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Child Safety


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does anyone make liquid with child resistant caps? I have a 5 year old that is way to smart which makes her way to curious. i mean we keep it out of her reach and stuff but i would rather be as safe as possible.

happy vaping


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Vaportalk juice at dietsmokes.com so far all came with child resistant caps... not to mention those flavors are wicked great... I recommend grape soda and dulcis... I haven't tried my cappuccino and exotic tobacco yet, but I probably will be tonight.

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Vapor Talk was one of the first (although not THE first) to put Child Safety Caps on our liquid here in the states. I remember when I first started using E Juice and mixing flavors I spilled about 10ml on my hand. I didn't feel all that great afterwards. So my number one priority hands down was to get true push to turn safety caps on the bottles. By far my proudest investment.

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I can agree that they all should have child proof saftey caps just as with any drug, solvent, household cleaner and/or toxic substance. It is great that most of the companies here have done it by choice instead of being forced to by the government. Those that haven't, well they should before they're told to, as an act of good faith as it will look better to the FDA if the majority of the companies are trying to be safer.

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I put all my juices in an old locking key box I had laying around for my rental properties keys.

Visions of one of my kids sucking on the tasty liquid weren't all that pleasing. I carry around

a 3ml bottle or two and refill them from the bottles in the box. If anything its a peace of mind thing.

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I put all my juices in an old locking key box I had laying around for my rental properties keys.

Visions of one of my kids sucking on the tasty liquid weren't all that pleasing. I carry around

a 3ml bottle or two and refill them from the bottles in the box. If anything its a peace of mind thing.

Hey man, whatever it takes, "Safety is no Accident". I have a 10 month old grandson and an 8 year old at home and I wouldn't ever forgive myself if something like that were to happen to one of them. The 8 year old knows better but the baby is just that, a baby, he ate a fly yesterday before my daughter could get it away from him! I thought it was pretty cool but she liked to puked! The baby didn't seem to mind. However, I have a detached office from the house and I keep all of my juice out here on a shelf that he couldn't reach anyway. When I'm in the house the juice stays in my pocket.

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I think a lock box is a really good idea. I think a number lock box would be even better for fast access. Fast for you, hard for the kid.

I also installed a lock on my office, when I'm not in the office it's locked up. There are no kids in my home at the moment, but in a few months there will be. I have already gotten into the habbit of never taking juice out of the office for any reason unless I'm leaving the house.

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I think a lock box is a really good idea. I think a number lock box would be even better for fast access. Fast for you, hard for the kid.

I also installed a lock on my office, when I'm not in the office it's locked up. There are no kids in my home at the moment, but in a few months there will be. I have already gotten into the habbit of never taking juice out of the office for any reason unless I'm leaving the house.

That is good thinking, get yourself in the habit now, so it's second nature by the time your son arrives. It's little things like that that will make you a good father, I'm looking forward to hearing the tales of your experience into this brave new world of fatherhood.

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