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Is the Artemis Tank the best?

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The tank I'm using now is just the standard with the rubber seals at the top and bottom. Guy at the vape shop said the Artemis is must better bc it doesn't pop off making you lose your liquid, (done that a few times now).

Anyhow, I've seen a few of the different tanks online like the Artemis and SmokTech but I'm not sure which upgrade would work best.

I have a silver bullet, run 2 3.7v batteries with a 3ohm cartomizer. The vape and hit is amazing so now that I have the right mod I'm looking to add the right tank.

Advice, experience and links to buy would really be appreciated.


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It's more convenient to not have to worry vs your current tank but a drawback is it might seal air tight on some mods with the locking ring. It did so on my Vamo, but I cut a slit into the ring and it fixed that.

I have a few of them along with a few standard tanks. I enjoy them both but they feel exactly the same since I use the same cartos in both.

Another thing to consider is the extra step to filing being removing the bottom ring.

In the end it will come down to preferences.

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There is no one best tank for everyone. What works great for me and my juice, may not work well for you and your juice. Like Ghost said it all comes down to preference. I have alot of different tanks/clearomizers. Ce3/4's, Vision Vivi Nova's, iClear30's, kanger Evod's, Protanks, F16, AGR Locking tanks, IGO-S Dripper, AGA-W RBA (starting to hate this one, probably gonna sell it)

It all depends what i feel like using and what mod im using at the time. If im doing yardwork, im gonna grab my bolt with F16 tank or mini mode vamo with a Evod. If im watching tv or sitting here staring at this screen posting vaping stuffs, im hitting the Itaste svd with 6ml carto tank on it! It's all subjective, just like the best juice!

Get a bunch of different ones, stay on the inexpensive side until you determine what you like. I think i'm in the spot where i might be buying a more upscale carto tank in the near future! Just cant decide which right now.

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