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hey everybody i just made my first ss mesh wick and coiled it then connected the vivi nova to my vamo. the ohms read 2.6 which was around what i was shooting for. i made it exactly like all the youtube videos show and when i started vapeing i got a terrible flavor. very hard to describe. did i do something wrong? anyone else experience this?


Alright I got it working finally but now the atomizer is flooding. Could I need a fatter wick. It looks like the juice is getting in right where the wick is touching the body of the atomizer. Any help is appreciated!.


Take note of your mesh, it might be best suited for VG based liquids. (which is good thing to know). Try adding some vg to your juice, thicken it up a bit.

Thicker wick might help with a vnova, but I don't know. I do know that with the regular genesis attys, it actuaclly wicks better... holds more juice for chain vaping sessions, when the wick is thicker. (for me, imho).

Try it! Your particular wrap and juice just might need a thicker wick. :)


How's it going? Did you try a thicker juice? A thicker wick? Both? Neither?

You're kind of leading the pack here, you're the Captain of the Viva REbuild enterprise. :)

Be sure to let us know (for future VNrba users) what you come up with.

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