Christopher Posted October 20, 2009 Posted October 20, 2009 So I was talking with some of the members today about a classified section on the forum. Would you use it? This would be open only to members and suppliers would be unable to post in this area. You could trade/swap/sell items. Ideas and suggestions please, I'd like to get some feedback
TheSmokingMan Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 As you already know, I'm all for it. Does that count as one or does it take one point off the counter?
Christopher Posted October 21, 2009 Author Posted October 21, 2009 lol no it counts I just want to make sure enough please will use it before I create it. I have a feeling it will work well. Supplier wont take your stuff back, just sell it. It should help people out that don't have much cash either.
KansasVaper Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 I would put my unwanted stuff up if I had any.
jiffy Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 Yes, I am actually looking for 510 parts. I know a lot of people have a 510 they don't use and have moved on to bigger pv's.
TheGreen Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 I think it's a good idea. I know of another forum that does this but it is so unorganized. Maybe have some sub-catigories so it will be easier to find what we are looking for.
Christopher Posted October 21, 2009 Author Posted October 21, 2009 I thought about sub categories but I don't think there would be enough posts. At least not at first but definitely something I will consider. What will be enabled, is auto clean. I'm going to set it so the forum automatically delete posts after X amount of days. That way it's not all junked up with crap that has already been sold.
TheSmokingMan Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 I thought about sub categories but I don't think there would be enough posts. At least not at first but definitely something I will consider. What will be enabled, is auto clean. I'm going to set it so the forum automatically delete posts after X amount of days. That way it's not all junked up with crap that has already been sold. Man, I am really sorry to have created so much more work for you, I was just looking for something to talk about.
Hawk Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 Killer idea. I think a lot of us would find it useful.. New users would benefit greatly with more of us moving on to the bigger PV's.
Fenwick Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 This is a good thing..because I just gost wasted jumped online and ordered a VP1, a puresmoker passthru, and a a liquid express DYI kit, pluss some juice..............I'm in trouble. I have an untouched Johnson Creek sampler for trade, 3 510's, and a bunch of tobacoo flavored juice if any one wants it!
TheSmokingMan Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 This is a good thing..because I just gost wasted jumped online and ordered a VP1, a puresmoker passthru, and a a liquid express DYI kit, pluss some juice..............I'm in trouble. I have an untouched Johnson Creek sampler for trade, 3 510's, and a bunch of tobacoo flavored juice if any one wants it! OK, #1 don't drink and drive, #2 don't drink and shop on-line. If you must drink while on-line then let someone sober have the key's to your bank account! Drinking while on-line is like grocery shopping when your hungry or stoned, you'll buy everything you see. DON'T DO IT!! You'll regret it in the morning or whenever.... Judging from your spelling and diction you were still wasted when you wrote that post. Now, I'm not a "T-Totaler" (that's a person who is opposed to alcohol), but I'm not a lush (that's a drunk) either. I like my Pear Cider, White Zinfandel, Aggie Red, and Tequila along with various other easily abused substances, but I learned a long time ago that what might seem to be a good thing tonight, ain't always a good thing when you wake up (you can draw your own conclusions here), especially if you feel it would be better to chew your arm off. That being said, don't buy stuff when your drunk, dummy! If buyers remorse doesn't get to you, your wife or girlfriend will! Of course I only say this because I care, it kinda like tough love.
Fenwick Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 Yeah..........I'm totaly drunk, but no remorse here. I have a sweet VP1, a towel, anda bunch of juice on the way. Granted I have to explain it to the wife (if she intercepts the mail). but in the spirit of this this thread: I hve a bunch of 510 gear if anybody wants it. I am expecally(I know this is rediculy mispelled). I would love a juice trade for my aging 510 gear. I just read this and I...LOL?
TheSmokingMan Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 Yeah..........I'm totaly drunk, but no remorse here. I have a sweet VP1, a towel, anda bunch of juice on the way. Granted I have to explain it to the wife (if she intercepts the mail). but in the spirit of this this thread: I hve a bunch of 510 gear if anybody wants it. I am expecally(I know this is rediculy mispelled). I would love a juice trade for my aging 510 gear. I just read this and I...LOL? Your messed up, I think you might try pressing the ctrl and alt and del key at the same time and see what happens!
Fenwick Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 oh smoking man you make me laugh. Im good. Nice and grounded. and..........I have a lot of cool stuff on the way!
Christopher Posted October 21, 2009 Author Posted October 21, 2009 Alright classified section it is! I thought about creating a whole new area for classified but I think another sub forum will be sufficient for now. I'll get it done sometime by this morning, I just need to finish drinking my morning Tea, I'm not quite awake yet. (What 24 year old wakes up to Tea in the morning, I know)
Christopher Posted October 21, 2009 Author Posted October 21, 2009 OK the classified section is up and running. It can be found in the Vapor Lounge area on the main page of the forums. If there is a feature you would like please post back here.
jmhester Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I would be up for a classified section. I have some 510 stuff I never use that I would like to ditch.
Christopher Posted October 22, 2009 Author Posted October 22, 2009 Classified section has been created It's on the front page in the Vapor Lounge Area
KansasVaper Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 Classified section has been created It's on the front page in the Vapor Lounge Area Thanks Chris!!
TheSmokingMan Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Classified section has been created It's on the front page in the Vapor Lounge Area Woo Hoo! How did that happen?
Sean Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 I kind of like the idea. Lol, I can picture it now though, Vapor Talk becoming the new "Craig's List" of e-cigs. We can call it Vapor Talk's List,
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