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Like a dolt, I forgot to add current information...Tried getting into this a few years ago with a Fumar device, didn't care for it much. Currently have a basic Blu setup, no fancy pack. Don't hate it, but feel it could be better, longer lasting, that sort of thing. I'm not worried about a product that looks like a cigarette so much as I'd like something solid, reliable, with large battery capacity and large fluid capacity.


I haven't personally tried the Spinner, but I've heard nothing but good things about it. My Vivia Nova tank has been fantastic so far, but it's the STV not the Mega. The price seems solid too... I may need to snag one of these.

My personal opinion though... Dive in! You'll be amazed you stayed on the Blus as long as you did :)


That's a far better kit then what I started with, and a way better price. I would opt for 1300 mah batts if your serious. As far as the coffee goes look around for Kona Cream, can't remember where I got it, but it was the best that I ever tried.


First..Welcome to VT. I think once you get into vaping with a VV type device you'll never go back to stick batteries again.

The kit looks nice and seems to be a good deal. If you're not a heavy vaper then the 650mah batteries should be good enough for now. But if you're a heavy vaper then go for the bigger batts.

My other suggestion would be to get an evod tank or the pro tank when you get the chance. The bottom coils really make it better and you can use all the juice in the tank before you need to refill without having to do the tilt thing to get juice to your coil. The evod doesn't hold as much liquid as the vivi nova. but I find the flavor to be better and it wicks a lot better also. As one of the veteran vapers here says " back-ups back-ups back-ups". You can never have enough just to be safe, and extra tanks make it easier to have different flavors ready to change out when one flavor starts to get dull. As for the coffee e-liquid, the store here has a flavor called "Choco Java" that's a nice blend of chocolate and coffee. Not heavy on the chocolate and a smooth taste. Also try PinkSpot Vapors.

They have a couple of nice coffee flavors as well. But remember that taste is suggestive. What one person thinks is great, you may think tastes like poop. So check around and try a few different places until you find the one that's right for you.

Good luck and happy vaping. :thumbup:


Thank you all very much, I appreciate it! As a final (probably not) question, I'm wondering just how much liquid I ought to get. With the analogs, I know if I buy X, I'm good for Y days. I understand it's different for everybody, but how long does say, a 30ml bottle last on average?


I was a heavy smoker 2x packs a day, American Spirit Blacks.. When I started vapeing I was using 20m a week, now down to 10. DON'T buy big bottles to start, always buy in 10's first, it might sound good, but after a couple clearos full, you'll wish you didn't buy that 30. Your taste buds are going to change due to the fact that your not smoking, what tasted great the first week I vaped now tastes like doo doo (absinthe) and what I didn't think I would care for, now is a favorite (Texas Select Pomagrante) enjoy...


I'm pretty sure everyone will have a different answer as to how long 30mls last them. I know that's not what you're looking for, but honestly it's different for everyone. I vape a whole lot more than I smoked, so 30 ml's doesn't last me very long. Maybe 4 or so days. But my friend would have the same 30 ml's for weeks. My suggestion would be to get sample packs of flavors from various vendors, find what you like, and go from there. I second the suggestion to stay away from big bottles of flavors until you know you like them!


Alrighty! I took the dive, and while I was at it ordered a second tank assembly so I can have two full units until I get paid again and can get some more spare parts. Got 45ml of juice total split across a few flavors, ought to at least last long enough for me to figure out my consumption rate....I'm excited! For now I just ordered juice off Sweet-Vapes so I'll get it all around the same time, instead of fiddling across multiple companies. Thank you all kindly for the help, after I get the stuff I'll put up some reviews.

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