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So as most of you know I got nominated to serve on the CASAA board. Well now they are holding the actual voting to be on the board. So, if you guys could spare a minute could you go to the following link and vote for me? I really want to be on the board.

CASAA | Board Vote - Ends 10/25/09

I am Moobyghost on there.

Thanks to all who can spare a sec to do that for me,



Did you help spread the word about the Vapor Talk Line? ;) In fact it would be a good idea for you to call in and nominate yourself I'd be more than happy to post the audio. Give a good reason why you think you would be a great leader.

That aside, tell me a little bit about CASAA, I've never heard anything about it.


So as most of you know I got nominated to serve on the CASAA board. Well now they are holding the actual voting to be on the board. So, if you guys could spare a minute could you go to the following link and vote for me? I really want to be on the board.

CASAA | Board Vote - Ends 10/25/09

I am Moobyghost on there.

Thanks to all who can spare a sec to do that for me,


You were one of my votes...


At this point it looks like an inactive website with no features or reason to exist,

but worth watching to see what it turns in to. It appears to be a way to suck income from

the growing population of PV users without offering a real product or service. Until someone

puts their money where their mouth is and creates a reason to join and support it, I won't

be paying much attention to it.


Is there a cost to join? I checked out the site a little last night and I'm waiting for a reply from them. I'd like to know what they plan to do to help the community as a whole. I'm not against it by any means, the more who fight the better. I'm just not sure what their mission is. If it's educating the public, well there are ecig forums doing that already. But if it's fighting for our right to keep the ecig around, I'm all for it.

Some feedback would be good



CASAA is just starting up. We have a web page and a set of By Laws and that is about it. The election is to get board members so we can start doing our jobs to help the vaping community.

BTW Chris, I left a voicemail :)

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