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I have an inferno ecig battery, been working for two weeks, fully charged. When connected to a tank flashes three times. Doesn't produce any vapor. When not connected appears to work normally. Anyone have any thoughts? I already got a new battery just curious as to what happened. Thanks


Not familiar with Inferno ,but some batteries don't like low resistance due to high current flow.If your tank works on the new similar battery I would say the battery took a dump on you.This stuff is very low price and the QC is minimal especialy on some low end brands that don't have a name to protect.


Thanks, yeah I am aware of the low quality control as an issue. I was using 1.8ohms atty with it so that makes sense with what you are saying about the high current flow. I was just curious. Thanks again. Love this forum!


Just a thought but could it be that the battery center post isn't making contact with the atty? You can -- be very careful and do this slowly -- use a very small screw driver and work the center post of the battery higher. Might be worth a try?

Here's a youtube vid that shows how.

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