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So i am six weeks in without an analog cig.... the first 5 weeks I didn't even think about lighting one up but this week I have really been craving one!!!

No real point in me posting this other than to do something to occupy myself so i don't give in to the urge and light one up.

Anyone else find that the craves got worse after over a month being cig free?


They did for a bit but I found if i just vaped a little more it went away. ;) Good luck and stick with it!


my apollo SS vtube hasnt left my lips LOL!!

I ordered a bunch of juice from Mrs T's but now after reading some peoples reviews... im worried about running out of the juice i have left before my order ships!

I have some green smoke carts left but the menthol tastes like wriggleys gum and im not really into the reg tobacco flavor being that i smoked new ports for 13 years!! .

my WILL POWER is being tested!!


Some 18mg some 12mg...

I mainly use the 18 during the day and bring it down to 12 at night. The liquids i just bought that haven't shipped yet are 24mg... i also got 6ml bottle of 30mg!

Hopefully that'll do it!!


Personally....I say, have a cigarette. It was the best thing I ever did. about a month in...no cravings up to that point...then out of no where, I got a craving. Mind you had gone into vaping without intending to quit smoking, it just happened. I digress...had a smoke, and almost threw up...it was so nasty. It cut the final cord of ever want to smoke again. That was a little less than 4 years ago.

The more pressure we put on ourselves to quit....the more anxiety we develop and makes the cravings worse.

side note....be very careful with the 30mg....can make you feel like ****

Posted (edited)

I agree with Kit, others wont. But go ahead and fire one up and throw up in your mouth. Probably the last one you'll have!

If you are worried about running out of Juice, you have two choices, place an order with a vendor who has known quick fullfillment and shipping, or find a brick n mortar. I see you are in CT, not sure what part and i don't know about stores in CT, but i know there is one in Wilbraham, MA. Vapers Haven They aren't the cheapest but they are local for me and do in a pinch!

Edited by Proetus

I agree with the others who've said go ahead and have one. I remember having a craving like that. There came a day that I was taking a day trip with my mom who's a smoker. I had made up my mind that I was going to bum one from her. As it turned out, as soon as she lit one, the smell of it changed my mind. You're probably making your craving worse. I think you'll take a few hits and realize you don't really want it.

Posted (edited)

Like Kitsune and Proetus said, I'm in the "go ahead and light one up" camp. For the first five days after I bought my first ecig I still smoked. On the fifth day I just didn't want them anymore. Then, a month or two after having vaped exclusively, I started thinking about a cigarette and couldn't get it out of my mind. Once I lit up and took about three drags that was it for me. Even now, after all this time without an analog, about a month ago I tried one just out of curiosity and was so grossed out I had to go brush my teeth and take a shower. :D

Edited by Tameiki

I have smoked for 44 years so when I went to e-cigs I went up one nicotine level from what I was smoking, I smoked full flavor cigs that is a 16mg of nicotine so I went to a 24 to start and I have had no problems at all but when the time comes I will start to use less nicotine until I'm down to zero.


Sounds like the same thing that happened to me. I was good for the first month or two, but then the cravings got pretty bad. They weren't constant, but when they hit, it was hard. I just kept vaping heavily and got through it. 24mg and high voltage got me through. It's been a very long time now since I've had any cravings... probably close to 2 years. After about 8-10 month I was home free.


Have a cig if you must...I guarantee it'll be the worst thing you've tasted, and will go right back to Vaping. Some people are able to stave off the cravings through sheer will-power, while others have to have the experience. One of my best friends (who is supposed to be my quitting buddy, LOL) can't stay away from cigarettes on his own. Even though I bust his balls on occasion, his tobacco usage is exponentially waning. He was a fifteen-year smoker, and has been Vaping since September. Everyone is different, though. Most of the time, merely smelling a freshly lit cig is enough to do it for me. Sometimes, I just hit the PV more. If anything, I'll comb the forums for threads like this...seeing others' trials, and courage to keep up the good fight is inspiring!!! I smoked for 22 years, and have been Vaping for only three months.


My vehicle is now a smoke free zone! Goes for personal and work truck! Fricken stinks!


made it through the weekend! Just tracked my order and is supposed to arrive tomorrow! So hopefully with these stronger juices it'll get easier.

I feel like i have gone to far to cave in and have a cigarette... Plus i think my wife would kill me much faster than that cig will so it aint worth it LOL!

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