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OK, please give me the bottom line on how to clean the atomizer. I have read to boil it, not to boil it, to soak it in water overnight, to run warm water through it, to use cola, vodka and other things I can't remember.

What's the concensus, or is there one??




I have blown them out, very gently, and let them drain overnight. That seems to work well. I have also used the boiling with some luck. I have had success with my 510 atty's and I have killed a 801 atty using this method. Make sure you blow them out, gently, and let them dry before using them again. You will also have to prime them with juice before use. Hope this helps.


As far as I can tell there is no consensus, you really just have to try different methods that you are comfortable doing to your atomizer.

I personally use Everclear, I am also planning on getting the ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. It is proly easier on the atomizer.


There are currently 2 ways that work faily well.

1. Blow the atomizer out from the oppisite end to clear our some of the old juice. Drip again and go back to vaping.

2. Take your atomizers and run water through it. Then boil up some water on the stove and let your atomizer sit inside the boiling water. This will get most of the bad taste out and bring your atomizer back close to new again. Keep in mind this method doesn't work perfect but it's better than nothing. Just make sure you let it dry for about 24 hours. Once it's dry add about 3-4 drops of liquid and puff again until the atomizer comes back to life.

I'm currently trying out a new method which involves using a $20 ultrasonic cleaner from amazon. If it works out well, I'll post a video on Youtube and let everyone know where to get the cleaner as well as how to clean the atomizers in the Ultrasonic cleaner. :)


You can always try my denture cleaner method. It works well for me:


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