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Hey everyone and anyone, figured id start here and say hello to all you fine people and tell you all a bit about me.

I just started vaping 6 weeks ago which just so happens to also be the last time i picked up an "analog" bogey, Being a technology dork to begin with i have already found this to be be new hobby for me. Anyway, i stated off by going into my local tobacco shop and they sold me a NoSmoke 300...Kinda was annoyed after i found out that the company is out of business and my local tobacco store was just trying to clear their shelves of the remaining stock they had.

Either way i found their carts to taste pretty bad anyway but found that i lucked out since the battery is a 510 thread. So then i went to greensmoke and found it to be a much better vaping experience and that is was got me hooked. Another week went by and did some research and went with the apollo vtube with the ce5 clearomizer I also purcheased some fruit flavors and chocolatey flavs. Funny thing was that i found the vtube to always make the ce5 taste burnt unless you run it at 3.4v or lower with a 1.7 ohm atty or 4.0 max with a 2.6 ohm. So then i tried the 510 battery from the nosmoke i originally bought with the ce5 and WOW! Thats what it is about right there!! overall it l;ooks stupid with the clearomizer on a short 510 battery but the vape is awesome!

Anyway i can ramble on forever! I look forward to taking nerdy with all yall

Happy vapin'!!

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