer-atomizer-cartomizer do you use and why?

After I run through the Ce4s I have I think I may try a rebuildable system as opposed to the disposables. When I ordered some juice from VapeDudes I ordered a couple T2 (I think) that are 2.0ml and have a removable head but I do not like them at all. They have two breather holes at the base and I do not feel like I am getting near the vapor I get from the CE4 V2s.

Is there a consensus that the Vivi Nova or Mini Nova are the best tanks out there right now?

The Viva Nova certainly is a great little disposable. It has lots of vapor, doesn't mute most flavors, and is easy to refill. I use one occasionally.

Mostly though, I use the RBA type of atomizer with tank. These are built for everyday use for a lifetime. The only things that need replacing are the wire and mesh (or silica/hemp/cable/etc) and sometimes, every few years, the insulators. (I've had mine a year and haven't had to replace mine yet). My favorite is the D14-Mini DiD by MMVapors, but that will probably change after I get the D16-Temon from the same maker. That seems to be the typical reaction of those who have the entire series plus even other brands in their stable. MMVapors is the only place these are available, to date. VapeRev might carry them eventually or soon.

Why do I like them? They are SS, safe for all liquids. They are easy to set up, they are always in stock (out for very short periods of time), are affordable, top quality insulators and materials, all parts are always in stock, they produce vapor like nobody's business, the cap never falls off, the maker is the sweetest guy ever, and it's just a great atty for the money. Everything is precisely drilled, it has the largest wickhole per base capital than is imaginable, the wickhole is close to the posts, the airhole is precisely drilled to line up with the wick... everything about it is topnotch. And it's not tossable. And if I want to vape real essence tobacco juice that clogs up the atty, it's easy to clean, or to recoil.

Plus it's pocket friendly. The tank never separates from the body, it never leaks juice all over my pocket or purse. It can take a beating and go on ticking. It's ... made me a fangirl! I've been a fangirl for 11 months now and don't regret a single moment of it.

Can't wait to get the Temon D-16 to finish my collection. haha, yeh right, finish the collection lol. The D-22 will be coming out soon too. oi!


oops, forgot to express the other important details of why I like an RBA.

The RBA allows me to be self sufficient. This is important in times of bans, threats, financial ruin, customs hold ups, FDA and Politicians. As long as I have wire and wick, I'm good to go.

The RBA is made for experimenting. I can use 28, 30, 32 gauge wires, regular or twisted, or even the Flat Ribbon wire. I can use SS mesh wick, Hemp wick, SS cable wick, Silica, Ceramic, Cotton, and Gawd Knows What Else We Come Up With To Try.

The RBA can also be direct dripped as long as one remembers to replace the cap first. ouch.

Okay, I think that covers it for now lol.


Almost three months and im still searching for my ADV! I think i found it in BB and GJ, but i cant purchase a second round at the moment to confirm that!

BB and GJ?


Put a large o-ring over the airholes, or plug most of the holes with something like broken off toothpick or fimo or something?

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